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附着体 attachment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-03 20:08:38


附着体 attachment英语短句 例句大全



1.Construction of three dimensional finite element model for edentulous maxilla restored with implants andattachment.;种植体和附着体联合修复上颌无牙颌三维有限元建模

2.Retrospective investigation of clinical application of ERAattachment denture to Kennedy Ⅱ dentition defect;ERA附着体义齿修复Kennedy Ⅱ类牙列缺损的临床评估

3.The clinical application of sterngoldattachment in complete overdenture;太极扣附着体全口覆盖义齿的咀嚼效果及固位力测试


bined application of magnetic attachments and extracoronal attachments磁性附着体与冠外附着体的联合应用

2.A clinical observation of combined application of magnetic attachments and extracoronal attachments磁性附着体与冠外附着体联合应用的临床观察

3.Clinical appliance of magnetic attachments in oral denture prostheses磁性附着体在义齿修复中的应用体会

bined clinical appliance of stup-type attachments and extracoronal attachments球帽型附着体与ERA型冠外附着体联合应用效果评价

5.Clinical application on foursquare coil cable root cap attachment system in removable partial dentures四角圈簧根帽附着体义齿的临床应用

6.Feasibility of Intracoronal Attachment for Tilted Abutment with Low Occlusogingival Distance倾斜短基牙冠内附着体的可行性研究

7.The clinical design for complete overdenture retained with implants and bar clip attachments种植体—杆卡式附着体固位的覆盖全口义齿设计

8.The Analysis of Finite Element in Restoring Maxillary Edentulous Jaw with Implant and Attachment Denture;种植体和附着体修复上颌无牙颌的有限元分析

9.Objective: To observe the results of using magnetic attachment in complete overdenture.目的:观察磁性附着体全口覆盖义齿修复的效果。

10.Biomechanical Research for Ti-Alloy Attachment Overdenture钛合金附着体式覆盖义齿的生物力学研究

parative study of masticatory efficiency between attachment dentures and clasp removable partial dentures附着体义齿与卡环可摘局部义齿咀嚼效率研究

12.Clinical effects of complete mandibular overdenture with magnetic att achments下颌磁性附着体覆盖全口义齿的临床疗效观察

13.capable of being adsorbed or accumulated on a surface of a solid.能被吸附或附着于固体的表面。

14.Adsorb means to attract and hold to the surface substances, liquids, or gasses.被吸附意味着去吸附表面上的物质、液体或气体。

15.The electrode attached to this region.附着在晶体管这个区域的电子。

16.Having only one site of attachment.Used of an antibody or antigen.仅有一个附着地点的。用于抗体或抗原

17.Having several sites of attachment for an antibody or antigen.有几个抗体或者抗原附着的位置的

18.They carry captured gas with them in the bed.它们就带着吸附的气体在床内运动。



1.Attachments for Mandibular Implant-supported Overdenture: A Systematic Review;应用不同类型附着体的下颌种植覆盖义齿的系统评价

2.Application of stud-nap attachments and magnetic attachments in complete overdentures;在全口义齿修复中联合应用按扣式附着体与磁性附着体的探讨

3)Conex attachmentConex附着体

1.ResultsConex attachment denture had good appearance, comfort, stability, mastication.方法为12例游离端牙列缺损患者制作12件Conex附着体义齿,每件义齿设计2副Conex附着体或1副Conex附着体和1个联合卡环,并对其进行3~24个月的临床疗效观察。

4)wall attached墙体附着

1.Taking one of the most expressive factors of architecture--wall as the object to reseach,the paper probes the application ofwall attached technique in architectural creation.针对建筑中最具表现力的元素之一———墙体 ,深入探讨墙体附着这一手法在建筑创作中的应用 。

5)medium rearing附着掩体

1.An experiment was made on artificialmedium rearing Megalopa of the blue swimming crab(Portunus trituberculatus )in net cages with total area of 20 m2, set in the prawn ponds with total area of 40 mu.在40亩虾池内设置网箱20m2,以鲜活鱼虾蟹蛤肉糜为饵料,以棕帘、鲜活海草、芦苇、麦秆为附着掩体,对人工培育的三疣梭子蟹前期大眼幼体进行中间培育试验。

6)ERA attachmentERA附着体

1.However, for theERA attachment which is being used more and more in domestic, there are not so many studies that systematically evaluated its mechanism and the effect of f关于近年来使用较多的ERA附着体,其作用机理、影响因素及不同缺失情况的修复设计还缺乏系统研究。


