100字范文 > 南国精神 the spirit of south China英语短句 例句大全

南国精神 the spirit of south China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-16 05:53:05


南国精神 the spirit of south China英语短句 例句大全

南国精神,the spirit of south China

1)the spirit of south China南国精神

2)Jiangnan spirit江南精神

1.And the author believes thatJiangnan spirit is sure to be carried forward with the advancing of time.首先回顾了江南造船厂84年(1865~1949)的发展历程,然后总结了江南造船的历史经验和办厂特色,并相信江南精神必将继续发扬光大、与时俱进。

3)Nantong Spirit南通精神

1.Advocating Culture,Respecting Morals,and Being Tolerant to Advancing Quickly——An Exploration ofNantong Spirit;崇文厚德 包容会通 力求精进——南通精神探析


1.Advocating Culture,Respecting Morals,and Being Tolerant to Advancing Quickly--An Exploration of Nantong Spirit;崇文厚德 包容会通 力求精进——南通精神探析

2.Morality Reflection about “Nantong Phenomena” in Spiritual Civilization Building;精神文明建设“南通现象”的道德思考

3.Giving the Rein to Zhang Jian s Pioneer Spirit to Accelerate the Development of Industry in Nantong;弘扬张謇创业精神 加快南通工业发展

4.On the Spirit of the Land of Education--Take Nantong Native Education for Instance;论教育之乡精神——以南通地方教育为个案

5.The Spirit Moulded in 110 Years: On "Cultivate Talents to Rejuvenate the Chinese Nation and Strive Unceasingly" of Southwest Jiaotong University;1铸造的精魂——论西南交通大学“竢实扬华,自强不息”精神

6.Born in the Blood and Sharing the Same Spirit--A Comment on the Creation Myth of Li Minority and Bach Viet根脉相承 精神相通——黎族与南方百越后裔诸民族的创世神话评析

7.The increasing unification due to the new means of transport made the question whether the southern spirit or the northem should prevail an ever more urgent one.新的交通工具增强了统一,它使得南方精神与北方精神到底谁占上风的问题变得更加紧迫。

8.The Enterprising Spirit of Zhang Jian and Its Significance to Modern Industry of Nantong;张謇的创新精神及其对当代南通工业的借鉴意义

9.On Combination and Co-Construction of Scientific Spirit and Humanistic Spirit;论科学精神与人文精神的融通与共建

10.Analysis of Accommodation Point of Science and Human Spirit;高校科学精神与人文精神融通的切入点探析

11.Study on the Fusion and Promotion of Scientific Spirit of Medicine andHumanistic Spirit of Medicine;论医学科学精神与医学人文精神的融通与共建

12.Quality Education-The Harmonious Combination of Scientific and Humanism Spirits;素质教育:科学精神与人文精神的有机融通

13.antiapartheid activism.反南非种族隔离制度的积极精神

14."It is the call of the Nantah spirit.";有人说:“这是南大精神的召唤”;

15.On the Historical Resources of Spirit and Manner of GNU Faculty and Students;论赣南师院人“精气神”的历史渊源

16.The Spirit of Formal Merchants and the New Change about the Poetic Writing by LU You in Southern Song Dynasty;商贾精神和南宋陆游诗歌创作的新变

17.Thoughts about the Adjustment and Adaptation of Traditional Spirit and Cultures of Yunnan Ethnic Groups in Extreme Poverty;云南特困民族传统精神文化调适思考

18.Hunan Culture and the Pragmatic Spirit of the Contemporary Novels of Hunan;湖湘文化与湖南当代小说的务实精神


Jiangnan spirit江南精神

1.And the author believes thatJiangnan spirit is sure to be carried forward with the advancing of time.首先回顾了江南造船厂84年(1865~1949)的发展历程,然后总结了江南造船的历史经验和办厂特色,并相信江南精神必将继续发扬光大、与时俱进。

3)Nantong Spirit南通精神

1.Advocating Culture,Respecting Morals,and Being Tolerant to Advancing Quickly——An Exploration ofNantong Spirit;崇文厚德 包容会通 力求精进——南通精神探析

4)Nankai spirit南开精神

1.Zhang Bailing, a famous educationist, set up Chongqing Nankai Middle School in 1935; afterward, he spreadNankai spirit and took over Z igong Shuguang Middle School, with which cultivated lots of elite for the countr y, thus made great contributions to the intellect development of the west part o f China.著名教育家张伯苓于1935年创办重庆南开中学,后又推广南开精神接办自贡蜀光中学,为国家培养大批精英,对西部开发智力与人才作出了巨大贡献。

5)Minnan spirit闽南精神

6)Lingnan spirit岭南精神

1.TheLingnan spirit is the psychology power for rebuilt the Lingnan academic tradition.岭南精神是恢复岭南学术传统的心理动力。


南国1.古指江汉一带的诸侯国。 2.泛指我国南方。 3.指南方国家。 4.南国社的省称。
