100字范文 > 齐长城 the Qi Great Wall英语短句 例句大全

齐长城 the Qi Great Wall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-07 23:39:48


齐长城 the Qi Great Wall英语短句 例句大全

齐长城,the Qi Great Wall

1)the Qi Great Wall齐长城

1.The position ofthe Qi Great Wall in the mililary defensive strategy of the Qi State;齐长城在齐国军事防御战略中的地位

2.<Abstrcat> Generally,it is partial to study such a historic cultural heritage asthe Qi Great Wall just in military perspective.对于像齐长城这样较大的历史文化遗存,如果仅仅从军事的角度去加以认识和理解,往往会失之偏颇。


1.The position of the Qi Great Wall in the mililary defensive strategy of the Qi State齐长城在齐国军事防御战略中的地位

2.Important role of the Qi Great Wall study in the Qi culture research;论齐长城研究在齐文化研究中的重要地位

3.A Brief Talk on Development Mode of To urism Resources Along the Great Wall Within Shandong Province;齐长城沿线旅游资源“龙头凤尾”开发模式浅说

4.One piece refers to battle breaking out between the nomadic alien and the army of the Jin State in404BC.“大莫敖阳为、晋师战于长城之岁”即?羌钟入齐长城之役 ,时在公元前404年。

5.The defence strategy of the Qi Great Wall boasts two features:one is the trinity of hillside field defence,Jishui defence and Huanghai defence;齐长城的防御战略有两大特点,即:山地防御、济水防御、黄海防御三位一体的防御战略;

6.Research on Rural-Urban Migration Urbanization Model Based on Ramsey s Growth Model;基于拉姆齐增长模型的乡城迁移城市化模式研究

7.Sunflowers reach the low thatched eaves,“茅檐矮矮长葵齐,

8."and early in the morning Joshua got up, and put the people in order, and he and the chiefs of Israel went up before the people to ai."约书亚清早起来,点齐百姓,他和以色列的长老在百姓前面上艾城去。

9.Acrobatics, a world famous art, is one of the Chinese wonders which also include Great Wall, Imperial Palace and Terracotta Army.杂技是一门世界性的艺术,是与中国长城、宫、马俑齐名的中国奇观。

10.Manage Qiqihar,Build up Tourist Famous-city in Northern Part of China;经营齐齐哈尔 打造北方旅游名城

11.The Historical Changes of Qiqihar in Modern Times (1897-1949)近代齐齐哈尔城市的历史变迁(1897-1949)

12.Well-serviced formal city服务齐全的高尚城市

13.The provincial famous historical and cultural cities are Ning An , Acheng , YiLan, QiQihar .省级历史文化名城是宁安、阿城、依兰、齐齐哈尔。

14.He folded his newspaper into a neat rectangle.他将报纸折成一个整整齐齐的长方形。

15.Shoulder length, with a long fringe.头发齐肩,并留长的刘海。

16.The grass had grown waist-high.草已长得齐腰高了.

17.The road is flanked by neat rows of trees.路两旁的树长得很齐整。

18.The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.我从前留你在革哩底,是要你将那没有办完的事都办整齐了,又照我所吩咐你的,在各城设立长老。


The Ruins of the Ancient Great Wall of the Qi Kingdom齐国古长城遗址

3)Qi-Chu relationship and the Qi Great Wall齐楚关系与齐长城

4)The Qi Great Wall and Qi-Lu business war齐长城与齐鲁商战

5)the Qiqihaer town齐齐哈尔城

6)Not uniform in length长短不齐




