100字范文 > 南方雪灾 snow disaster in the south of China英语短句 例句大全

南方雪灾 snow disaster in the south of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-27 02:35:05


南方雪灾 snow disaster in the south of China英语短句 例句大全

南方雪灾,snow disaster in the south of China

1)snow disaster in the south of China南方雪灾


1.Some Considerations about the Construction of Emergency Transportation Logistics from the South Snowstorm;从南方雪灾看我国应急交通物流建设

2.The Enlightenment to Wartime Transportation Guaranteeing from the Snow Disaster Emergered in the South China in ;中国南方雪灾对战时交通保障的启示

3.Contemporaneous Relationship between "0801 Snow Storm over Southern China" and Medium-term Activities of Mongolian High“0801南方雪灾”与同期蒙古高压中期活动的关系

4.On the CPCs Governance Capability--In Response to the South Snowstorm in 试论党的执政能力建设——以应对南方雪灾为例

5.Analysis on Isentropic Potential Vorticity for the Snow Calamity in South China and the Stratospheric Polar Vortex in 中国南方雪灾与平流层极涡异常的等熵位涡分析


7.Considering the blizzard disaster in Southern China;对我国南方地区冰雪灾害的几点思考

8.The Snow-Ice Disaster Teaches the Government to Improve Emergency Management;南方冰雪灾害对政府应急管理的启示

9.Thought on the Ice and Snow Disasters in Southern China中国南方冰雪灾害中的应对措施研究

10.Mass Communication and Social Risks:A Case Study of Reports on Snow Storms in Southern China;大众传媒与社会风险——以南方雨雪灾害报道为例

11.The Analysis of Low-temperature,Sleet and Frozen Rain Calamity in Southern of Our Country at the Beginning of 初我国南方低温雨雪冰冻灾害分析

12.The analysis of influence and reason and counter plan of snowstorm in south of China对中国南方特大雪灾的成因分析及思考

13.Affects of Icing and Snow Disaster Occurred in on Power Grids in South China冰雪灾害对我国南方地区电网的影响分析

14.Investigation and Protection Countermeasure of Taxus mairei Affected by Snow Disaster in Guangdong Province广东南方红豆杉受雪灾影响调查及保护对策

15.Analysis of the Defects of Power Equipment in the Snow Disaster in Southern China Area从南方地区雪灾看电力系统设备缺陷

16.Main Focuses of Improving Current Disaster Relief System from the Fight Against Large-scale Disasters of Frozen Rain and Snow in Several Provinces of South;完善我国当前抗灾救灾制度的主要着力点——从南方数省大规模抗击雨雪冰冻灾害说起

17.The Formulation and Implementation of Contingency Plans--Take South China Snow Disaster as an Example;应急预案的编制与实施——以南方低温雨雪冰冻灾害为例

18.Enlightenment to Preparations of Traffic Against War from the Snow Disaster in South China in ;中国南方雨雪冰冻灾害对交通战备工作的启示


snow disaster in southern China南方雨雪冰冻灾害

3)heavy snow over southern China南方多雪

1.The response of the atmospheric circulation withheavy snow over southern China during La Nia or El Nio years to the sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) in the key areas was diagnosed using linear regression and composite analysis based on the monthly NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data during from January 1954 to February .分析发现,La Nia气候背景下,北大西洋中纬(45°N,30°W)海温为正异常,有利于500 hPa高度场亚洲中高纬叶尼塞地区(50°N,90°E)位势高度偏高并出现阻塞型,也有利于东亚冬季风环流加强;赤道印度洋、我国南海和东海附近海温出现负异常,850 hPa高度东亚大陆沿海低纬地区风距平场出现偏北风距平,我国南方多雪,温度相对偏低。

4)Ice disaster in southern China南方冰灾

5)snow disaster雪灾

1.Evaluating model and approach ofsnow disaster effect on grassland animal husbandry ——A case study in Aletai Region of Xinjiang;雪灾对草地畜牧业影响的评价模型及方法研究——以新疆阿勒泰地区为例

2.Assessment and monitoring ofsnow disaster effect on grassland livestock industry in the Aletai region using remote sensing technology;阿勒泰地区草地畜牧业雪灾的遥感监测与评价

3.Vulnerability assessment of regionalsnow disaster of animal husbandry: taking pasture of Inner Mongolia as an example;草地畜牧业雪灾脆弱性评价——以内蒙古牧区为例

6)snow disasters雪灾

1.Research on Characteristics of Climate and Forecasting Model for the Snow Disasters in the Prairie of Northwest Sichuan;川西北大草原雪灾气候特征与预报模型研究

2.This paper utilized deviation cofficient(s) ofsnow disasters When deviation coefficient ofsnow disasters beyomded2.根据雪灾发生的离均系数 (S)≥ 2 。

3.Based on the data of air temperature,rainfall,and snow cover observed by meteorological stations in the pasturing area in the south of Qinghai Province from 1961 to and using the climate diagnosis method,the evolutional characteristics of climate elements and the cause of change ofsnow disasters are analyzed.利用1961-青海南部牧区气象台站观测的气温、降水、积雪资料,用气候诊断方法分析了该地区积雪等气候要素的年代际演变特征以及雪灾变化的成因。


