100字范文 > 平模 flat-die英语短句 例句大全

平模 flat-die英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-12 11:44:34


平模 flat-die英语短句 例句大全



1.Make an analysis and simulation on the displacement and stress of the biomass equipmentflat-die under load.采用Pro/Mechanica对生物质成型设备平模工作过程中受载后位移、应力进行分析仿真,结果表明,成型孔内壁受载下位移及应力是一个小范围连续变动的阈值,且不同载荷下的位移、最大应力呈一元线性回归。


1.The leveling simulate system of platform based on Fuzzy-PID基于Fuzzy-PID的平台调平模拟系统

2.horizontal parting水平分模(平锻机)

3.VMAP VIA Modular Architecture PlatformsVIA模块架构平台

4.weighted average model加权平均模式 加权平均模式

5.About Simple-Projective Modules, Soc-Flat Modules, Soc-Pseudo Modules;关于单投射模、soc-平坦模、soc-伪内射模

6.Ann-Projective Modules, Ann-Injective Modules and Ann-Flat Modules;关于ann-投射模、ann-内射模和ann-平坦模

7.On Quasi-Injective,Quasi-Projective,Quasi-FlatModule and Special Rings;拟投射模、拟内射模、拟平坦模和特殊环

8.Analog of Performance of Turbine Compressor透平式压缩机特性模拟

9.dispersion-flattened single-mode fiber色散平坦型单模光纤

10.half plane in the pattern space模式空间中的半平面

11.Then N is said to be a flat A-module.那么,N叫做平坦a--模。

12.block adjustment with independent mode独立模型法区域网平差

13.Pan Non-Camera View Mode平移非摄像机视图模式

14.general equilibrium model"总量平衡模型,见 computaBle general equiliBrium"

15.grain EMC model谷物平衡水分数学模型

16.Gorenstein Projective, Injective and Flat ModulesGORENSTEIN投射、内射和平坦模

17.Generic Modules for Trivial Extension Algebras A∝M平凡扩张代数A∝M的Generic模

18.dynamic model of competitive equilibrium竞争性平衡的动态模型;竞争性平衡的动态模型


hot-model device热模平台

3)platform module平台模块

1.In the offshore lifting design of Xijiang 23-1 oil field"splatform modules,the designer considers the characteristic of sea and "Hua Tianlong" heavy derrick barge,applies SACS and ANSYS software in the optimization of the design of modules,padeye and spread bar,assures the operation safety of offshore lifting.在西江23-1油田平台模块的海上吊装设计中,结合该油田海域及"华天龙"号起重船的特点,应用SACS和ANSYS软件对平台模块的整体结构、吊耳和辅助吊杆等进行了优化设计,保证了海上吊装作业的顺利进行。

4)balance model平衡模型

1.Development and application of nitrogenbalance model of agro-ecosystem in China;中国农田生态系统氮素平衡模型的建立及其应用

2.Based on the theory of conservation of substance"input = output + surplus"in substance flow analysis(SFA)method,N nutrientbalance model of agro-ecosystem was built.为揭示北京市农田生态系统氮素养分平衡与负荷状况,利用物质流分析中"输入=输出+盈余"的物质守恒原理,以氮素养分为介质建立农田生态系统氮素平衡模型。

5)plan pattern平面模式

1.Based on "plan pattern" traditional city s shortcoming the three dimensional future city which meets the demand of human beings and ecology in future is put forward in the paper.本文在指出传统城市都是基于“平面模式” ,并分析其利弊的基础上 ,提出未来立体化城市的概念。

6)equilibrium model平衡模型

1.The partitioningequilibrium model was modified taking account of the nonideal solution behavior of the.通过对色氨酸在三辛基甲基氯化铵 (TOMAC) /正辛烷体系中分配平衡行为分析 ,推导了氨基酸的普遍化液液萃取平衡模型。

2.The affinity adsorption equilibrium was studied by using a three parameter adsorptionequilibrium model.本文采用三参数平衡模型尝试对亲和力均匀和不均匀两类物系的平衡行为进行描述,以期为亲和吸附过程的研究提供依据。

3.We thus solved the testing problem of all theequilibrium models with resolution number 2.给出了用两台装置搜索两个坏硬币问题中分解为 2的 6个平衡模型的统一测试过程 t,使得当 k为奇数时 ,tk/nk=1 ,当 k为偶数时 ,tk/nk>0 。


