100字范文 > 汉语史 history of Chinese language英语短句 例句大全

汉语史 history of Chinese language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-09 17:38:47


汉语史 history of Chinese language英语短句 例句大全

汉语史,history of Chinese language

1)history of Chinese language汉语史

1.Sutras DaZhengXinXiuDaZangJing can be confirmed as precious language materials in thehistory of Chinese language,especially from Han to South-north Dynasty,which is fit for the research on development of Chinese language.因此《大正藏》译经在汉语史上,尤其对于汉魏六朝时期,是不可多得的珍贵语料,适合对其中的语言现象进行断代的或历时的研究。


1.Chinese Information Processing and Computer-aided Research into Archaic Chinese;汉语信息处理和计算机辅助汉语史研究

2.Value of Sutras DaZhengXinXiuDaZangJing in the History of Chinese Language《大正藏》译经在汉语史上的语料价值

3.The Buddhist scripture translated into Chinese is an important corpus in the study of Chinese language history.汉译佛经是汉语史研究的重要语料,尤其是汉语词汇史研究的重要语料。

4.An Explanation of Chinese Language History;一部解释型的汉语史——对《汉语语法化的历程》的解读

5.Was there a Mandarin commonly used in the history of modernChinese?近代汉语史上有没有通行全国的官话?

6.On the Value of the Exegetical Material in the Research of Chinese Language History;试论训诂材料在汉语史研究中的价值

7.Study on Semantic Function Grammar and Modern Chinese Grammar;语义功能语法与现代汉语语法史研究

8.Study on the Spreading of Analects of Confucius of the Han Dynasty in Terms of Shi Ji, Han Shu and Hou Han Shu;从《史记》、《汉书》、《后汉书》看《论语》在两汉的流传

9.The Assimilation of the Chinese Language in the History and the Internationalization of Contemporary Chinese;历史上的汉语化进程和当代汉语的国际化传播

10.Historical Notes And Word Etymologies In Hanyu Da Cidian (The Complete Dictionary Of The Chinese Language)史料笔记与《汉语大词典》词语溯源

11.Study of the Development of the Verbs in Cooking Semantic Field;汉语“烹煮”语义场的历史演变研究

12.Historical Evolvement of Semantic Field of Chinese "Wash" Type Verbs;汉语“洗涤”类动词语义场的历史演变

13.The Phonetic History of (V+)zhe(着) in Northern Chinese;北方汉语(V+)“着”字的语音史

14.Reviewing and Outlooking of Study of Chinese Grammar;汉语语法研究的历史回顾与未来展望

15.The Relation Between Phraseology and Conception in the History of Chinese;汉语语词与概念在历史发展中的关系

16.A Cultural Approach to the Languages of Ru Lin Wai Shi and Its English Translation;《儒林外史》英汉语对比研究:语言与文化

17.This subject will be helpful to the establishment of the history of Chinese dialect and the history of Chinese dialectology.本课题的研究有助于汉语方言史和汉语方言学史的构建。

18.The Model of Dialect Phonetic Change in the Sense of the Development of Historical Linguistics;从历史语言学的发展看汉语方言语音演变方式


Chinese language history汉语史

1.The article takes “Xiong”,“Di”,“Zi”,“Mei” as an example to make a comprehensive study on compiling dictionaries, researchingChinese language history and keeping ancient books.文章选择了“兄”“弟”“姊”“妹”四个称谓词,指出在辞书编纂、汉语史研究和古籍整理方面存在的问题。

2.The exegetical studies and the research ofChinese language history are all based upon the documentary language heritages.训诂学和汉语史都是以历代流传下来的文献语言材料作为依据的。

3.The exegetical studies and the research ofChinese language history are two different but closely related disciplines.训诂学与汉语史是两个既不相同而又紧密关联的学科,虽然这两个学科产生的时代有先后,研究的目的各有侧重,但是它们的研究对象都主要是以历代流传下来的文献语言材料为依据的,因此两者从研究内容到研究方法上又存在着难以截然分离的密切联系。

3)History of Chinese汉语史

4)the history of Chinese language汉语史

5)history of the Chinese language汉语史

6)Manuscript of Chinese History《汉语史稿》

1.Discussion on Hai Guo Tu Zhi inManuscript of Chinese History《汉语史稿》中有关《海国图志》问题的商榷二则


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