100字范文 > 近沙尘源区 Near dust region英语短句 例句大全

近沙尘源区 Near dust region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-20 07:45:04


近沙尘源区 Near dust region英语短句 例句大全

近沙尘源区,Near dust region

1)Near dust region近沙尘源区


1.Seasonal Variation and Statistic Characteristics of Aerosols Optical Properties near Dust Region近沙尘源区气溶胶光学特性的季节变化及其统计学描述

2.Distribution characteristics of sandstorm in Inner Mongolian Area in the past 13 years近内蒙古地区沙尘暴的分布特征

3.Studying on Soil Wind Erosion and Potential Duststorm Source of Duststorm Area in Northwest China;西北沙尘多发区土壤风蚀及潜在尘源研究

4.Construction of a Harmonious Society and the Prevention of Sand Storm in the Western Corridor;构建和谐社会与河西源区沙尘暴防治

5.Physiochemical Properties of the Atmospheric Aerosol Particles over the Sand-dust Source Areas and Sedimentary Areas;沙尘源区与沉降区气溶胶粒子的理化特征

6.The sand originates largely from neighboring Hebei province where 15% of the land has turned into desert.沙尘暴主要从邻近的河北省形成,该地区15%的土地已经变成沙漠。

7.Isotopic Characteristics of Asian Dust Source Regions of Deserts and Sandy Lands亚洲沙尘源区砂质土壤同位素特征分析

8.The wind speed characteristics of near-surface vertical gradient of 50m in sandstorm process in 民勤地区沙尘暴近地面风速特征及其与环境因子的关系

9.Geochemical Records of Chemical Weathering Characteristics and Matter Source of Sand-Dust Weather Deposits in Harbin哈尔滨沙尘沉降物的化学风化特征及物源区意义

10.Study on Source and Moving of Sandstorm in Northwest China with CEOF Method用CEOF方法探讨形成西北地区沙尘暴天气的源地及传播特征

11.Study on Toxicological Effects of Desert Dust and Desert Lung Syndrome of Dweller in Northwest Area of China西北地区沙漠尘毒性研究及风沙尘肺调查分析

12.The dust storms came from deserts in China and Mongolia.沙尘暴来自于中国和蒙古的沙漠地区。

13.More and more sand storms have been hitting Beijing in recent years.近几年来,沙尘暴更加频繁地袭击北京。

14.Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Sand-dust in Turpan Basin in Recent 30 Years吐鲁番盆地近30年沙尘天气分布特征

15.Study on the Mechanism of Shelterbelt on the Reduction Sand-dust Storm near the Ground Surface;防护林降解近地表沙尘暴机理的研究

16.The Studying on Numerical Method for the Model about the Movement of Dust and the Sand;近地面沙尘运动模型数值解法的研究

17.Research on Spatio-temporal Evolvement Regularity of Land Desertification of Beijing-Tianjin Dust Storms Sources Region and Its Developing Trend in Recent 50 Years;近50a京津风沙源区土地沙漠化时空变化规律及其发展趋势研究

18.Characteristics of 0.010-10 μm Dust Aerosol Distribution in Dusty Weather in Semiarid Areas半干旱区沙尘天气对0.010~10μm沙尘气溶胶分布的影响


dust source area沙尘源区

3)dust storm source沙尘暴源区

4)Asian dust source regions亚洲沙尘源区

5)remote smallsand远源沙尘

6)dust source沙尘源

1.Based on the dust-transport model, this paper makes analysis on the dusts effect on the city which are from differentdust source.利用文献[1]中建立的沙尘暴数值模式,进一步模拟分析了不同沙尘源对我国城市沙尘暴爆发的影响作用。


近红外区分子式:CAS号:性质:电磁波谱图上红外光谱区域分为近红外区、中红外区和远红外区。近红外区域是由电子跃迁加上振动和转动跃迁引起的,其波数为12 500~4000cm-1(波长0.80~25μm),它也是倍频和组合带区。分光光度计800nm以上即为近红外区,高档的紫外—可见光—近红外分光光度计,可包括近红外波段(800~2500nm)。
