100字范文 > 【雅思口语】常考话题1-5:食物(1)


时间:2019-12-08 14:39:32



1. What food do you like or dislike?你喜欢或不喜欢什么食物?I like spicy food, especially that with unique flavour of Sichuan, for the look and taste of the dishes really work up appetites. Sweet food is the last kind of food I’d choose which always causes me acidity.我喜欢麻辣的食物,特别是有着独特口味的四川菜,菜肴的色香味真是让人有食欲。甜食是最让我头疼的,因为甜食总是使我胃酸。2. Can you say something about healthy food and eating habits?你能说一些健康的食品以及饮食习惯吗?Healthy food is at the bottom of the Food Pyramid. It provides lots of nourishment but is low in fat. Fruits and vegetables,for example, are high in fibre and packed with vitamins and minerals,especially vitamins A, C,and E. They are also low in calories and virtually fat free.健康食品是在食物金字塔的最底部。它提供很多的营养但是脂肪含量很低。比如水果和蔬菜,富含纤维、维生素以及矿物质,特别是维生素A、C和E。它们同样也是低热量的而几乎不含脂肪。The best eating habits in my opinion should be: eat a variety of different foods and eat the right amount. It is all about getting the right balance. There are no good or bad foods,but how you combine foods together each day and each week is important. All foods can be enjoyed as part of a healthy eating plan if they are eaten in reasonable amount.在我看来,健康的饮食习惯应该是:吃很多不同种类的食物而且数量适当。尽量做到饮食平衡。并没有好的或不好的食物,重要的是看你每天和每周如何搭配食物。只要摄取适量,所有的食物都可做为健康饮食计划的一部分。


3. What is your opinion about consuming wild animals?对于吃野生动物你怎么看?I consider it a "bad habit"of putting wild animals on the dinner table,the popularity of consuming wild animals in China is mostly based in the belief that these animals are more nutritious than domestic ones, and therefore good for the health. But experts have a different view. Diseases suffered by animals and the toxic element in their bodies can easily affect the people who eat them,sometimes with fatal consequences. What’s more,many wild animals are poisoned to death by poachers,and the poisons can remain in their bodies for a long time, so it is extremely hazardous to consume such animals?我认为吃野生动物是一个“不好的嗜好”,在中国流行吃野生动物主要是由于人们认为这些动物比饲养的动物更有营养,因此对健康有益。但是专家持有不同的观点。动物身上的疾病以及身体上有毒的元素很容易影响到吃它们的人,有时会有致命的后果。此外,很多野生动物是 被偷猎者毒死的,毒素会残留在它们的身体里很长一段时间,因此吃这种野生动物是极为危险的。






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