100字范文 > 舷侧 broadsid英语短句 例句大全

舷侧 broadsid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-19 11:11:09


舷侧 broadsid英语短句 例句大全



1.Reliability analysis ofbroadside defensive structure subjected to underwater explosion水下爆炸载荷下舰船舷侧防护结构可靠性分析


1.the ship was broadside to the dock.船的舷侧靠近码头了。

2.(naval) the simultaneous firing of all the armament on one side of a warship.(海军)船舷侧面的所有武器同时开火。

3.(of a boat)take in(water)over the side,eg in a storm(指船)舷侧进(水)(如在风暴中)

4.They is teach how to bear rivet hole in the side of ships有人教他们如何在船的舷侧钻铆孔

5.They are taught how to bear rivet hole in the side of ships.有人教他们如何在船的舷侧钻铆孔。

6.The schooner chafed its sides against the dock那只双桅船碰到码头擦坏了舷侧。

7.bilge board scow一种装有舷侧披水板的平底浅水赛艇

8.All the guns on one side of a warship.一只军舰上的全部舷侧炮

9.A channel at the edge of a ship"s deck to drain away water.舷侧排水沟轮船甲板边上排水的沟

10.Marine flanged cast steel over board stop check valveGB/T1853-1994船用法兰铸钢舷侧截止止回阀

11.Research of Flank Arrays in Self-guide Torpedo"s Snake Search舷侧阵在自导鱼雷蛇行搜索中的研究

12.Application of Sandwich Panel in Anti-shock Design of Warship’s Side Structure夹层板在舰船舷侧防护结构中的应用

13.The surface of a ship"s hull above the water line.水上舷侧在齐水线以上船体的表面部分

14.The sounding pipe in No.1 top side tank (port side)to be renewed, dia. Approx.50mm.第一舷侧水柜(左边)里测量管需换新,直径约50?.

15.The Study of Beamforming and Higher Resolution Methods for Broadside Arrays;基于舷侧阵波束形成与高分辨方法研究

16.The Direct Design and Research of the Double-side Skin Bulk Carriers Converted from a Tanker某油船改造为双舷侧散货船的直接设计研究

17.Crashworthiness of hull structures impacted by different double-hull forms双壳结构形式对舷侧结构耐撞性能的影响

18.Fatigue assessment of hold frame in bulk carriers based on common structural rules基于共同规范的散货船舷侧肋骨疲劳强度分析



3)flank array舷侧阵

1.Mathematical model offlank array sonar′s target moving analysis;舷侧阵声呐目标运动分析数学模型

4)side structure舷侧结构

1.Described the simulation of the behavior of the double skinnedside structure in collision.对某集装箱船双层舷侧结构的碰撞历程进行了数值模拟 ,在采用刚性撞头的情况下研究了它的能量吸收能力和碰撞损伤情况 ,并对各个构件在碰撞过程中的作用进行了分析。

2.It is good for the collision security of theside structure under the collision of striking bows with smaller ship parameter of bulbous and bigger bow angles.本文利用数值仿真软件MSC/Dytran,对具有不同曲率的球鼻型船艏和不同张角的常规船艏撞击下舷侧结构的碰撞性能进行了定量的比较研究,既深化了船舶碰撞性能的研究,也为船舶耐撞结构设计提供了指导。

5)shell plates舷侧板

6)defense of ship panels舷侧防护


