100字范文 > 文化价值取向 cultural value orientation英语短句 例句大全

文化价值取向 cultural value orientation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-14 15:10:49


文化价值取向 cultural value orientation英语短句 例句大全

文化价值取向,cultural value orientation

1)cultural value orientation文化价值取向

1.This essay vastly inspects Yuxin from the cultural perspective and deeply probes into hiscultural value orientation in creation on the basis of the previous studies.本文是在已有研究的基础上,对庾信作更为广阔的文化考察,探究庾信创作中的文化价值取向。

2.Based on the principles of embodied philosophy theory,the development of college English teaching materials should attach importance to practice,language environment andcultural value orientation,etc.基于体验哲学的原则,大学英语教材的建构应注重实践性、语言语境以及文化价值取向。


1.Ecological Cultural World Outlook and Cultural Value Orientation;试论生态文化世界观与文化价值取向

2.Demonstration on the Culture Value Orientation of Integrative Study of Chinese;试论语文综合性学习的文化价值取向

3.On Shen Congwen s Cultural Value Orientation Expressed in The Outlying City;从《边城》看沈从文的文化价值取向

4.On the value tropism of Taoist Culture in Xu Dishan s Novels;论许地山小说中的道家文化价值取向

5.English Iconicity as Perceived From Cultural Value Orientations从文化价值取向看英语语言的象似性

6.Making tourism a culture: tourists cultural value orientation for tourism--An example of Nanyang City;“文化化”:游客旅游的文化价值取向——以南阳为例

7.On the Source andTendency ofCultural Value about the Cultural Seeking-root Novel;论“文化寻根”小说的渊源及文化价值取向

8.The Psychological Analysis of Cultural Value Orientation of Country in Shen Congwen s Novels;沈从文小说乡村文化价值取向的心理分析

9.The cultural choice in modern Chinese literary translation;浅析中国近代文学翻译之文化价值取向

10.Cultural Value Orientation of China Taiwan s Advertisement in Globalization Era;全球化语境中中国台湾广告的文化价值取向

11.The Orientation of Cultural Value for Brand Construction in Local Applied University;地方应用型高校品牌建构的文化价值取向

12.The influence of cultural diversity to university student value orientation;文化多元化对大学生价值取向的影响

13.Lack a certain cultural and value orientation similar to those of the westerners缺乏某种和西方人类似的文化取向和价值取向

14.The Historical Development and Value Tropism of the Multicultural Education;多元文化教育的历史发展与价值取向

15.The Value Orientation Ponder of Information Technology Education;信息技术教育价值取向的文化性思考

16.The Characteristics of the Appreciation of Beauty in Sports Dancing Culture and Its Value Orientation;体育舞蹈文化的审美特征与价值取向

17.Curriculum Culture: Implication, Value Orientation and Constructional Strategy;课程文化:涵义、价值取向与建设策略

18.Study of the essence, significance and value orientation of "harmony" culture试论“和文化”的本质、意义及价值取向


cultural value orientation of country乡村文化价值取向

1.Shen Congwen scultural value orientation of country comes from his cultural inferiority complex, which is shaped by his rural origination, consanguinity of Miao nationality and his urban frustration.沈从文小说的乡村文化价值取向,源于其内心深处的文化自卑情结。

3)value orientation of literary theory文论价值取向

1.Since the reform and opening,thevalue orientation of literary theory has undergone changes from theory of humanity and humanism to theory of subjectivity,from theory of humane spirit to theory of neo-rationality,which has formed the new tradition of theory of literary value.改革开放以来,文论价值取向历经了人性论与人道主义、主体性理论、人文精神以及新理性精神文论的发展过程,形成了文学价值理论的新传统,有着明显的本土特色,这将成为新世纪新阶段文论价值研究的现实起点与理论基础。

4)humanistic value orientation人文价值取向

5)Humanities value orientation人文性价值取向

6)modern value-orientation近代化价值取向


