100字范文 > 颌间固定 Intermaxillary fixation英语短句 例句大全

颌间固定 Intermaxillary fixation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-10 23:36:20


颌间固定 Intermaxillary fixation英语短句 例句大全

颌间固定,Intermaxillary fixation

1)Intermaxillary fixation颌间固定

1.During the intermaxillary fixation period, oral cavity was clean well, injury was slight and fracture .目的: 探讨螺钉颌间固定的方法成功率及治疗效果,提供一种对牙齿没有负担的颌间固定器。


1.Clinical Analysis of the Results in 87 Patients with Mandibular Fractures Treatedby Rigid Internal Fixation and Intermaxillary Fixation;坚强内固定与颌间固定治疗下颌骨骨折87例临床分析

2.Supporting Micro~titanium Rigid Fixation Intermaxillary Fixation for the Treatment of Mandibular Fracture Analysis of 36 Cases微型钛板坚强内固定辅助颌间固定治疗下颌骨骨折36例临床分析

3.Clinical Application of Plant Titanium Screw in Intermaxillary Traction and Fixation种植钛钉行颌间牵引固定的临床应用

4.The application of intermaxillary traction in the surgical treatment of rigid internal fixation of mandible multiple fracture颌间牵引在下颌骨多发性骨折坚强内固定手术中的应用

5.Under Rigid Internal Fixation of Mandibular Fractures Clinical Analysis of 63 Cases下颌骨骨折坚固内固定63例临床分析

6.Mandibular fracture rigid internal fixation clinical analysis of 103 cases下颌骨骨折坚固内固定103例临床分析

7.It can be adjusted according to size of different patient"s head, such as the distane between malor holder, distance between superciliary ridge and lower jaw, and fix both tempora to prevent head from swaying.使用时根据病人头颅大小,适当调节颧骨支架间距,眉弓—下颌间距,双颞部固定防止头颅晃动。

8.He set his jaw and concentrated on flying the plane through the storm.他固定下颌,专心于在风暴中飞行

9.The Biomechanical Study of RIF in Maxillofacial Fractures颌骨骨折坚强内固定的生物力学研究

10.Therapy for Old Fractures in Maxillary Bone with Rigid Internal Fixation上颌骨陈旧性骨折的内固定治疗探讨

11.3-D Finite Element Analyses of the Internal Fixation of Mandibular Fracture下颌骨骨折内固定的三维有限元分析

12.Clinical Application of Rigid Internal Fixation in Fracture of Jaws;坚固内固定技术在颌面部骨折中的临床应用

13.Study miniplate osteosynthesis of mandibular fracture in 46 case小型钛板坚固内固定下颌骨骨折46例临床分析

14.Analysis on post-fixation complications cauesed by internal fixation of fractured jawbone with titanium board颌面骨骨折钛板坚固内固定术后并发症分析

15.Experience of rigid internal fixation treatment in 26 cases jaw fractures坚固内固定术治疗26例颌骨骨折的体会

16.Clinical Application of Rigid Internal Fixation with Intraoral Incision in the Treatment of J aw Fracture颌骨骨折坚固内固定术中口内切口的临床应用

17.Effects on TMJ and Maxillofacial Profile with Fixed Inclined Bite-Plate in Mandibular Retrusion by MRI and Cephalometry;固定斜面导板治疗下颌后缩TMJ的MRI及其对牙颌面综合效应的研究

18.Three-dimensional Finite Element Study of Mandibular Biomechanics and Rigid Internal Fixation of Mandibular Fractures;下颌骨生物力学及下颌骨骨折坚强内固定的三维有限元研究


Maxillomandibular fixation颌间固定

1.With the help of maxillomandibular distraction pre-operation and post-operation and temporary maxillomandibular fixation during operation,the fracture bones were smoothly reduced and fixed.结论经口内切开小型接骨板坚固内固定辅以颌间固定治疗下颌骨骨折效果可靠,术后并发症少,是一种理想的手术方法。

3)IMF[英][,a? em "ef][美]["a? "?m "?f]颌间牵引固定

1.A comparison betweenIMF screws and arch bars for the intermaxillary fixation of mandibular fractures HU;颌间结扎钉和牙弓夹板行颌间牵引固定的比较

4)circlet method of intermaxillary fixation小环颌间固定法

5)fracture of maxilla颅颌固定

1.The clinical study of comparing the simplified craniomaxillo fixtion technique and the craniomaxillo fixtion technique to treat thefracture of maxilla;简易颅颌固定技术与传统方法治疗上颌骨骨折的临床对比研究

6)Jaw fixation techniques颌骨固定技术


