100字范文 > 创意性思维 creative thinking英语短句 例句大全

创意性思维 creative thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-01 16:44:59


创意性思维 creative thinking英语短句 例句大全

创意性思维,creative thinking

1)creative thinking创意性思维

1.Good graphics can not be good ideas, good ideas can not be separated fromcreative thinking, good graphics full of spiritual and aesthetic creativity, Designers work to express thoughts, to infection with the audience, as those who have a positive dialogue and exchange.要善于观察和积累,积极拓宽自身的知识面,通过学习和训练选择行之有效的思维方法来指导自己的思维活动,提高学生的创意性思维的能力,从而使我们的设计眼光变得独特而敏锐,创造出更多更好的设计作品。


1.From Rational Thinking to Intention Thinking--The Interweaving of Science and Art;从理性思维到创意性思维——科学与艺术的交织

2.Advertisement in the Teaching of Cultivating Creative Thinking Graphics平面广告教学中图形的创意性思维培养研究

3.Stimulating creative consciousness and training students′ creative thinking;激发创新意识 培养学生创造性思维

4.Breaking down the Traditional Thought Pattern Setting up a Variety of Creative Thought;打破传统思维定势 建立多样性创意思维

5.Exploring the Cultivation of the Creative Thinking Ability in the Conception of Composition;作文立意中创造性思维能力培养探微

6.Simplely Analyse the Significance of Creative Performance s Use in Chinese Characters Designing;浅析创意思维在汉字设计中的重要性

7.The Significance and Value of Convergent Thinking in Creative Upbringing;创造性培养中聚合思维的意义和价值

8.The Logic of Imagery:A Primary Driving Force of Creative Thinking --Reading Rudolf Arnheim s"Visual Thinking"Once Again;意象的逻辑:创造性思维的首要推动者

9."To Rebound Pipa" in a Creative Backward Thinking --Training and Developing Creative Thinking and Design Awareness;以创造性思维反弹琵琶——创新思维与设计意识的开发训练

10.The Training and Expression of Creative Thoughts创造性思维培养与表现——刍议创意素描教学

11.On the Philosophical Consciousness and Ideological Attributes in the Music Creative Thinking论音乐创造思维中的哲学意识及其思想属性

12.Structural Character of Thinking of Knowledge and Its Significance of Teaching on Creative Thinking;知识的思维结构特性及其在创新思维培养中的教学论意义

13.The Study of Creative Thought Teaching and Bringing up Students Awareness of Questions;创造性思维教学与培养学生问题意识的研究

14.A View on the Value of Creative Thinking in the Medical Talent Training;创造性思维方法在医学人才培养中的意义

15.The train of solving-problem idea and creative thought in the higher math teaching;高等数学教学中解题意识和创造性思维的培养

16.Divergent Thinking over the Teaching of Originality in Advertisement广告创意教学过程中发散性思维的探讨

17.On Logical Thinking and Thinking in Images in Creative Design;论创意设计中的逻辑思维与形象思维

18.Logical thinking and thinking in images in advertising creativity;论广告创意中的逻辑思维和形象思维


Freehand creation thoughts写意性创作思维

3)creative thinking创意思维

1.Inspiration andcreative thinking are applied to guide clothing design.在服装设计过程中,必须掌握和运用全方位、全新的视角去构思的方法,善于观察生活、积累素材,可以通过偶发性思维,如仿生构思法、移植借鉴法、心理构思法等获得灵感,利用发散思维、辐合思维、侧向思维、逆向思维等技法产生创意思维,并将灵感和创意思维用于指导服装设计,完成好的作品。

2.This article by university of clothing innovative teaching model-clothing technology importcreative thinking must pay attentio.本文提出高校服装工艺教学的创新模式——服装工艺技术必须注意导入创意思维进行教育,意在构建一个全方位的服装工艺教学的新模式,阐述技术与创意思维相关联的必要性及高校服装工艺教育的信息化模式的新面貌。

3.Questions are raised by usingcreative thinking reasonably and finding appropriate points.运用视觉语言来表述思想,让信息的沟通清晰而顺畅,合理的运用创意思维并找到合适的切入点来提出问题,同时运用精彩的视觉表述方式来解决问题。

4)creative thought创意思维

1.We should actively refresh our ideas,construct a reference and inquiry service mode with knowledge service system,build a reference and inquiry troop withcreative thought,to promote the reference and inquiry service function of library.参考咨询服务的网络化,是21世纪图书馆事业的重要特征;信息参考咨询服务应积极更新观念、构建知识服务体系的参考咨询模式、建立具有创意思维的参考咨询队伍,以提升高校图书馆的服务职能。

2.Excellent and successful ad-designers are all pioneers probing bravely in respect ofcreative thought.广告设计中的创意思维,是广告设计人员在前所未有的情况下,创造出新的意念来。

5)creativity thought创意思维

1.the non -line characteristics ofcreativity thought in the advertises are as follows: first, thescientific reasoning definite its logical premise and provide it with certain factors ;second ,art imagination provide it withrandom factors; and interact between the two factors make the moment that the result of thecreativity thought of advertisementco.广告创意思维作为一种典型的创新思维形式,其最突出的特征即“非线性”。

2.On this base, it proposes that eight kinds ofcreativity thoughts for the daily ceramic, compares and analyzes the three big fuzzy concepts of the domestic ceramic.创新是日用陶瓷发展的动力,日用陶瓷设计的创意思维是创新的核心,而观念的创新和变革是日用陶瓷设计创新的根本。

6)Manifestation of graphic creative idea创意思维表现


创意1.亦作"剙意"。 2.谓创立新意。
