100字范文 > 汉语语法史 history of Chinese grammar英语短句 例句大全

汉语语法史 history of Chinese grammar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-07 07:15:29


汉语语法史 history of Chinese grammar英语短句 例句大全

汉语语法史,history of Chinese grammar

1)history of Chinese grammar汉语语法史


1.Study on Semantic Function Grammar and Modern Chinese Grammar;语义功能语法与现代汉语语法史研究

2.The Status and Role of "Generalized Form" in the History of Chinese Grammar;“广义形态”说在汉语语法史上的地位和作用

3.Reviewing and Outlooking of Study of Chinese Grammar;汉语语法研究的历史回顾与未来展望

4.An Explanation of Chinese Language History;一部解释型的汉语史——对《汉语语法化的历程》的解读

5.A Comparative Study on Three 1990s Histories of Chinese Grammar;20世纪90年代三部汉语语法通史的比较研究

6.Cognitive Grammar and Shi s Dictionary of Chinese-English Translation;认知语法与《史氏汉英翻译大词典》

7.On Methodology in Qian Zhongshu"s(钱钟书) Researching on Chinese Rhetoric History钱钟书汉语修辞史研究的方法论思考

8.The First Panorama in Research History of Chinese Word-building--A Review of A Study of Chinese Word-building;汉语构词法研究史的第一幅全景图——评《汉语的构词法研究》

9.A Successful Show on the History of Chinese Syntax --Comment on Investigation of Ancient Syntax in China(中国古代语法学探究);汉语语法学历史画卷的成功展示——论《中国古代语法学探究》

10.A Functional Study of Ru Lin Wai Shi and Its English Translation in a Context-of-Situation Perspective;功能语法用于《儒林外史》汉英语篇的研究:情景语境观

11.A Comparison between the Grammar Part of a Course in Chinese Language and That of the Chinese Textbook;《汉语教程》与《汉语教科书》语法部分比较

12.The Important Station of 《Chinese Grammar Summary》 in the History of Modern Chinese Grammar;《中国文法要略》在现代汉语语法学史上的重要地位

13.The Characteristics of Modern Chinese Grammar and the Research Standards;现代汉语语法特点和汉语语法研究的本位观

14.The Methods of Grasping the Historic Prose in the Pre-Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty Concerning the Chinese Language and Literature in Middle School;中学语文先秦两汉史传散文的解读方法

15.On the subject and methodology in the history of worldwide Chinese language education;世界汉语教育史的研究对象与研究方法

16.A Comparative Study on Passive Voice of the English, French and Chinese Languages英语、法语、汉语被动语态之比较研究

17.He knows four languages, such as Chinese, English and French.他懂四种语言,例如汉语,英语和法语。

18.Driving a Cart in Rags to Blaze a Trail in a Jungle--The 20~(th) Anniversary of the Publication of The Chinese Grammar History Written by Lin Yushan;筚路蓝缕,以启山林——纪念林玉山先生《汉语语法学史》出版二十周年


the history of Chinese grammar汉语语法史

3)Chinese grammatical history汉语语法史

4)historical syntax of Chinese汉语历史语法

1.In this paper, the issues related to the goal ofhistorical syntax of Chinese are discussed, and the preliminary conclusion is that the goal ofhistorical syntax of Chinese are: firstly, to generalize the regularity of the syntactic changes, secondly, to explain the syn-chronic variations in the contemporary Chinese, thirdly, to predict the directions of the syntactic changes in the future.本文认为,汉语历史语法研究的目标是揭示已有演变的规律、解释共时语言现象、预测未来演变的方向。

5)historical grammar of Chinese汉语历史语法

6)Chinese historical phonology汉语语音史

1.Karlgren s contribution to the study ofChinese historical phonology can be divided into twocategories:accomplished and unaccomplished.高本汉对汉语语音史研究的贡献可分已竟之业和未竟之业两项。


