100字范文 > 道德践履 practice of moral and ethics英语短句 例句大全

道德践履 practice of moral and ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-04 07:04:51


道德践履 practice of moral and ethics英语短句 例句大全

道德践履,practice of moral and ethics

1)practice of moral and ethics道德践履

1.On the basis of practice,the moral willpower can be developed through the following ways and means: combination of learning and reflecting,practice of moral and ethics,being careful not to cross the ceremony or having the idea of an improper conduct when staying alone,accumulating merits makes one become a gentleman of virtues.在实践的基础上,道德意志可以通过如下方法和途径养成:学思结合、道德践履、慎独、积善成德。


1.Moral Practice and Political Implication:Dong Zhong-shu and Transition of Confucian View of Nature Bi-De道德践履与政治寓意——董仲舒与儒家自然比德观

2.an inofficious testament [ will ]不履行道德义务的遗嘱

3.Practice s Morals & Morals Practice--Comment on Practice s Morality;实践的道德与道德的实践——论实践的道德性

4.caused by law or conscience to follow a certain course.由法律或道德引起以履行某一特定的行为的。

5.Ethical Sentiment, Moral Sentiment and the Cultivation of the Practical Moral Spirit;伦理感、道德感与“实践道德精神”的培育

6.The Fundamental Position of Moral Practice in Moral Phenomena;论道德实践在道德现象中的基础地位

7.morally bad in principle or practice.道德原则或实践上坏的。

8.Social Activities and Communication: Regulation Field for Moral Education and Training Ground for Virtues;社会性活动和交往:德育的调节场和德行的践履地——陶行知德育过程思想探求

9.Moral Practice:the Enlightment of Humanism to Current Moral Education;道德实践:人学思想对当前德育的启示

10.The Practical Value of Dynamic Morality System of “Rules-Character-Conduct”;论“规范-德性-德行”动态伦理道德体系的实践价值

11.Emphasizing Moral Practice in Assessment of Students Moral Cultivation;“思想道德修养”课的考核应注重道德实践

12.On Moral Practice in the Course of "Culture on Ideology & Morality";“思想道德修养”课道德实践问题的几点思考

13.On the Relativity of Morality and Its Meaning in Moral Practice--And An Analysis of Moral Relativism;论道德相对性及其道德实践意义——兼析道德相对主义

14.Paying Attention to Ethical Recognization and Making Efforts to Practice;重视道德认知 力行道德实践——从新时期领导者道德修养建设谈起

panies must develop moral leaders who inspire confidence and trust by acting according to their duties.公司应该有道德领袖,通过履行他们的职责来激励自信和信任。

16.Ethical Game or Moral Calling:The Paths of Fulfilling Social Responsibility in Public Relations伦理博弈抑或道德感召——公共关系履行社会责任的路径探析

17.But is there not a point in any profession where you are forced back against the wall as a human being?但是作为一个人,难道你在履行任何职业道德的过程中,就没有一道你所不能逾越的界线吗?

18.Advocate Traditional Aesthetical Education to Promote Morality Cultivation in High Education in Present China传统道德教育:大学德育教育改革的实践与思考


moral practice道德实践

1.We should attach great importance to teachersmoral practice when we study teachers ethic.在教师道德研究中,需要重视教师道德实践的研究。

2.Meanwhile, they believed that practice itself embodied the creative needs and moral needs resulted frommoral practice.以柯尔堡为代表的西方德育理论 ,反对道德灌输 ,尊重道德的主体性和道德主体的自由意志 ,主张学生从实践中获得道德上的成熟 ,认为实践过程就是创造需要的过程 ,道德需要源于道德实践 ,并构建出新的参与式道德实践的德育模

3.Themoral practice spirit of Sun Yat-sen was the lasting and expanding of the traditional moral spirit of China.孙中山的道德实践精神乃中国传统道德精神的延续与发展。

3)moral actions道德践行

4)Practical ethic践行道德

5)ethics to guide practice道德后实践

6)Practice and Moral实践道德论

1.Tasan s Humanity and Mind:Practice and Moral;茶山的性命与心:实践道德论


