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齿 teeth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-09 06:53:48


齿 teeth英语短句 例句大全



1.The results show that the inner walls of the esophagus consist of longitudinal ridges, withteeth at the front tip.结果表明,中华稻蝗食道内壁由纵行脊组成,前端有齿。

2.This article mainly deals with theteeth s morphological characters of Oxya chinensis inner alimentary canal, which are observed through scanning electron microscope.本文采用扫描电镜观察了中华稻蝗消化道内壁齿的分布和结构,发现食道的两端有稀少的齿,而嗉囊ZⅡ和ZⅢ区齿粗和长,并且分布在脊的顶端,纵行排列,该区的齿较为密集。


1.straight-cut gear直齿圆柱齿轮,正齿齿轮

2.To put a crown on(a tooth).镶齿冠为(牙齿)镶齿冠

3.spur and helical hobbing machine正齿轮和斜齿轮滚齿机

4.straight and conical gear shaper直齿-锥齿轮刨齿机

5.burnishing of gear teeth(齿轮的) 轮齿研磨

6.increment angle(圆锥齿轮)齿端角

7.Basic tooth profile of straight and skew bevel gearsGB/T12369-1990直齿及斜齿锥齿轮基本齿廓

8.curve-tooth bevel gear弧齿伞齿轮,曲线齿锥齿轮

9.A small cogwheel that engages or is engaged by a larger cogwheel or a rack.小齿轮,齿杆啮合大齿轮或被大齿轮或齿条啮合的小齿轮

10.put a crown on (a tooth)(在牙齿上)装一个假齿冠

11.semi-automatic bevel gear lapper半自动锥齿轮研齿机

12.twin-input single-output gear双主动齿轮单出轴齿轮

13.ckyclindrical gears and gear pairs圆程齿轮和圆柱齿轮副

14.small module taper shafted straight tooth slotting cutter小模数锥柄插齿直齿刀

15.gear pin diameter and effective facewidth针齿直径和有效齿宽

16.spur type planetary reducer正齿式行星减速齿轮

17.spur type planetary gearing正齿式行星齿轮装置

18.NC sector gear shaper数控扇形齿轮插齿机



1.The expressions of plane and space conjurationgear forms and meshing line of a single thread twin screw pump are derived on the basis of spatial meshing theory, and the equations for originalgear forms and space spiral plane are given.根据啮合理论推导了HSB400/2型单头双螺杆式油气混输泵的平面和空间共轭齿形型线方程及啮合线方程。


1.Digestive tract of Gyllotalpe Unispina Sausure had special histology, there were protruding long crest on all inner wall Of digestive tract and thick short tooth in its cavum oris and pharynx, some compact thin long thom lied on gastric caecus and preventriculus, there are microvilli on its esophagus, crop and postintestine, many blunt thom were on the rectum.本文采用组织学技术对华北蝼蛄消化道的组织结构进行了研究其消化道具有特殊的组织结构,消化道各部的内壁均有隆起的纵脊;口腔和咽上有较粗的短齿;胃盲囊、前胃上有排列紧密的细长刺:食道、嗉囊及后肠上均有纹状缘:盲肠上生有成群的纯利此项研究为讲一步防治病虫害提供了依据。

4)Gear and Rack齿轮齿条

1.The design of self-lock mechanism in gear and rack;一种齿轮齿条自锁机构的设计

2.Through analyzing the structue of plastics with inner screw,determined mold structure with gear and rack stripping screw mechanism.通过对有内螺纹的塑件结构分析,确定采用齿轮齿条机构脱模的模具结构。

5)Gear Surface齿轮齿面

6)pick seat posit截齿齿座


齿齿 齿 解剖学名词。出《素问·上古天真论》等篇。又名牙。为口腔内咀嚼食物之重要器官。《灵枢》:“唇至齿,长九分。”“齿者骨之所终也。”《太平圣惠方》卷三十四称:“齿作骨之荣华。”属足少阴肾经。肾主骨,齿为骨之余,髓之年养;肾之标寄于齿,肾实则齿坚牢,肾虚则齿浮动;肾热袒动,齿痛不已。又齿有上下之分,足阳明之脉入于上齿,手阳明之脉入于下齿。《灵枢·经脉》:“手阳明之脉,……其支者从缺盆上颈贯颊入下齿中。”“足阳明之脉……下循鼻外,入上齿中。”是上、下齿之经络所属。又《外科大成》卷三称:“当门为齿,上属督脉,下属任脉。两傍为牙,上属足阳明胃经,下属手阳明大肠经,夫牙者,骨之标而属肾,牙之生如木之栽于土也。”历代医学家对齿之解剖位置,经络属性、生理功能等之大体认识,关于齿之病理反应。如《叶香岩外感温热篇》所述:“温热之病,看舌之后;亦须验齿。齿为肾之余,龈为胃之络,热邪必燥胃津,必耗肾液。”“齿若光燥如石者,胃热甚也。”“若如枯骨色者,肾液枯也,为难治。若上半截润,水不上承,心火上炎也。”齿在疾病诊断和判断预后上有着重要的价值。
