100字范文 > 中国书法史重构 reconstruction of Chinese calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

中国书法史重构 reconstruction of Chinese calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-06 18:07:40


中国书法史重构 reconstruction of Chinese calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

中国书法史重构,reconstruction of Chinese calligraphy

1)reconstruction of Chinese calligraphy中国书法史重构


1.The Influence of the Emperor"s Ode of Shengjing with 32 kinds of Seal Characters in Manchu and Han Languages and Its Revelation to Reconstructing History of Chinese Calligraphy汉满三十二体篆书《御制盛京赋》的影响及其对中国书法史重构的启示

2.On the Style, Content and Reconstruction of Chinese Legal History Textbooks中国法律史教材的体例、内容及其重构

3.A Critique on the C-E Translations of the Script Names of Chinese Calligraphy中国书法书体名称英译对中国书法史的误读

4.Historical Writing and History Reformulation历史书写与重构——《血路——革命中国中的沈定一传奇》简评

5.The study of free and grass script in Dunhuang posthumous writing is of great importance to the history of Dunhuang calligraphy and the study of Dunhuang.敦煌遗书中行草书法的研究,对中国书法史和敦煌学的研究都具有重大的、积极的意义。

6.Modernity and the Reconstruction of Chinese Literary History of the Twentieth Century;现代性与20世纪中国文学史重构——对建国后现代文学史书写的回顾与反思

7.The Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the History of Modern Chinese Literature;中国现代文学史的建构、解构和重构

8.The End of Han Dynasty Making for Self-knowledge--A brief account of the first important turning point of the history of Chinese calligraphy;走向自觉的汉末——中国书法史上第一个重要转折时期

9.The Book of History:An Important Literature on Chinese Forestry History;《书经》——中国古代林业史的重要文献

10.The first book about the History of Jurisprudence in China --comment on The History of Jurisprudence in China;学习中国法律史的必读书——何勤华教授《中国法学史》一书评介

11.The Re-construction of Historical Situation and Whole Culture Interpretation--On the Method of Modern Construction of Chinese Classical Aesthetics;历史情境重构 整体文化解读——论中国古典美学的现代建构方法

12.Key Components in the History of Chinese Painting and Literature--Interpretation of ZHENG Ban-qiao s Paintings and Poems;中国书画史和文学史上的浓墨重彩之笔——郑板桥书画诗文解读

13.Two emperors in Chinese history loved calligraphy:中国历史上有两个酷爱书法的皇帝,

14.Query·Research·Reconstruction--A Dialysis of Several Questions about the Prehistory of China;质疑·探讨·重构——对中国史前史几个问题的透析

15.Diverse Reconstruction: the Trend of the Paradigm Reformation About Modern Chinese Literature History;多元重构:中国新文学史范式变革趋向

16.The Three Major Parts:The Reconstruction of Chinese Modern Literature History;“三大板块”:现代中国文学史的重构

17.Historical Reconception in Art: A Review of China 1957.;《中国一九五七》:历史的艺术重构

18.Wang Wei as Reconstruction and Evolution in Terms of History of Painting;王维:一个画史概念的重构与迁流——兼谈20世纪中国美术史叙事格法的转捩


China history中国史书

3)History of Chinese library中国藏书史

4)hostprical books-china图书史-中国

5)Chinese history of reading中国读书史

6)Zhongguo shujishi中国书籍史


