100字范文 > 舷侧防护结构 broadside defensive structure英语短句 例句大全

舷侧防护结构 broadside defensive structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-24 23:10:01


舷侧防护结构 broadside defensive structure英语短句 例句大全

舷侧防护结构,broadside defensive structure

1)broadside defensive structure舷侧防护结构

1.The dynamic response process of a cabin of shipbroadside defensive structure subjected to the underwater contact explosion load is simulated and computed with the software and ALE algorithm.该文利用ALE(Arbitrary Lagrange-Euler)算法,应用非线性动力有限元软件LS-DYNA,计算了舰船一个舱段的舷侧防护结构在水下接触爆炸载荷作用下的动态响应过程,给出了各层防护板的应力、应变、速度和位移等动态参数的时间历程,讨论水下接触爆炸载荷对舷侧防护结构的破坏效应及影响。


1.Application of Sandwich Panel in Anti-shock Design of Warship’s Side Structure夹层板在舰船舷侧防护结构中的应用

2.Reliability analysis of broadside defensive structure subjected to underwater explosion水下爆炸载荷下舰船舷侧防护结构可靠性分析

3.Investigation of the response of broadside protection structure subjected to internal blast loading舱室爆炸载荷作用下舷侧防护结构的响应研究

4.Destroy Research the Defendence Structure Near Shipboard of Warship Subjected to Underwater Contact Explosion;舰船舷侧防护结构在水下爆炸载荷作用下的破坏研究

5.Research on Response Simulation of War-Ship Broadside Procective Structure under Inner Explosion大型水面舰艇舷侧防护结构内爆的数值模拟研究

6.Finite element analysis of structure improved of rubber fender front panel橡胶护舷改良防冲板结构有限元分析

7.Design of the Energy Absorbing Structure of Underwater Torpedo Defence Cabin of Major Surface Ships大型水面舰艇舷侧水下防雷舱吸能结构论证设计

8.Crashworthiness of hull structures impacted by different double-hull forms双壳结构形式对舷侧结构耐撞性能的影响

9.Research on Blast Resistance Mechanism of Warship Broadside Defensive Structure Subjected to Underwater Contact Explosion舰船舷侧结构水下抗爆试验和机理研究

10.Effect of cross-frame"s relative stiffness on shipboard crashworthiness十字隔板相对刚度对舷侧结构碰撞性能的影响

11.The foam fender shall be installed onto a solid structure or reaction panel .漂浮护舷应须安装在坚固的结构或安装板上。

12.Numerical Investigation on Penetrating Grillage Structure of Large Naval Ship Side Shell大型水面舰艇舷侧板架结构穿甲过程数值计算研究

13.Study on the influence of striking bow shape to the side structure during ship collision撞击船艏部形状对被撞船体舷侧结构碰撞性能影响研究

14.The process may not only be used for fender pile design but also for type selection of rubber fenders.该程序可用于防冲桩的设计及橡胶护舷的选型。

15.Application Study on Rubber Fender in Ship Repair Wharf各种橡胶护舷防撞装置在修船码头的应用分析

16.On flexible protection and stiff protection for structure safety under explosive/impact loading强动载荷下结构的柔性防护和刚性防护

17.A Study on Car Side Structure Design Aimed at Occupant Protection in Side Impact旨在侧面碰撞乘员保护的轿车侧面结构设计研究

posite Foundation of the Supporting Structure of the Lateral Pressure of Computing Model复合地基对支护结构的侧压力计算模式探讨


warship broadside protective structure舰船舷侧防护结构

3)defense of ship panels舷侧防护

4)side structure舷侧结构

1.Described the simulation of the behavior of the double skinnedside structure in collision.对某集装箱船双层舷侧结构的碰撞历程进行了数值模拟 ,在采用刚性撞头的情况下研究了它的能量吸收能力和碰撞损伤情况 ,并对各个构件在碰撞过程中的作用进行了分析。

2.It is good for the collision security of theside structure under the collision of striking bows with smaller ship parameter of bulbous and bigger bow angles.本文利用数值仿真软件MSC/Dytran,对具有不同曲率的球鼻型船艏和不同张角的常规船艏撞击下舷侧结构的碰撞性能进行了定量的比较研究,既深化了船舶碰撞性能的研究,也为船舶耐撞结构设计提供了指导。

5)Y type shipboard structureY型舷侧结构

6)double hull shipboard structure双层舷侧结构

1.Five structures were analyzed: single hull shipboard structure;double hull shipboard structure;double hull shipboard structure with half water in the cabin;double hull shipboard structure with full water in the cabin;and Y shape shipboard structure.分别对传统单壳舷侧结构;双层舷侧结构;双层舷侧结构,舷侧边舱灌满水;双层舷侧结构,舷侧边舱注入一半水;Y型双层舷侧结构共5种结构的抗远场水下非接触爆炸性能进行了对比计算分析。


