100字范文 > 门票经济 tickets economy英语短句 例句大全

门票经济 tickets economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-02 07:11:40


门票经济 tickets economy英语短句 例句大全

门票经济,tickets economy

1)tickets economy门票经济


1.Defects Analysis and Strategies of "Tickets Economy" in Scenic Spots;旅游景区“门票经济”的弊端分析与对策

2.Research on Tourism Ticket Economy Model Transformation Based on Industry Correlation;基于产业关联的旅游门票经济模式转型研究

3.An Economics Perspective of the Ticket Pricing of Professional Football League Games in China;中国职业足球比赛门票定价的经济学解释

4.Questioning on Ticket-price Rising in a Scenic Area of World Heritage;世界遗产旅游景区门票涨价的经济学质疑

5.An Economic Analysis on Price Variation of Admission Tickets to World Heritages--Case Study of Liaoning Province;世界遗产门票价格变动的经济学分析——以辽宁为例

6.Economic Analysis of the Adjustment of Scenic Spots Admission fee--on a angle view of Stakeholder Theory;旅游景区门票价格调整的经济学分析——利益相关者理论视角

7.What"s the economy class fare?经济舱的票价是多少?

8.What is the fare for an economy class ticket?经济舱票价多少钱?

9.One New York, economy.到纽约票一张,经济座。

10.point-to-point economy class passage直航经济客位机票费用

11.The stock market reacts on economic news.股票市场影响经济新闻。

12.Analysis of economic thoughts of China modern stock by using economics;中国近代股票经济思想的经济学分析

13.Others are advising banks, stock markets, and government ministries how to adapt to the global economy.另外一些人则当起了银行、股票市场和政府部门的顾问,就如何与世界经济接轨提出积极建议。

14.Analysis of the Issue of the Price of Admissions of Tourist Attractions--Based on Economic Methods of Monopolistic Competition and Imperfect Information;试析旅游景区门票定价问题——基于垄断竞争和不完全信息下的经济学分析

15.The economy has gotten the better of your department.部门经济出现问题。

16.An Economic Analysis on Lottery Ticket Purchasing彩票的经济学分析及我国彩票市场主体的取向

17.Yes, the fare is the same as economy. Shall I issue your ticket now?是的,票价和经济舱一样,我现在给你出票吗?

18.economics of different sectors and economics ofspecialized fields部门经济学和专业经济学


the lottery economy彩票经济

1.Because of the short time development, the system is not perfected, There are still a lot of questions existing in the development ofthe lottery economy of our country.彩票由于其在经济领域的独特作用被人们称作彩票经济,我国彩票经济也正在形成。

3)sectional economy部门经济

4)economic industry category经济门类

5)Macao"s Economy澳门经济


1.Identity Discrimination,Development Gap &Threshold;身份歧视、发展差距与经济门槛


