100字范文 > 松动牙 Loosened teeth英语短句 例句大全

松动牙 Loosened teeth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-04 20:50:07


松动牙 Loosened teeth英语短句 例句大全

松动牙,Loosened teeth

1)Loosened teeth松动牙

1.AIM: To evaluate the clinical effect of the porcelain-fused-to-metal bridge and resinic splint,which were used to fix the loosened teeth of severe periodontitis,so as to provide important reference to doctors in selecting proper splints.目的:采用多项主客观指标结合的方法,评价金属烤瓷冠桥、尼龙丝加强树脂夹板固定重度牙周病松动牙的各自临床特点,为夹板类型的选择提供重要参考。


1.Clinical application of BiosplintTM Reinforcement Ribbon to stabilization of loosen teeth in periodontal disease牙周固位纤维结合流动树脂固定治疗牙周病松动牙33例分析

2.Removable Titanium-alloy Splint in Fixing Loosen Teeth of Adult Periodontitis;可摘式钛合金牙周夹板对成人牙周病松动牙的固定

3.The study of fixing trauma tooth with edgewise appliance;固定矫治器在固定外伤松动牙中的应用

4.The study of masticatory performance of loosen teeth and PVDF-based instrument for dynamic chewing force measurement;PVDF咀嚼力测试仪的研制及松动牙咀嚼生理功能的研究

5.Epidemiologists have shown that preterm births occur significantly more frequently in pregnant women with periodontitis, a common and chronic bacterial infection that causes red, swollen gums and loose teeth.流行病学家提出患有常见的慢性细菌感染导致牙龈红肿和牙齿松动牙周炎的孕妇更易发生早产。

6.a loose tooth, thread, screw松动的牙齿、 线、 螺钉.

7.I gave the loose tooth a tug.我猛然拔下松动的牙齿。

8.I have got a loose tooth.我有一颗牙齿松动了。

9.Purulent inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets, often leading to loosening of the teeth.牙槽脓溢牙龈和牙床的化脓性发炎,经常导致牙齿的松动

10.He yanked out a loose tooth.他猛拔出一颗松动了的牙。

11.Luxation usually establishes a compound wound.牙齿松动常造成哆开性创伤。

parison of Reproducibility of Periodontal Probing by Using Two Probes and Evaluation of Fixing Effects on Anterior Loosened Teeth with Severe Periodontitis;牙周探诊重复性比较及牙周病松动前牙夹板固定的临床疗效分析

13.Two-year clinical evaluation of direct bonding mobile anterior teeth with 4-META/MMA-TBB resin树脂直接粘接法固定牙周松动前牙的二年效果观察

14.The Effects of Osteoporosis on Bone Remodeling during Orthodontic Tooth Movement;骨质疏松状态对正畸牙移动骨转化平衡的影响

15.Stability Study to 2# Ripping Loose Rock Mass Slope of Yagen Hydropower Station牙根水电站2号拉裂松动岩体边坡稳定性研究

16.Clinical Evaluation of Two Methods on Stabilization of Loose Permanent Anterior Teeth Caused by Trauma两种方法固定外伤松动恒前牙的疗效分析

17.Open your mouth. Well -- your tooth is loose, but you"re not going to die about that.张开嘴,不错——你的一颗牙齿真地松动了,不过你绝不会痛死的。

18.Analyzing Development Characteristics Causes to 1~# Ripping Loose Rock Mass of Yagen Hydropower Station牙根水电站右岸1号拉裂松动岩体发育特征及成因分析


loose teeth松动牙

1.The application of fixingloose teeth at the free-end with ligation in the shape of clip.;回形结扎法在游离端松动牙固定中的应用

2.This paper assesses the clinical curative effect of super-bond C&B to fix periodontalloose teeth.为评价Super-bond C&B超强粘接剂固定牙周严重松动牙的临床疗效。

3)loose mandibular anterior teeth前牙松动


5)trauma tooth外伤松动牙

1.Objective:To study the clinical effect of fixingtrauma tooth with Edgewise appliance.方法 :将 35例 4岁~ 18岁的 5 3颗外伤松动牙 ,应用贴托槽、方丝、“8”字结扎固定 2个月~ 3个月 ,观察愈合情况。

6)tooth mobility牙齿松动度

1.Methods: The changes of periodontal pocket depth andtooth mobility of patients with periodontal disease were determined before and after prosthodontic treatment with telescopic denture.方法 :牙周病患者经套筒冠义齿修复治疗 ,测定修复前后牙周袋深度、牙齿松动度 ,通过问卷调查牙周病患者的主观感觉。


