100字范文 > 源义素 source-indicating sememe英语短句 例句大全

源义素 source-indicating sememe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-30 16:55:09


源义素 source-indicating sememe英语短句 例句大全

源义素,source-indicating sememe

1)source-indicating sememe源义素


1.Discussion About a Special Element of Meaning--Etymeme;试论一种特殊的词义成分——源义素

2.Human character is the unity of organism and spirit.素质的本义是本源性与本体性的结合。

3.Why "Golden Section" is Used in the Selection of Materials in Romance of the Three Kingdoms;《三国演义》艺术剪裁的“黄金分割”因素及其根源

4.Lignin from paper-making waste liquor was used as slow-releasing material to potassium fertilizer, which was propitious to resources utilization and environmental protection.木质素来源于造纸废液,作为钾肥的缓释材料,其资源环保意义重大。

5.The Analysis of Rural Household Energy Choices and the Policy of New Energy Extension;农户能源选择因素分析及对新能源推广的政策含义分析

6.The Plasma Levels of IGF-l in Patients with Chronic Cor Pulmonale and Its Significance;慢性肺源性心脏病患者血清胰岛素样生长因子1的水平及意义

7.Research on State on Associated Element and Its Meaning in Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources;元素赋存状态的研究及其在矿产资源综合利用中的意义

8.Distributions and Ecological Significance of Biological Elements in Core Sediments from Aquaculture Areas of Sanggou Bay桑沟湾养殖海域生源要素在柱状沉积物中的分布及其生态学意义

9.Carbon isotope features of alkane gases in the coal measures of the Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin and their significance to gas-source correlation四川盆地须家河组煤系烷烃气碳同位素特征及气源对比意义

10.On the Origin of the Concept of Practical Training Base and the Reverse Thought of Its Connotation--Also on Its Essential Element,Meaning and Function实训基地概念探源与内涵逆思维——兼谈要素、意义、功能

11.Rare Earth Element Geochemistry in Inner Shelf of the East China Sea and Implication for Sediment Provenance东海内陆架沉积物稀土元素地球化学特征及物源意义

12.Sources and Geological Significance of ~3He/~4He Ratios of Crude Oils from the Huangshatuo Oilfield in Liaohe Basin辽河盆地黄沙坨油田原油中氦同位素的来源及其地质意义


14.The Nature and Source of Semantic and the Origin of Fuzzy of Semantic;语义的性质、来源与语义模糊性的根源

15.Change of HO-1 activity and endogenous carbon monoxide level in the brain of newbornhypoxic ischmia rats;缺血缺氧新生大鼠脑内血红素氧化酶-1和内源性一氧化碳的变化及其意义

16.REE Characteristics of Core Q43 Sediments from Outer-shelf of East China Sea and the Provenance Indicating;东海外陆架Q43柱样沉积物稀土元素地球化学特征及其物源示踪意义

17.Derived neurotrophic factor and zinc in tic disorders children and its clinical significance抽动障碍患儿血清脑源性神经营养因子及微量元素锌水平检测及临床意义

18.Change and significance of plasma N-terminal prohormone brain natriurctic peptide and Arterial natriuretic peptide with chornic pulmonary heart disease血浆N-端脑利钠钛前体和心钠素水平在慢性肺源性心脏病中的临床意义



1.Beginning with the cognition of the systematicness of the lexical meaning, from two sides of the internal and external system, the essay comes up for discussion about a special element of meaning--"etymeme", which is a key to relation and organization of the whole system of the meaning.本文以认识词义的系统性为出发点,从词义内外部系统两方面,提出并论述了组织系联整个词 义系统的是汉语词义中的一种特殊的词义成分——源义素。


1.ASememe Based Semantic Matching of Web Information Item;一种基于义素的网页信息项语义匹配方法研究

2.The sememe succession and relevant problems in the grammaticalization of the verb gei;动词“给”语法化过程的义素传承及相关问题

3.The second level of the sememe,material conceptual and connotational sememes is the most important and determines the word function in the distribution of lexical meaning.义素是基本的语义单位,是一种多层次的结构。

4)semantic element义素

1.Thesemantic element of words restrains thesemantic element feature and distribution of syntax element.义素是词义的语义成分,义素分析是在相关词义之间进行的词义结构分解,以显示相关词义之间的联系与区别。

2.Firstly, we usesemantic element analysis to analyze the elements which consist of“the words’abnormal combination”, to find out the obvious harmonioussemantic elements contained in semantic analysis formulas .首先,运用义素分析法分析构成“非常规组合式”的各个词语的义素。

5)semantic component义素

1.The sememes that state the relation of sequence in Chinese consist of threesemantic components,which denote meaning field, starting point, sequence or grade respectively.汉语表示特定顺序关系义位的义素只有3个,这三个义素分别表示义场、起始点、顺序或级别。


1.By adapting the relevant theories and methodology of modern semantics onseme,componential analysis and semantic field,this article concentrates on the componential analysis of connotative meaning as a branch of lexical meaning system in comparison with,and with reference to,conceptual meaning.本文运用现代语义学的义素、义素分析、语义场等相关的理论和研究方法 ,以词的理性意义作对比和参照 ,将色彩意义作为词义系统的一个子系统进行了义素分析的尝试和探索。

2.Seme analyses mainly concerns disintegration of semantic components of asememe."义素"和"语义特征"的所指虽有联系但并非完全等同。


紫杉醇 ,紫素,特素,紫烷素,路泰,泰素药物名称:红豆杉醇英文名:Taxol别名: 红豆杉醇;紫杉醇 ,紫素,特素,紫烷素,路泰,泰素 外文名:Taxol ,TAX,Paclitaxel,PTX适应症: 本品适用于一线或其后的卵巢转移性癌化疗失败以后的治疗。 用量用法: 稀释的泰素注射液应先经过所连接的直径不超过0.22μm孔膜的滤过装置,使用前先用地噻米松、苯海拉明及H2一受体拮抗剂。 注意事项: 1.可有白细胞、血小板减少、贫血(血色素减少)、感染、粘膜炎、出血、过敏反应、低血压、心动过缓、心电图异常、关节痛、肌肉痛、转氨酶和胆红素升高、脱发、恶心及呕吐。 2.对本品有过敏者及骨髓抑制患者忌用。 规格: 浓缩注射液:30mg/支。 类别:抗肿瘤植物成分药
