100字范文 > 沙尘 dust英语短句 例句大全

沙尘 dust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-28 17:52:40


沙尘 dust英语短句 例句大全



1.The Experimental Study of Retrieving Dust Aerosol Size Distribution Using Multichannel MODIS Remote Sensing Data;利用多通道MODIS遥感资料反演沙尘气溶胶尺度分布的个例试验

2.Vertical distribution characteristics of aerosol during a long-distance transport of heavydust pollution一次强沙尘输送过程中气溶胶垂直分布特征研究

3.A statistic regression approach was introduced to estimate the wavelength index of black carbon anddust particles,and further to separate the contribution of the two types of aerosols to the aerosol light absorption coefficients measured in the spring of in Beijing urban area.对春季北京城区大气气溶胶中沙尘和黑碳气溶胶吸收系数的波长指数及其对总吸收系数的贡献进行了估算。


1.Have you watched the news about sandstorm?你看沙尘暴的新闻了吗?

2.Beijing attacked by another serious sandstorm北京又出现严重沙尘暴

3.Study on Optimization of the Dust Model System and Quantitative Classification of Dust Events in East Asia沙尘模式优化与东亚沙尘天气量化分级研究

4.Study on Toxicological Effects of Desert Dust and Desert Lung Syndrome of Dweller in Northwest Area of China西北地区沙漠尘毒性研究及风沙尘肺调查分析

5.The dust storms came from deserts in China and Mongolia.沙尘暴来自于中国和蒙古的沙漠地区。

6.Because of the sweep of the sandstorm, sand was all over the sky of the entire city.由于刮起了沙尘暴, 整个城市黄沙漫天。

7.A cloud of smoke or dust that chokes or smothers.沙尘弥漫呛人或令人窒息的烟雾或尘土

8.Studying on Soil Wind Erosion and Potential Duststorm Source of Duststorm Area in Northwest China;西北沙尘多发区土壤风蚀及潜在尘源研究

9.Study on the Changing Characteristics of Falling Dust of a Sand-Dust Storm Based on Oasis Scale基于绿洲尺度沙尘暴天气降尘的变化特征研究

10.Effects of Dust Storms on Human Heath and in Vitro Responses of Rat Alveolar Macrophages to Dust Storm PM_(2.5);沙尘暴对健康的影响及沙尘暴PM_(2.5)对肺泡巨噬细胞的损伤

11.The Sandstorm Information of Xinjiang Based on MODIS Data is Drawn and Studied with the Ocological Effect of Dust and Sand Weather;基于MODIS数据的新疆沙尘暴信息提取与沙尘天气生态效应研究

12.Characteristics of 0.010-10 μm Dust Aerosol Distribution in Dusty Weather in Semiarid Areas半干旱区沙尘天气对0.010~10μm沙尘气溶胶分布的影响

13.Numerical Simulations of Dust Radiative Heating on the Duststorm Transport and Meteorological Fields by Using an Interactive Weather-Dust Model沙尘辐射效应对天气和沙尘输送影响的数值模拟

14.Research on Sand-dust Control Mechanism of Vegetation at the Northeast Edge of Ulan Buh Desert;乌兰布和沙漠东北缘植被抑制沙尘机理的研究

15.Experimental Study on Influence on Sand Collection Rate of Configuration Parameter of Sand Sampler;集沙仪结构参数对沙尘收集率影响的试验研究

16.The Shelterbelt on the Reduction Sand-dust Storm in the Ulan Buh Desert;乌兰布和沙漠防护林体系对沙尘暴的降解作用

17.About the Application of the Polluted Water in the Process of Defending the Sandstorm and the Desertification;污水在防治沙尘暴和土壤沙漠化过程中的应用

18.Reason analysis of the dust aerosols’ content change in desert regions沙漠地区沙尘气溶胶含量变化的原因分析


sand dust沙尘

1.Study on the pollution ofsand dust;沙尘对污染的影响、成因及预报

2.Abrasive wear experiment of PEN(polyethylene2, 6-naphthalenedicarboxylate) tape was performed insand dust environment with ATM(Auto Teller Machine) tribosystem.选取聚萘二甲酸乙二酯(PEN)薄带在ATM自动取款机摩擦学系统中进行了沙尘磨粒磨损试验,利用表面形貌仪以一定时间间隔测量薄带磨损形貌,采用结构函数法考察磨损形貌的分形特征,并利用扫描电子显微镜分析其磨损机理。


1.The sources ofsand-dust during sand blowing weather mainly come from Beijing outskirts.沙尘天气分沙尘暴、扬沙、浮尘三种,北京扬沙天气的沙尘源以就地起沙为主。

2.In this paper,the basic laws and characteristics of the different-structured shelterbelts in reducingsand-dustin air near ground surface are researched based on summing up the predecessors’ achievements by usingcomparability theory and wind tunnel simulation.在总结前人研究的基本理论基础上,依据相似性理论,采用风洞模拟实验的方法,研究不同结构类型防护林降解近地表沙尘的基本规律及特征。

3.The technical route of this study is to study the characteristics of wind-blown sand movement andsand-dust control mechanism of plants with blown sand physics and mathematical statistics as basic principles, combining theories of forestry, ecology and other subjects.本项研究的技术路线是以风沙物理学、数理统计学的基本原理,结合林学、生态学等学科理论来研究风沙运动特征及植被抑制沙尘的机理。

4)sand and dust沙尘

1.In recent years,not only thesand and dust weather often appears,but also partialsand and dust occurs in city.近年城市中不仅常常出现沙尘天气 ,还有局部沙尘频繁出现。

2.Based on the data of Lanzhou meteorological observation from 1971 to 2000 and the data from 2001 to ,the temporal characteristics and the cause ofsand and dust weather in Lanzhou city are analyzed.利用1971~2000年和2001~兰州市观测站资料,分析了兰州市沙尘天气的气候特征和2001~沙尘天气特点及产生原因。

3.Therefore, we must using effective monitoring to realizesand and dust events in order to decrease the loss.沙尘天气是具有破坏力的灾害性天气,它给工农业生产和人类身体健康带来巨大影响,而且可能引起气候学效应,造成自然生态坏境的破坏。

5)dust storm沙尘

1.Harbindust storm event formation causes and the changes of urban air pollutants indust storm event;哈尔滨沙尘天气成因及其对城市大气污染的影响

2.A spring sampling campaign was carried out to monitor the Asiandust storm and its long-range transport across China in .利用4个地面站点(多伦、北京、泰山、上海)组成的气溶胶采样网络观测了春季亚洲沙尘的中长距离传输路线。

6)dust/dust storm沙尘/沙尘暴


沙尘1.沙子与尘土。 2.指征尘。战斗时扬起的尘土。 3.指风尘。喻旅途劳累。
