100字范文 > 义原 sememe英语短句 例句大全

义原 sememe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-24 19:28:53


义原 sememe英语短句 例句大全



1.To resolve this defect for the word polarity analysis,we confine the value of word similarity between in this paper,and enhance the word similarity computation on the basis of Liu s paper by employingsememes depth information,the antonym and definition .基于文本情感色彩分析的需要,把词语相似度的取值范围规定为[-1,+1],在刘群论文的基础上,进一步考虑了义原的深度信息,并利用《知网》义原间的反义、对义关系和义原的定义信息来计算词语的相似度。


1.pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism.关于极权主义原则的。

2.an advocate of the principles of humanism.人道主义原则的倡导者。

3.proletarian internationalist principles无产阶级国际主义原则

4.The other principle is that of socialism.另一个是社会主义原则。

5.It goes against the Marxist principles.这违反马克思主义原则。

6.semantic prototype model语义原形模式 语意原形模式

7.principles of internationalism and patriotism国际主义和爱国主义原则

8.Defining Methods and Principles of General-Purpose English Dictionaries;英语通用词典的定义模式和定义原则

9.There are two basic principles, the principle of democracy and the principle of socialism.原则基本上是两个:民主原则和社会主义原则。

10.Germany, as an example of Eclectic Principle, is drawing close to Universaity Principle too.以德国为例说明了折衷主义原则向普遍主义原则靠拢的趋势。

11.Broadly-defined Principle of proportion includes appropriate principle, necessity principle and narrowly-defined Principle of proportion.广义的比例原则包括适当性原则、要性原则和狭义的比例原则。

12.Principles of Marxist Philosophy马克思主义哲学原理

13.Yee Lee Industrial Chemical Ltd.义利工业原料有限公司

14.Basic Principles of Marxism马克思主义基本原理

15.generalized variational principles in theory of elasticity弹性力学广义变分原理

16.What is the literal meaning of the word?这个字的原义是什么?

17.Romanticism and Naturalism in Yuan-ye(the Work s name);《原野》中的浪漫主义和自然主义——《原野》新释

18.Reinterpretation of Prototype Theory -A Supplement to the Concept of Present Prototype Theory;原型重释——对当下原型定义的一点补充



1.The fault of blindness exists in traditional Chinese word sense disambiguation methods which are based onprimitive co-occurrence data.针对传统的基于义原同现频率的汉语词义排歧方法存在“盲目性”的不足,本文根据《知网》中对概念定义的描述,分别计算多义词的每个义项与特征词的第一独立义原、其他独立义原、关系义原、符号义原之间的相关系数;最后通过比较多义词的每个义项与特征词之间的相关系数来决定多义词的义项。

2.This paper introduces an automatic system of Chinese word sense disambiguation which is based on HOWNET and takesprimitive co-occurrence data matrix as the disambiguation knowledge.文中借助《知网》,以义原同现频率矩阵作为排歧知识,在其基础上设计并实现了一个基于义原同现频率的汉语词义排歧系统,大大地提高词义排歧的精确率。

3.There is the fault of blindness in traditionary chinese word sense disambiguation method based onprimitive co-occurrence data.针对传统的基于义原同现频率的汉语词义排歧方法存在“盲目性”的不足,笔者根据《知网》中对概念定义的描述,分别计算多义词的每个义项与特征词的第一独立义原、其他独立义原、关系义原、符号义原之间的相关系数;最后通过比较多义词的每个义项与特征词之间的相关系数来决定多义词的义项。

3)original meaning原义

1.(1)to use it soriginal meaning.归纳出此书中的“十分”有三种用法:(1)使用原义的“十分”。


1.From the seventeenth century to the late twentieth century, there emerged a modern science paradigm, which was based on the doctrines established by such scientists as Galileo, Bacon, Descartes and Newton, with mechanism, determinism andreductionism as its characteristics.从 17世纪到 2 0世纪晚期 ,在伽利略、培根、笛卡尔和牛顿等所创建理论的基础上 ,出现了一种以机械论、决定论和还原主义为特征的现代科学范式。

5)sense word义原词语

1.Having established relevant extension set for every sense of ambiguous words,we acquire automatically the linguistic knowledge about ambiguous words from the large scale corpus by thesense words in the extension sets,and build the unsupervised word sense disambiguation model.应用可拓学原理,对歧义词进行可拓分解、可拓置换等可拓变换,为歧义词的各个词义建立相应的可拓集合,利用可拓集合中义原词语从大规模语料中自动获取歧义词的语言信息,建立无指导的词义消歧模型。


1.Yoshinobu-ashihara and Kisho-kurokawa s Urban Space Theory;芦原义信与黑川纪章的城市空间理论


原汁原味烩墨鱼主 料:墨鱼约500克,洋葱1个(切碎),蒜子2粒(切茸),粟米油2汤匙,番茄2个,去籽去皮切粒,白酒1/3杯,生粉适量。制作方法:1、墨鱼洗净,取出墨囊备用,充分清洗后将墨鱼身切成环状,须则切段备用。2、蒜茸以粟米油炒香,加入洋葱碎再炒香,拌入番茄肉煮3-4分钟至软身。3、加入墨鱼块,注入白酒及少许清水,调味,上盖慢火煮30分钟至软滑,将墨鱼汁注入拌匀,以少许生粉水埋芡,乘热进食。
