100字范文 > 门票 ticket英语短句 例句大全

门票 ticket英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-11 02:29:03


门票 ticket英语短句 例句大全



1.Makingticket price of parks scientifically is a social foeus.风景区门票价格的科学制定,是社会关注的焦点之一。

2.Analyzed the present condition on theticket price of commercial football games in the last few years in China,then analyzed deeply the theories on theticket price of commercial football games.从利益相关者角度分析了我国商业足球比赛市场形成的原因,就近几年在我国举办的商业足球比赛门票价格的现状进行分析,然后对商业足球比赛门票价格制定的理论依据进行深入探索,最后结合中国实际对商业足球比赛门票的定价策略提出建议和对策,为我国商业足球比赛门票价格制定提供科学依据。

3.Through making calculation on traffic requirement and character ofticket consumers of Beijing Olympic Games as well as the Beijing traffic condition, this paper analyzed the influence of Beijing traffic condition during the Olympic Games onticket selling.通过对北京奥运会的交通需求的预测和北京奥运会门票消费者的特点以及目前北京市交通状况的分析,预测北京奥运会期间北京市交通状况对奥运会门票销售的影响,从而为缓解奥运会期间北京市的交通压力和北京奥运会门票的顺利销售提供应对措施。


1.Visit Postponed and Tickets Remain Valid参观改期,门票有效

2.The admission fee is 20 cents each.每张门票二十美分。

3.I have, but the tickets are sold out.试过,可门票全卖光了。

4.Pay your entrance money to the man at the door.将你的门票钱付给门口那个人。

5.Tickets available from 23 Nov at HK Ticketing outlets!门票由11月23日起于快达票售票网公开发售!

parative Study on Tourist Scenic Spots Entrance Fees at Home and Abroad--Concurrently Discussion on the Basis for Price Fixing;中外旅游景区门票价格的比较研究——兼论门票价格的定价依据

7." Tickets to the play are four bits, " said Bill.“此剧的门票是50美分,”比尔说。

8.I can"t get a ticket for tonight"s concert.我弄不到今晚音乐会的门票。

9.And usually tickets on such on occasion are limited.这种场合的门票一般来说是要紧张点。

10.My mom agreed to pay for me.我妈妈同意给我门票钱了。

11.The ticket permit three people to go into the exhibition.该门票允许3个人进去参观展览。

12.Children under ten can also have 50% discount.十岁以下的儿童也可以买五折门票。

13.but I do hope you can manage a ticket.不过,我还是希望你能弄到门票。

14.Really? Aren"t all the tickets sold out?真的吗?门票不是都卖光了?

15.And it"s free if you just watch.如果您只是去看看,不用花门票钱。

16.I went and bought my pass, and started walking.我去买好门票,开始了我的征程。

17.The ticket office is outside the main entrance.售票处在大门外面。

18.cabinet security冷门股票, 阁架证券


entrance ticket门票

1.On the Justifiability of the Entrance Ticket Prices of Tourist Spots——analyzing the management of Chinese natural and cultural heritages with "Rise in theentrance ticket prices of tourist spots in Beijing"as an example;关于旅游景点门票价格正当性的探讨——以“北京旅游景点门票上涨”为中心析中国自然文化遗产管理

2.Many malpractices are existed in the presententrance ticket management in the tour of Wudang Mountain, which leads to a great economic loss and restrains the rapid development of the scenery area.目前,武当山旅游门票经营管理存在着很多弊端,导致景区收入漏损很大,而且影响了景区快速发展,应尽快实行旅游门票的一票制。

3.For a long time, theentrance ticket price plays a less important role in the price administration system of scenic spots.长期以来,门票价格在旅游景区的价格管理体系当中地位并不重要。

3)admission ticket门票

1.Tourism resource value has its dual character, which makes the price ofadmission tickets in scenic spots, a common problem of economics, turn into a difficult topic.旅游资源价值的二重性,使旅游景点门票价格一个普通的经济学问题变成一个两难选择课题。

2.Used the methods of documentary, logic analyses and mathematics models, the authors had carried out the research on price-setting strategies of the Olympic Gamesadmission ticket.方法:运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法和数学模型法,对奥运会门票的定价策略进行研究。

3.The National Sports Bureau, in“2,001– 2,010 Sports Reform and Development Summary”, explicitly put forward the proposal“carefully managing theadmission ticket”for the professionalizing sports club.国家体育总局在《2001-体育改革与发展纲要》中,明确地对走向职业化的体育俱乐部提出要“精心地经营门票”。


1.Pricing method fortickets as the main source of incoming for a club should be flexible and diversified, so as to attract more audiences in different social groups and consuming stratums.门票作为俱乐部主要的收入来源,其定价方法应该以更灵活多变的形式出现,以此来吸引更多不同人群、不同消费层次的观众。

2.Tickets are the first scene and most importantly a business card of the World Expo.门票是世博会的第一道风景,也是最重要的一张名片,历来各界世博会都十分重视门票的设计和营销策略,世博会门票营销策划和宣传工作的好坏,直接影响到上海世博会能否顺利进行,本文在介绍相关理论的基础上,从分析国内外大型活动门票工作的经验借鉴入手,以案例分析的形式分别对北京奥运会、爱知、萨拉戈萨、汉诺威三次世博会的门票工作进行了个案研究。

3.Thetickets vendition decides success or failure of Guangzhou Asian Games.门票收入是广州亚运会主要收入之一,门票销售好坏是广州亚运会成败的前提。

5)tickets travel门票旅游

1.Under the tourist city commerce and tourism relatively isolated circumstances,this paper takes Leshan city as an example on the traveling city how to avoid "roller shutter doors commerce" and "tickets travel" and how to coordinate the interaction between city commerce and tourism development were studied,to prompt the develop of the cities of tourist.在旅游城市商业与旅游业出现相对分离的情况下,以乐山市为例,就旅游城市如何通过商业网点规划避免"卷帘门商业"和"门票旅游",如何协调城市商业和旅游业的互动发展做了分析研究,以促进旅游城市的发展。

6)ticket price-rising门票涨价


