100字范文 > Heaviest snow in half a century hit the south of the country. It snowed continuously for h

Heaviest snow in half a century hit the south of the country. It snowed continuously for h

时间:2019-08-26 01:51:49


Heaviest snow in half a century hit the south of the country. It snowed continuously for h


Heaviest snow in half a century hit the south of the country. It snowed continuously for half a month, 41 the railways, highways, and runways in the airfields. Ice wrapped and paralyzed (使瘫痪)the power and communication system. Many people were trapped in railway stations, bus stations and airports, and 42 in cars, buses and trains. Governments and people did everything they could 43 the snow disaster, no one was killed 44 cold and hunger. Gradually, trapped people all went back home safely. Many moving stories happened during the 45. While fighting the snow, people forgot their animal friends until a moving story of a swallow couple was 46on the internet.

The swallow couple had not eaten anything for several days 47 _ the snow. They tried to fly into peoples home to warm themselves, but every house was closed 48 _. They got to a side of a balcony (阳台) 49 _ wind could not reach. They jumped and flapped their wings to attract the attention of the people inside the house, who were busy withtheir own things. The wifes body was 50, she could not move any longer. The husband came near and wrapped his wife with his wings. The husband lost his 51 soon because of his opened wings. The couple died in the cold and hunger, one 52 another.

The next morning, the housemaster went to the balcony to check his flowers and saw a 53 swallow outside the window pane, touching it, he found that they were two embracing together. Thinking of the 54 the snow had brought to the people, he was 55 to tears. He took them in, giving them some warmness which they could not 56 any longer. He found a small cardboard box, filled it with some hay and 57 the swallow couple in. He buried them in the back garden.

In my hometown in the countryside, a swallow family lives in the roof of my house. They come back from the 58 every spring to have babies. Then in autumn, when babies have grown up, they fly to the south for 59. I wonder if they will come back this spring as they 60.

41.A.protecting B.maintaining C.blocking D.keeping

42.A.even B.still C.yet D.nevertheless

43.A.fight B.fighting C.to fight D.fought

44.A.to B.from C.with D.for

45.A.process B.procedure C.practice D.progress

46.A.common B.widespread C.well-known D.familiar

47.A.regardless of B.instead of C.in addition to D.because of


48.A.loosely B.tightly C.roughly D.lightly 49.A.where B.what C.which D.to which

50.A.frozen B.terrified C.worried D.scared

51.A.faith B.heart C.courage D.heat

52.A.fastening B.packing C.wrapping D.fixing

53.A.dead B.live C.lively D.lovely

54.A.need B.hardship C.poverty D.shortage

55.A.affected B.moved C.encouraged D.satisfied

56.A.find B.gain C.own D.feel

57.A.laid B.lay C.let D.allowed

58.A.west B.east C.south D.north

59.A.spring B.winter C.summer D.autumn

60.A.were B.had C.do D.did41-45 CACBA 46-50 BDBCA 51-55 DCABB 56-60 DACBD


(答案→)41-45 CACBA 46-50 BDBCA 51-55 DCABB 56-60 DACBD




43.C。此处是一个固定句式:do everything/ what one can to do sth. 尽力做某事。其中不定式to fight 表目的,作目的状语。


45.A。在抗灾的过程中,发生了很多感人的故事。Process(做某事的)过程,procedure 办事程序;手续,步骤;practice 实践,做法;progress进展,进程,进步。

46.B。句意:人类在雪灾中自救的时候,忘记了他们的动物朋友,直到一对燕子夫妇的感人故事在网上流传开来,人们才想起他们。Widespread(尤指)流传广的,遍及的 common 共同的;well-known著名的;familiar熟悉的。

47.D。大雪使燕子夫妇找不到食物,他们已经几天没有吃东西了。because of因为;regardless of 不管,不顾;instead of 代替; in addition to除……之外。

48.B。他们想飞进人们的家里躲避寒冷,可是,每家的窗户都关得紧紧的。tightly 紧紧地loosely 松松地;roughly 粗糙地,草率地;lightly轻轻地。


50.A。此时,妻子的身体已经被冻僵了,她趴下不动了。frozen 冻僵;terrified使恐怖; worried 担心;scared害怕。

51.D。由于翅膀张开,丈夫身上的热量很快就散发完了。lose his heat 热量散发;lose his faith 失去信心/信仰/信任;lose his heart to sB.爱上某人;lose his courage失去通气。

52.C。就这样,两只燕子在饥饿中被冻死在一起。由上文wrapped his wife with his wings可知。wrap 包或裹某物/某人;fasten系住某物;使某物联结在一起;pack装点/打点某物;塞满/挤满某处;fix安装,固定。

53.A。第二天,主人察看自己阳台上的花,看到一只死去的燕子。因天气寒冷,自然是冻死的;而不会是live (活的)、lively (活泼的)、lovely (可爱的)燕子。

54.B。想到这些天人们在暴风雪中的遭遇。hardship苦难,困苦;need 需要,必要;poverty贫困,贫穷;shortage短缺,缺乏。

55.B。主人非常感动。be moved to tears感动得流泪。be affected受影响;be encouraged受到鼓舞;be satisfied感到满意。

56.D。他把燕子拿到屋里,给他们一些他们再也感受不到的温暖。feel 感觉到,感受到,体会到,体验到(身体上或情绪上的情况);find 觉得,发现;gain获得,得到;own 拥有,占有。

57.A。laid(搁置,放置)与前文found和filled 是并列谓语,表示动作依次发生。



60.D。不知道今年他们一家还能不能象往常一样回来。did 是助动词,替代came back,避免重复。
