100字范文 > 新义位 New Sememe英语短句 例句大全

新义位 New Sememe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-09 10:51:26


新义位 New Sememe英语短句 例句大全

新义位,New Sememe

1)New Sememe新义位

1.The Research on the Development and Evolution of Qing Dynasty"s Neologisms andNew Sememes清代新词新义位发展演变研究

2.The manifestation patterns of the new words’ new sememe are of three kinds as follows:new referent and new expression;old referent and new expression;new referent and old expression.新词语新义位的表现形式可分为以下三种:新所指新表达;旧所指新表达;新所指旧表达。


ments on Manifestation Patterns of the New Sememe of New Words: A Case Study of Chinese New Words新词语新义位的表现形式初探——以《汉语新词语》为例

2.Errors updating shape position or custom property values.更新形状位置或自定义属性值时出错。

3.Support custom key map. Support .zip Nes Rom file.新增加的特性:支持自定义键位图。

4.On Ecological Civilization in New Socialist Countryside;论社会主义新农村定位中的生态文明

5.A Study of the Pragmatic Features of New Interjections-"wsha","ah";“哇噻、嗯哼”类新兴叹词的语用义位探析

6.Reflection on the Practice of One Century:Socialism Needs Repositioning;百年实践反思:社会主义要重新定位

7.The Positioning of Government Functions in Xinjiang of Building New Socialist Countryside;新疆社会主义新农村建设中的政府职能定位

8.resume a title; resume an office; resume one"s duties.重新担任一个头衔;重新担任一个职位;重新承担义务。

9.One neocon sums up the prevailing mood in the movement.一位新保守主义者概括了运动中的主流倾向。

10.Research on the Farmer Main Body Status in the Socialism New Rural Reconstruction;社会主义新农村建设中农民主体地位研究

11.The Orientation of Times and Current Significance of Lenin s New Economic Policy;列宁新经济政策的时代定位及现实意义


13.On Spatial-temporal Orientation of New Socialistic Countryside Construction;关于社会主义新农村建设时空定位问题的探讨

14.On Farmers Subjective Position in the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside;论社会主义新农村建设中农民的主体地位

15.A Rational Thinking about the Vacancy for Key Forces in Building of the New Socialist Countryside;关于社会主义新农村建设主体缺位的理性思考

16.Position and Effect of Sports on the Construction of the Socialism New Countryside;体育在建设社会主义新农村中的地位和作用

17.The New Defining of Subjects of International Relations from Jia Yi s Populism;从贾谊的民众主义看国际关系主体的重新定位

18.The Historical Localization of the Newest Achievements of Marxism Chinese Characterization;马克思主义中国化最新成果的历史定位


Orientate socialism anew重新定位社会主义

3)new meaning新义

1.Derivation ofnew meanings during the new epoch from polysemy in the old words and polysemy in the new words;新时期新义衍生形成的多义词

2.Lots of appearance and wide applying of the new words andnew meaning in the new period are the important phenomenon in our contemporary language life,many of them have been produced by rhetoric method.新时期新词新义的大量出现并得到广泛运用是我国当前语言生活的一个突出现象,其中有相当一部分新词新义是通过修辞方式产生的,比喻等修辞手法已成为新时期新词新义生成的一种充满活力的方式,且这一类新词新义在词义的构成上也具有明显的特征,即词义色彩鲜明,带有丰富的情感体验性和浓烈的形象感,有着典型的民族语言风格。

3.This paper is mainly engaged in the twonew meanings of "Ganmao" (Catching a Cold), namely antipathy or averseness and interest.另外,“感冒”的还有两种新义项: 1。

4)new meanings新义

1.These two-syllable words producednew meanings by means of extension and rhetoric devices.《洛阳伽蓝记》是研究中古词汇系统的一部重要的语料,据调查书中共有75个双音词先秦和汉已见,而在《洛》书中产生了新义。

2.With the expansion of its usage, “Taotie” has adopted somenew meanings, and its semantic prosody has changed too.随着使用范围的扩大,“饕餮”词义泛化了,出现了一些新义新用法,如比喻“菜肴的丰富、餐宴规模大”,用在文体等其他场合则表示“规模大、规格高”。

3.In recent years,the chinese phrase"zhengdian"is used frequently and derives manynew meanings.近年来,"正点"一词广泛流行,衍生出许多新义。

5)new words and new meanings新词新义

1.This article proves that Chinese literature is closely linked to the creation ofnew words and new meanings in the Chinese translations of Buddhist scriptures,by analyzing the creation process of Xingma(形骂),Ren(仁),Wochu(卧出),Aiyin(哀音).本文分析“形骂、仁、卧出、哀音”等词的产生过程,从而说明译经新词新义的产生与中土文献息息相关:佛典新词往往运用汉语固有词语或语素构成;佛典新义新用法往往是汉语固有词语含义的引申或扩展; 某些新词往往是汉语固有词语的充分运用。

2.From thenew words and new meanings of a dynasty,we can feel some developments of that society.在词汇发展史上,外部原因是催生新词新义的重要力量,透过某个时代的新词新义,可以非常直观地感受到当时的社会变化。


1.Some particular semantic combination contexts can make logical the combination of twosememes that look absurd and improper.语义超常组合主要是通过运用修辞手段来实现的,语义超常组合也可以通过改变词义的感情色彩来实现,某种特定的语义组合环境也可以使原本显得荒谬或不合情理的两个义位的组合显得合情合理。

2.According to the relation ofsememes,a word has both original meaning and extended meaning.从词义义位之间的关系看,词有本义和引申义。

3.Synchronically speaking,it is impossible for a word to contain simultaneously two conflictingsememes,and the word-meaning cannot simply be defined by the context in which the word is used.通过对反训的经典例词"臭"的分析,我们认为:如果从共时同一性角度来确定词,那么一个词不可能同时具有正反两个义位,对词义的解释不能随文释义,同时,词义的发展也不可能从义位"A"引申发展为其反义义位"-A","臭"不是一个反训词。


