100字范文 > 汉语学习与传播史 the history of Chinese learning and spreading英语短句 例句大全

汉语学习与传播史 the history of Chinese learning and spreading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-06 16:53:27


汉语学习与传播史 the history of Chinese learning and spreading英语短句 例句大全

汉语学习与传播史,the history of Chinese learning and spreading

1)the history of Chinese learning and spreading汉语学习与传播史

2)History of communication study传播学史

3)Communication History传播史学

4)Chinese learning汉语学习

1.A Survey of Ethnic Bilingual Teachers Motivation inChinese learning;新疆少数民族双语培训教师汉语学习动机调查与分析——以新疆师范大学为例

2.A Contrast Study on Chinese Learning Anxieties of American and Japanese Students;美日留学生汉语学习焦虑对比研究

3.This paper presents findings gathered from data analyses of the research on subjects of more than 300 overseas Chinese students and some Chinese teachers in Oceania,America and Africa,and discusses the contemporary situations ofChinese learning and teaching,and Chinese descendant adolescents computer proficiency level.通过对来自大洋洲、美洲、非洲等地区的三百多名华裔青少年进行问卷调查以及对部分汉语教师的访谈,分析了华裔青少年汉语学习状况、学习条件、对网络与计算机的掌握情况以及当地汉语师资状况与特征。


1.Encouraging the Motivation for Learning Chinese and Global Spread of Chinese Language;汉语学习动机的激发与汉语国际传播

2.Applications of Speech Recognition and Evaluation in Computer-Assisted Mandarin Learning;语音识别与评测在汉语学习中的应用

3.Effect of Emotion Factors on Bilingual Teachers in Chinese Study;情感因素对双语教师汉语学习的影响

4.On the Pragmatic Information of Idioms in English-Chinese Learner s Dictionary;英汉双语学习词典中习语的语用信息

5.Except politics, we study Chinese and English.我们学习汉语和英语,不学习政治。

6.He"s learning Chinese here.他在这儿学习汉语。

7.Some children study German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese.一些小孩学习德语、俄语、日语和汉语。

8.Implicit and Explicit Learning for English Phonetic Rules on Chinese Children;汉语儿童英语语音规则的内隐学习和外显学习

9.The Comparison of Intonation in English and Chinese from the Rhetorical Perspective and English Learning;英、汉语修辞中语音对比与英语学习

10.Children"s First Language Acquisition and Cultivation of Chinese Sense for the Foreign Students儿童母语习得与留学生汉语语感培养

11.Hans finds learning Chinese a grind.汉斯觉得学习汉语是件苦事。

12.The impact of Korean Hanja on the acquisition of Chinese vocabulary by Korean learners;韩语汉字词对学生习得汉语词语的影响

13.We learn Chinese, English and math in our classroom.我们在教室里学习汉语,英语和数学。

14.We study Chinese, English, maths and other lessons.我们学习汉语、英语、数学和其它课程。

15.I study Chinese, English and other subjects in school.在学校,我学习汉语、英语和其它课程。

16.Deviation Analysis on Learning Resultant Compliment of Chinese Language for Foreign Students;留学生学习汉语结果补语的偏误分析

17.The Double-blade Sword in Learning Chinese;论韩语汉字词对韩国学生学习汉语的影响

18.A Study of the Acquisition of Chinese Interrogations by English Native Speakers;针对英语母语者学习汉语疑问句的习得研究


History of communication study传播学史

3)Communication History传播史学

4)Chinese learning汉语学习

1.A Survey of Ethnic Bilingual Teachers Motivation inChinese learning;新疆少数民族双语培训教师汉语学习动机调查与分析——以新疆师范大学为例

2.A Contrast Study on Chinese Learning Anxieties of American and Japanese Students;美日留学生汉语学习焦虑对比研究

3.This paper presents findings gathered from data analyses of the research on subjects of more than 300 overseas Chinese students and some Chinese teachers in Oceania,America and Africa,and discusses the contemporary situations ofChinese learning and teaching,and Chinese descendant adolescents computer proficiency level.通过对来自大洋洲、美洲、非洲等地区的三百多名华裔青少年进行问卷调查以及对部分汉语教师的访谈,分析了华裔青少年汉语学习状况、学习条件、对网络与计算机的掌握情况以及当地汉语师资状况与特征。

5)Chinese language learning汉语学习

6)Chinese language study汉语学习

1.According to the questionaire the writer analyses and inquires initially into a number of ideas about the minority preparatory studentsChinese language study in the essay.该文在问卷调查的基础上 ,初步分析并探讨了新疆少数民族预科学生汉语学习的若干观念 :谁决定汉语学习的成败 ?管理学习过程是否重要 ?依赖母语的倾向是否要有意识地抑制 ?以期在汉语教学中对学生加以积极引


