100字范文 > 道德形下 moral physics practice英语短句 例句大全

道德形下 moral physics practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-11 23:50:32


道德形下 moral physics practice英语短句 例句大全

道德形下,moral physics practice

1)moral physics practice道德形下

1.The book focuses on "moral metaphysical" theory construction,at the same time,without losingmoral physics practice reshape.《道德责任论》着眼于"道德形上"理论建构的同时,没有忽略"道德形下"实践的重塑,既具理论性、又有现实性,体现了作者勇于探索、创新的理论勇气,关注现实、热爱生活、追求美好的实践品格,体现了伦理学研究"体用合一"的鲜明特色。


1.Moral Metaphysical Theory Construction and Moral Physics Practice Reshape--Reviewing On the Moral Responsibility by Dr.Guo Jin-hong道德形上理论建构与道德形下实践重塑——评郭金鸿博士新著《道德责任论》

2.A Research Into the Proffessional Ethics of the Physical Eduation Teacher in the New Situation;新形势下高校体育教师职业道德研究

3.Construction of Sport Morality and Its Countermeasures at New Trends;新形势下体育道德建设现状及其对策

4.Cultivating the young student s morals under the new situation;浅析新形势下青年学生道德人格培育

5.How to Promote Public Ethical Standards in the New Situation;谈新形势下如何提高社会的道德水平

6.Strengthening Police s Morality and Culture in the New Situation;新形势下要加强人民警察的道德修养

7.A preliminary discussion on professional morality education to students in higher vocational colleges under new circumstances新形势下高职学生职业道德教育初探

8.Moral Dilemma Unsurpassing--A thinking of morality about intellectuals in LuXun s novels;难以超越的道德困境——关于鲁迅笔下知识分子形象的道德思考

9.The moral character of children, be taught in the morality of family, school and society and form stage by stage below moral edification.孩子们的道德品质,是在家庭、学校和社会的道德教育和道德熏陶下逐步形成的。

10.Expansionary Research of University Student s Ethical Personality under the New Situation;新形势下大学生道德人格的发展性研究

11.Basic Standards of Teachers Professional Ethics and Construction Priority under the New Situation;新形势下教师职业道德基本规范及建设重点

12.Constructing the Effective Carriers of the College Students Ideology and Moral Education under the New Situation;构建新形势下大学生思想道德教育的有效载体

13.Effect Approaches to Citizens Moral Building of College Students under the New Situation;新形势下大学生公民道德建设的有效途径

14.On Ideological and Moral Education of Young College Teachers in New Situation;浅谈新形势下高校青年教师的思想道德教育

15.On Improving Moral Constraction for Students under Current Situation;谈当前形势下如何加强大学生的道德建设

16.Construction of Interaction Subjectivity in College Moral Education Under New Circumstances;新形势下高校道德教育中交互主体性的建构

17.Teachers Professional Ethics under the New Situation:Its Loss and Reconstruction;浅析新形势下教师职业道德的缺失与重建

18.Thoughts about Current Situation of College Students Ideological Education;新形势下大学生思想道德现状引发的思考


moral image道德形象

1.Teachers′moral images are constructed as sanctities and demons by media.当前,教师在媒体中主要呈现出神圣化与妖魔化这两种对立的道德形象。

2.At the time of New Public Management,people pay much attention to the image of the government\"s self-examplar,for it is the leader of the socialmoral image.其实,政府还是社会道德形象的引领者。

3)moral form道德形式

4)moral metaphysical theory道德形上

5)moral meta physics道德形而上

6)moral metaphysics道德形上学

1.Modernity and Mou Zongsan s Moral Metaphysics;现代性和牟宗三的道德形上学

2.The difference between Mousmoral metaphysics and Heideggers fundamental ontology lies in their different understanding of the subject.作者认为牟氏对海德格尔的哲学做了不适当的存在主义的诠释 ,牟宗三道德形上学与海德格尔基础存在论的根本差别在于两人对主体理解的差异 ,前者要彰现的是一无限的主体 ,而后者开出的则是一有限的主

3.Basing on achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject, he melts the Chinese and western culture to oneness, the constructs his strict and huge system of “Moral metaphysics.在半个多世纪的学术生涯中,牟宗三致力于发掘传统文化之精义,吸收西方文化特别是康德哲学之精髓,在会通之基础上,将中西文化融为一炉,建构了其严整而庞大的道德形上学体系,本文即是对牟宗三道德形上学进行的相关研究。


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