100字范文 > 义素分析 sememe analysis英语短句 例句大全

义素分析 sememe analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-04 12:10:48


义素分析 sememe analysis英语短句 例句大全

义素分析,sememe analysis

1)sememe analysis义素分析

1.Sememe analysis is a basic means in modern semanteme studies.义素分析是现代语义研究的基本手段。

2.Thesememe analysis can be used to analyse type 2 as well as type 3 of the image wor.其中二类潜像词和三类潜像词才可能进行义素分析,而一类潜像词是无法进行义素分析的。


1.Rational use of the righteousness vegetable analysis in "beg the righteousness because of the voice";义素分析在“因声求义”中的合理运用

2.On the Role of Semanteme and Sememe in Semantic Understandings;论义位和义素分析在语义理解中的作用

3.Differentiation the Meaning of Synonym on Chinese Vocabulary Teaching in High School with Sememe Analytical Method;义素分析法与中学语文词汇教学的同义词辨析

4.Image Word and Analysis of its Sememe;义素分析为什么不能贯彻始终?──浅谈潜像词及其义素分析问题

5.Analysis of the Semantic Element in "V+zhao" and "V+dao;“V+着(zho)”和“V+到”的义素分析

6.Kernel/distinctive components and semantic analysis of Chinese action morphemes:A case study of shou(收);核心成分、别义成分与动作语素义分析——以“收”为例

7.Statistic Analysis of Relation between Meanings of Polysemic Compounds and Morphemes;多义复合词的词义与语素义关系计量分析

8.A Study on the Interpersonal Meaning in English TV Comedies;英语情景喜剧中的人际意义因素分析

9.Analyzing on the constituents of building socialistic core value system;构建社会主义核心价值体系要素分析

10.The Nature and Its Pragmatic Value of Morpheme Implicit Sememe;义位隐含义素性质的认知分析及其语用价值

11.The isotope analysis of minim lead in the gold dust has special meaning.砂金中的微量铅同位素分析具有特殊的意义。

12.A Survey and Analysis of Patients Satisfaction with Complete Denture;影响全口义齿患者满意度因素的调查与分析

13.The Influence of Nationalism in Northeast Asia on the Northeast Asian Security Cooperation Dilemma;东北亚安全合作困境中的民族主义因素分析

14.20 Characteristic Analysis and Reference Significance of Media Literacy Education in Britain;英国媒介素养教育特色分析与借鉴意义

15.An Analysis of the Elements Semantics of "把"-Sentence in TCFL;对外汉语教学中“把”字句构成要素语义分析

16.Perception on Meaning of Life and Influencing Factors Among 307 College Students in Xuzhou;307名大学生生命意义认知及其影响因素分析

17.Loving Care of Design--Semantics Analysis of Female Elements in Design;设计的关爱——设计中女性元素的语义分析

18.An Analysis of Restricting Factors of Promoting Orientation Sports among Colleges and Universities;定向运动在高校开展的意义及制约因素分析


componential analysis义素分析

1.With the aid ofcomponential analysis, the tendency in language development is disclosed through the analysis of seemingly mistaken language phenomena.义素分析法在词语解释、同义词辨析、反义词对比、修辞分析中有特殊的功用,特别是对当今有些看似错误的特殊的语言现象通过义素分析,可以窥见语言发展的新动向。

2.In a completecomponential analysis,not only the essential meaning but the implied meaning of a word should be analyzed.完整的义素分析,不但要分析词的理性义,也要分析词的隐含义。

3.Outlines the basic semantic theory of semanteme collocation andcomponential analysis, and discusses some rules of semanteme collocation and analyzes the trend that more and more abnormal semanteme collocations have been flooding in human languages.义位与义素分析法是语义理解中的基本理论和方法。

3)sememic analysis义素分析

1.The four advantages ofsememic analysis mentioned by the paper are: helpful in understanding the attribute of the word meanings, concise and simplified forms, helpful in the overall mastery of the shade of meanings and in indicating the semantic modifying conditions of the combined phrases.义素分析是一种新的词义解释方法 ,义素分析在词义解释方面有四个优势 :1 。

4)method of semanteme analysis义素分析法

1.According to the principle that sounds are combined with meanings, using themethod of semanteme analysis, this paper compartmentalizes in more detail the meanings of Da(大) that Wang Nian-sun(王念孙) said, groupes again the words listed by Wang Nian-sun(王念孙), exp.根据音义密合原则,运用义素分析法,把王念孙的“大”义加以细分,对王氏列入分组名单的词重新分组,解析了其“大”义,探讨了“大”义产生的原因。

5)On Sememic Analysis义素分析刍议

6)A Brief Talk about Semantic Analysis义素分析略说


紫杉醇 ,紫素,特素,紫烷素,路泰,泰素药物名称:红豆杉醇英文名:Taxol别名: 红豆杉醇;紫杉醇 ,紫素,特素,紫烷素,路泰,泰素 外文名:Taxol ,TAX,Paclitaxel,PTX适应症: 本品适用于一线或其后的卵巢转移性癌化疗失败以后的治疗。 用量用法: 稀释的泰素注射液应先经过所连接的直径不超过0.22μm孔膜的滤过装置,使用前先用地噻米松、苯海拉明及H2一受体拮抗剂。 注意事项: 1.可有白细胞、血小板减少、贫血(血色素减少)、感染、粘膜炎、出血、过敏反应、低血压、心动过缓、心电图异常、关节痛、肌肉痛、转氨酶和胆红素升高、脱发、恶心及呕吐。 2.对本品有过敏者及骨髓抑制患者忌用。 规格: 浓缩注射液:30mg/支。 类别:抗肿瘤植物成分药
