100字范文 > 景区门票价格 prices of the entrance tickets of tourism attractions英语短句 例句大全

景区门票价格 prices of the entrance tickets of tourism attractions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-26 02:31:52


景区门票价格 prices of the entrance tickets of tourism attractions英语短句 例句大全

景区门票价格,prices of the entrance tickets of tourism attractions

1)prices of the entrance tickets of tourism attractions景区门票价格



2.An Explanation for High Entrance Fee of Scenic Spot Based on Games Theory景区门票价格偏高的一个博弈论解释

parative Study on Tourist Scenic Spots Entrance Fees at Home and Abroad--Concurrently Discussion on the Basis for Price Fixing;中外旅游景区门票价格的比较研究——兼论门票价格的定价依据

4.The Impact of Ticket Price of Scenic Spots on Tourist Consumption and Some Wrong Understandings;景区门票价格对旅游者消费的影响及认识误区

5.Research on the Problem of Entrance Ticket Management and the Advice;旅游景区门票价格上涨问题及其管理对策研究

6.Game Analysis and Countermeasures on Prices of the Entrance Tickets Rising in Tourism Attractions;旅游景区门票价格上涨的博弈分析和对策

7.An Analysis on Price Rise in the Tickets of the Open-access Resource Scenic Areas from the Perspective of the Management System;从管理体制看公共资源类旅游景区门票价格上涨

8.Economic Analysis of the Adjustment of Scenic Spots Admission fee--on a angle view of Stakeholder Theory;旅游景区门票价格调整的经济学分析——利益相关者理论视角

9.Queries on the Beneficial Theory of the Elevation of Price of Admission Tickets in Scenic Spots--An Analysis of the Countermeasures of Overload of Tourism Capacity,Shortage of Capital;对景区门票价格上升有益论的质疑——兼论景区容量超载、资金短缺的解决对策

10.The author suggests the adjustment of the price of scenic spots should be scientifically and reasonably evaluated to consider the situation as a whole and meet consumers" mentality as well.提出调整景区门票价格需要科学、合理地评估,要有全局眼光,要考虑大众消费心理。

11.The Study of the Government Regulation on the Ticket Price of the World Natural Heritage Scenic Spots in Our Country under the Condition of the Notion of Sustainable Development;基于可持续发展理念下我国世界自然遗产景区门票价格的政府规制研究

12.From the Perspective of Social Welfare to Formulate Reasonable Ticket Price of World Heritage;从社会福利最大化角度出发,合理制定我国世界遗产类景区门票价格

13.On the Misunderstandings of Raising Ticket Prices for Scenic Spots;论景点门票价格上涨理由的认识误区

14.A Study on Government Regulation of Scenic Area Entrance Fees;风景名胜区门票价格的政府规制问题研究

15.Analysis of Adimission Tickets and Operation Strategy in Qinghai s Scenic Spots;青海省旅游景区的门票价格及经营策略

16.Optimal Ticket Pricing Model of the Resourceful Scenic Spots:Based on Game Theory under Leisure Constraints;资源景区门票的最优价格——基于闲暇约束的博弈模型

17.Research on Entrance Fee Pricing of World Heritages & National Scenery in China;中国世界遗产地与国家级风景名胜区门票价格定位研究

18.A Few Thoughts on the Fact of Ticket Price Rising of the Six Historical Sites of the World Cultural Heritage in Beijing对北京六大世遗景点门票价格调整的思考


tickets price in scenic spots风景名胜区门票价格

3)tourism entrance ticket"function景区门票

4)ticket price门票价格

1.About the contesting production of the professional football going to the market from theticket price;从门票价格视角看职业足球竞赛产品的市场化

2.By resource-based tourism products prices on the theory discussion,we gave the establishment of such products pricing two main factors: the effectiveness of tourists and landscaper profit maximization,constructed a static Nash equilibrium,calculated optimal scenicticket prices of the theoretical value,conducted a structural analysis,gave the corresponding policy recommendations.通过对资源依托型旅游产品价格制定的理论探讨,初步确立了影响此类产品价格制定的2个主要因素:游客的效用最大化和景区的利润最大化;通过构建静态纳什均衡,计算出了景区门票价格的理论值,并对此进行了结构分析,最后给出了相应的政策建议。

3.In recent years,the increasingticket price of scenic area of heritage has aroused great attention from all sectors of society.遗产类景区门票价格管理问题的解决,主要应从及时调整遗产类景区的经营目标,转换遗产类景区门票价格管理中的政府角色和职能入手,使其成为遗产保护的责任主体,以便景区摆脱自筹维护管理费用的沉重负担;拓宽遗产保护的社会融资渠道,实现门票经济向产业经济的提升。

5)entrance fees门票价格

1.A Study on Government Regulation of Scenic Area Entrance Fees;风景名胜区门票价格的政府规制问题研究

2.By making comparisons on four aspects as followed:tourist scenic spotsentrance fees at home and abroad,the broadness of fund-collecting in scenic spots,the flexibility of an overall control and inspecting systems forentrance fees,the authors sum up the varied features of tourist scenic spotsentrance fees at home and aboard.通过中外旅游景区门票价格高低、旅游景区资金来源广泛度、旅游景区价格调控灵活度以及旅游景区门票价格监管体制的比较,得出了目前中外旅游景区门票价格特征的不同特点;同时,旅游景区不同于一般的商品,其定价依据主要为资源价值、成本投入、市场供求、景区性质以及服务质量。

6)entrance ticket price产品(门票)价格


