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眷恋 attachment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-01 04:02:22


眷恋 attachment英语短句 例句大全




1.He is sentimentally attached to his wife.他对他的妻子十分眷恋。

2.Could it be that r m in love?难道我有所眷恋吗?

3.have a sentimental attachment to one"s birth-place对出生地有眷恋之情

4.I have a soft spot for my old school.我对母校怀有眷恋之情。

5.Of soup and love, the first is best.第一匙汤味最鲜,初恋的情人最眷恋。

6.Desolation and Sentimental Attachment -- On Aesthetic Style of ZHANG Ai-ling s Novel Creation;苍凉中的眷恋与眷恋中的苍凉——张爱玲小说创作的审美风格

7.I"m becoming increasingly disenchanted with London.我对伦敦渐渐不那麽眷恋了.

8.It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer that we got this far睿智的勇士又怎能不万分眷恋!

9.Youth look forward and age Backward青年人展望未来,老年眷恋过去

10.free from provincial prejudices or attachments.没有偏狭的偏见或者眷恋。

11.Hankering and Despair --Comment on the novelette of Wheat fields over the city of Wacheng;眷恋与决绝——解读《瓦城上空的麦田》

12.A girl leisure shoe, new style in vogue, the gold color sunlight loves dearly.一款女生休闲鞋,时尚新款,金色阳光的眷恋.

13.As for me, the atmosphere and surroundings of the place where my parents live have no sentimental attachment.我对父母居住之地的气氛、环境没有眷恋的情感。

14.Emerson sighed in vain for, the friendly institution of the Café in Boston.爱默生徒然眷恋波士顿咖啡馆的友好气氛。

15.Emerson sighed in vain for the friendly institution of the Cafe in Boston.爱默生徒想眷恋着波士顿咖啡馆的友好气氛。

16." At first sight he was not the kind of a man a woman would look at twice.乍一看,他并不是那种令女性眷恋不舍的男子。

17.You have to discard your yearnings for the profane world once you become a monk.一入禅门, 你要抛却自己对于尘世的眷恋。

18.People live strongly cling to something on the earth where a blade of grass had not left.人们眷恋地生存在这寸草不生的荒芜地球上。


To regard the family"s apartment with tenderness; to think of one"s parents眷恋庭帏

3)attachment(to/for sb/sth);affection;devotion依恋;眷恋;留恋

4)love and attachment热爱与眷恋

5)Abandon and Attach决绝与眷恋

6)sentimental affection to the fields and gardens田园的眷恋


