100字范文 > 太极扣附着体 sterngold attachment英语短句 例句大全

太极扣附着体 sterngold attachment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-03 14:58:02


太极扣附着体 sterngold attachment英语短句 例句大全

太极扣附着体,sterngold attachment

1)sterngold attachment太极扣附着体

1.The single side design of the distal extension partial denture withsterngold attachment.;太极扣附着体修复单侧游离缺失的临床观察


1.Histocompatibility evaluation of complete overdenture with sterngold attachment太极扣附着体覆盖全口义齿修复后的组织相容性评价

2.Effect of Easy Resilient Attachment (ERA) on Gingival Health of the Restored Teeth游离端义齿修复中太极扣附着体对基牙牙周的影响

3.The Evaluation of Masticatory Efficiency of Stern ERA Attachment in the Restoration of KennedyⅡ Dentition Defect太极扣精密附着体修复KennedyⅡ类牙列缺损的咀嚼效能评价

4.Effects of stern-gold attachment and magnetic attachment on mandible over-denture retention:A comparative study太极扣和磁性附着体覆盖义齿修复下牙列缺失疗效比较

5.Application and discussion of stud-snap attachment in removable prosthesis按扣式附着体在活动修复中的应用及探讨

parison of masticatory efficiency of the mandibular implant overdentures with stud attachments按扣型附着体下颌种植覆盖义齿咀嚼效率比较

7.Clinical Application of Distal Extensive Partial Dentures with CEKA Attachments按扣式附着体义齿修复游离端牙列缺损的临床应用

8.The old man was attired in a suit of glistening watered silk, trimmed with steel buttons, beautifully cut and polished.老唐太斯现在已成了众人注目的焦点。他穿着一套剪裁合体、熨得笔挺、钉着铁钮扣的黑衣服。

9.Her unbuttoned jacket opened to show two huge, pendulous breasts.小棉袄本没扣着,胸前露出一对极长极大的奶来。

bined application of magnetic attachments and extracoronal attachments磁性附着体与冠外附着体的联合应用

11.And Mrs. Harper sobbed as if her heart would break.接着哈帕太太似乎伤心至极,哽咽着,泣不成声。

12.A clinical observation of combined application of magnetic attachments and extracoronal attachments磁性附着体与冠外附着体联合应用的临床观察

13.On the Value of Tai Ji Exercise太极相谐 动静相宜——论中国古代太极拳“太极”文化的本体及价值义

14.The ball is too low to spike.这球太低,扣不了。

15.Profiling Hollow Brick Leakage Preventability Wall and Its Crack Prevention Study;异型扣式砌块自防水砌体极其抗裂研究

16.To Aim at Stabilization and Development and Face up to the Challenge of Electric Power Structural Reform;紧扣稳定与发展 积极应对电力体制改革

17.capable of being adsorbed or accumulated on a surface of a solid.能被吸附或附着于固体的表面。

18.Taijiquan s active influence on people s health;谈太极拳对人体身心健康的积极影响


EAR attachment太极扣弹性附着体

1.The application ofEAR attachment in the one-sided ended free deletion;太极扣弹性附着体在单侧游离端缺失修复的应用

3)Stern ERA attachment/therapeutic use太极扣精密附着体/治疗应用


1.Observation of the Clinical Effect to KennedyⅡ Dentition Defect withERA Resilient Precision Attachment;太极扣精密附着体修复KennedyⅡ类牙列缺损的临床效果观察

5)To become attached, fixed, or joined.附着,扣紧粘

6)limit of attachment附着极限


毕扣扣灵碱分子式:CAS号:性质:又称毕扣扣灵(碱),荷包牡丹碱。天然存在的是右旋体。细长片状结晶(由氯仿-甲醇中结晶)。熔点215℃。也有报道熔点177℃。旋光度+130.5°(由氯仿中结晶),pKa4.84。溶于苯、氯仿、醋酸乙酯,微溶于乙醇和乙醚;无色柱状棱晶(由甲醇中结晶),熔点195℃,旋光度+123°(c=3.58,氯仿)。易溶于氯仿,不易溶于乙醚、丙酮及乙醇中,能溶于热的苛性碱中。存在于罂粟科植物土延胡(Corydalishumosa Migo)的块茎中,化学合成可得到其外消旋体。具有兴奋子宫作用。具有强烈的致惊厥作用,且发作快、持续时间短,有可能用作癫痫的诊断用药。
