100字范文 > 雅思口语常考话题—写作


时间:2022-11-15 09:26:36



1. Do you love writing?

1. 你喜欢写作吗?

Honestly speaking,writing is the very last thing Iwant to do! The only class I use to skip in myprimary school was writing. And I can alwayssuccessfully doze off when I am in writing lecture.


2. Which way do you prefer,writing in Englishor Chinese?

2. 你更喜欢用英文还是中文写作呢?

Well,I prefer to write in English. I think it is a good way to practice my writing. You know,I amgoing abroad pretty soon. So the more I practice writing in English, the better my writing skillwill become. Maybe sometimes I have no idea how to express my idea in a real English way.


3. What"s the difficulty about writing in Chinese?

3. 用中文写作的困难是什么呢?

Although I am a Chinese,there are still some difficulties when it comes to writing in Chinese. Forexample, how to express ideas in a beautiful way. Anyway,writing is much more difficult thanspeaking? So that is why there are only very,very few people who can really write well!


4. What"s difficult about writing in English?

4. 你用英文写作的困难是什么呢?

The biggest obstacle is the English speakers think pretty differently to Chinese, which meanssometimes I have ideas what I am going to write,but I have no clue on how to get my ideaexpressed in English. You know, sometimes it looks cool and sounds all right,but it just isn" tEnglish! Real English speakers don"t say it! It is nothing more than a kind of Chinese English.

