100字范文 > 依恋理论 attachment theory英语短句 例句大全

依恋理论 attachment theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-23 09:19:50


依恋理论 attachment theory英语短句 例句大全

依恋理论,attachment theory

1)attachment theory依恋理论

1.This paper includes a review of literatures of psychology and marketing, points outattachment theory, brand relationship and self-congruence theory as theoretical basements of .通过对心理学和营销学领域大量相关文献的系统梳理,提出品牌依恋建立于依恋理论、品牌关系理论和自我一致性理论基础之上;评析品牌依恋单维度、多维度概念的相关研究,辨析其与品牌态度、品牌至爱、品牌承诺、品牌涉入等概念的异同;结合已有研究分析品牌依恋的形成机理与行为结果;指明品牌依恋理论未来主要研究方向。

2.Attachment theory, as a comprehensive developmental model of pain, implicates individual adult attachment pattern in the ontogenesis and maintenance of chronic pain.将慢性疼痛和依恋理论联结起来的模型-慢性疼痛依恋素质模型(ADMoCP),为理解慢性疼痛形成和维持的条件、把依恋干预方案和传统治疗方案结合在一起预防、干预和治疗慢性疼痛提供了依据。



2.The Psychodynamic views and research;依恋理论中的心理动力学观点及研究

3.The Generalization of Human Relationships in Attachment Theory and Its Application Significance;依恋理论的人际关系说及其实用意义

4.Implications of Attachment Theory in Regulating College Students Negative Emotions;依恋理论对调节大学生负性情绪的启示

5.Some Hot Topics in Attachment Theory -Comment on Hu & Meng;依恋理论中的几个热点问题概述——兼评胡平等《城市婴儿依恋类型及判别函数的建立》

6.The Exploring Study on Improving Dating Couples Intimate Relationships by Applying Adult Attachment Theory;运用成人依恋理论改善情侣亲密关系的探索性研究

7.Finally, the author adopted attachment theory to explain the role of social support on Internet addiction.最后,研究者以依恋理论的观点释图解释社会支持对于网络成瘾的影响历程。

ments on Significance in Psychopathology of Early Parent-child Attachment Patterns;论早期亲子依恋模式的心理病理学意义

9.Study on the Mental Health of College Students in Different Attachment Styles;不同依恋类型的大学生心理健康研究

10.On the Effect of the EarlyDependence of Security on Children sPsychological Development;早期安全依恋对儿童心理发展的影响

11.On the Homosexuality and Family Senses in Crystal Boys;反叛与皈依——论《孽子》中的同性恋情与家国意识

12.I kept hanging on to Frank, and ignoring the rest of you.我依恋着弗兰克,而不理睬你们所有的人。

13.Thomas Hardy s Rational Rejection of and Emotional Nostalgia for Christianity;托马斯·哈代对基督教的理性反叛与情感依恋

14.A psychological study of the juvenile addicts to the net;影响青少年网络依恋的心理因素及对策

15.Adult attachment and mental health of policemen.公安干警依恋类型与心理健康的相关性研究

16.A Study on the Relation among Attachment,Perfectionism and Mental Health of Adolescents青少年依恋、完美主义和心理健康的关系

17.Dogs are more faithful animals than cats; these attach themselves to places, and those to persons.狗比猫忠心,后者依恋地方,前者依恋人。

18.Romantic attachment is adult"s emotional bond with partner.婚恋依恋是成人与情侣间的依恋情感联结。


Brief Comment on Children Oedipal Theory儿童依恋理论述评

3)object relational/attachment theories客体关系/依恋理论

1.There are three major developmental theories of sense of shame:object relational/attachment theories,functionalist emotion theories and cognitive-attributional theories.有关羞耻感的发展有三种主要理论:客体关系/依恋理论、机能主义理论和认知归因理论。


1.Relationship between Attachment,Parenting Style and Depression;依恋与父母教养方式及抑郁之间的关系

2.Mediation Effect of Coping Strategies on the Relationship between Attachment and Negative Emotions in College Students;应对策略在大学生依恋与负性情绪中的中介作用

3.The Characters of Infant-fosterer Attachment in Young Autistic Children;婴幼儿孤独症患者亲子依恋类型及影响因素分析

5)Adult Romantic婚恋依恋

1.Review and Prospects of Study OnAdult Romantic Attachment;成人婚恋依恋研究回顾与展望

6)theoretical foundation理论依据

1.An Analysis on Theoretical Foundation and Elementary Frame of Organizational System of Modern Commerce & Trade Logistics Distribution;现代商贸物流配送组织体系的理论依据和基本框架

2.Thetheoretical foundation and necessity for the colleges and universities to develop the field survival education高校开展野外生存教育的理论依据与必要性分析

3.It offers the effectivetheoretical foundation for the fact that expand the function of the instrument and realize computer acquisition and deal with the data.文章从相互啮合的一对渐开线齿廓齿轮啮合原理出发,介绍了在齿轮双面啮合综合检查仪上用千分表进行读数的方法,为扩展仪器的功能及实现计算机采集与处理数据提供有效的理论依据。


