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后牙 posterior teeth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-10 13:53:27


后牙 posterior teeth英语短句 例句大全

后牙,posterior teeth

1)posterior teeth后牙

1.Factors effecting the prognosis ofposterior teeth with vertical fracture;影响纵折后牙保守治疗预后的因素

2.Conservative treatment ofposterior teeth with longitudinal fractures:Report of 27 cases;后牙纵折保存治疗27例分析

3.Clinical application of root ZX in root canal therapy under different conditions of elderly patient sposterior teeth;Root ZX在老年人后牙不同根管条件下的临床应用


1.Unlimited amalgam (silver) filings for posterior teeth due to decay. Posterior teeth means premolar & molar.无限次因蛀牙而导致的后牙银粉补牙,后牙指犬齿以后的牙齿。

2.The gums must heal for at least one mouth before the denture is begun.先拔后牙,让伤口愈合一个月以后,再做假牙。

3.A study of contribution of coronal defect to the survival of endo-prosthodontically treated posterior teeth牙体缺损对后牙冠根联合治疗预后的影响

4.Clinical Observation of Dental Pulp and Root Changes of Juvenile Anterior Permanent Teeth After Concussion and Luxation年轻恒牙震荡和移位后牙髓与牙根变化的临床研究

5.Three-dimensional Stress Analysis of the Periodontal Ligaments of Molar Fixed Bridge Abutments under Dynamic Loads by Finite Element Method;动态载荷下后牙固定桥基牙牙周膜应力的三维有限元法分析

6.Study of the Method Relieving Dental Sensitivity of the Vital Pulp Teeth after Crown Preparation;活髓牙烤瓷全冠牙体预备后牙本质敏感处理的研究

7.How your gums have shrunk since your teeth were extracted!你拔牙之后,牙龈萎缩了不少啊!

8.Hispanics are people of Spanish ancestry.西班牙后裔就是具有西班牙血统的人。

9.The effect of orthodontic treatment on the periodontal status in patients with adult periodontitis成人牙周炎正畸治疗前后的牙周变化

10.Efficacy Observation on Maxillary Anterior Teeth Repair after Crown Lengthening牙冠延长术后上前牙修复的疗效观察

11.They say individuals may have cavities, root exposures or other flaws that could cause problems after tooth bleaching.牙医们说,那些有蛀牙、牙根外露或者有其他牙齿问题的人,可能在牙齿漂白后出现牙齿问题。

12.Then celk from the foot of the teeth were scraped off the teeth.然后,刮下牙根的细胞,

13.I"m going to be a dentist when I grow up.我长大后打算当牙医。

14.After brushing my teeth, I put on my clothes.刷牙后,我穿上衣服。

15.Then, I shave, brush my teeth and comb my hair.然后,我刮脸、刷牙和梳头。

16.First I wash my face, then I do my teeth.我先洗脸,然后刷牙。

17.The children brush their teeth after every meal.孩子们每顿饭后都刷牙。

18.After breakfast, she brushes her teeth and combs her hair.早餐后她刷牙,梳头。


posterior tooth后牙

1.The comparative study of chronobiology of pulp sensibility between anterior andposterior tooth in elderly people;老年人前后牙牙髓感觉功能昼夜节律性的比较研究

parative study of short-term compressive strength five of glass ionomers forposterior tooth;五种后牙玻璃离子水门汀短期抗压强度的比较

3.To prevent and treat theposterior tooth fracture, the authors collected typical cases and used them to detect the relationship among the age, tooth position, pulp condition, filling cavity form and occlusion to theposterior tooth fracture,.研究发现 :后牙折裂年龄集中在 30~ 6 0岁 ,上下颌第一磨牙折裂率最高 。


1.Clinical effect of glass ionomer silver reinforced restorative (GSRR) on the treatment of agedposterior root caries;银粉玻璃离子治疗老年人后牙根面龋的临床疗效观察

2.Clinical evaluation of root canal retained onlays forposterior tooth defects;根管固位的铸造高嵌体修复后牙缺损的临床观察

3.A restoration of the cast post-core crown for senilesposterior roots and teeth with severe damaged crown;老年人后牙残根残冠的铸造桩核冠修复

4)posterior tooth intrusion后牙压低

5)posterior crossbites后牙反

1.Objective To treat the 11 patients withposterior crossbites,which were caused by the improper orthodontic therapies,through the two mandibular second premolar extraction and to examine its effects on the tooth arch.目的通过拔除下颌第二前磨牙矫治11例因矫治不当导致后牙反的患者,观察该方法的临床效果及不足。

6)venom duct fangs后毒牙


