100字范文 > 文化取向 Cultural orientation英语短句 例句大全

文化取向 Cultural orientation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-20 21:14:37


文化取向 Cultural orientation英语短句 例句大全

文化取向,Cultural orientation

1)Cultural orientation文化取向

1.On the cultural orientation under the background of globalization of higher education;全球化背景下我国高等教育发展的文化取向

2.On the cultural orientation of constructing modern university institution;论现代大学制度建设的文化取向

3.The Cultural Orientation and Significances of Root-seeking Fiction;寻根小说的文化取向及其意义


1.Psychology of Intercultural Behavior--The Fourth Direction in the Cultural Oriented Psychology;跨文化行为心理学——文化取向心理学第四方向

2.Lack a certain cultural and value orientation similar to those of the westerners缺乏某种和西方人类似的文化取向和价值取向

3.Dilemma and Transformation for Research on Web-based Learning Environment从技术取向到文化取向——网络学习困境的解脱

4.The Cultrual Tendency in Seeking Comments From All Sidesof A Critical History of Institutions·Confucian Classics Kao;《文献通考·经籍考》广纳群说的文化取向

5.On the Tendency of Taoist Governing Political Culturein the Book of "Wen Zi;论《文子》的道治主义政治文化取向

6.Cultural Orientation of Chinese Literature in the Philippines in the Context of Globalization全球化背景中菲律宾华文文学的文化取向

7.Orientation and Building of Trans-cultural Human Rights Security in Legal Culture;跨文化际人权保障的法文化取向与营造

8.A Cross-cultural Study on the Relationship between Individual Cultural Orientations and Subjective Well-being;个体文化取向与主观幸福感关系的跨文化研究

9.On Wu Mi’s Cultural Views and His Cultural Experience before Studying in America;论吴宓留学前的文化经历与其文化取向的关系

10.Cultural Orientation and Development Strategy of the Cainozoic Era Film新生代电影的文化取向与文化发展策略

11.An Elementary Introduction to the Cultural Value of Mei Yiqi s Thinking of Generalist Development;浅论梅贻琦通才教育思想的文化取向

12.Ecological Cultural World Outlook and Cultural Value Orientation;试论生态文化世界观与文化价值取向

13.Demonstration on the Culture Value Orientation of Integrative Study of Chinese;试论语文综合性学习的文化价值取向

14.Moral Orientation of Wenchang Culture for Criticizing Dirty Books;论文昌文化挞伐淫秽书籍的道德取向

15.On Shen Congwen s Cultural Value Orientation Expressed in The Outlying City;从《边城》看沈从文的文化价值取向

16.On the Orientation Towards Foreignization from the Perspective of Cultural Fusion;从文化融合的角度看翻译的异化取向

17.The influence of cultural diversity to university student value orientation;文化多元化对大学生价值取向的影响

18.On Development Orientation of China s Traditional Culture in Globalization of Culture;文化全球化下中国传统文化的发展取向


culture orientation文化取向

1.Take for examples the two different versions of A Dream of Red Mansion,and we can find that translators subjectivity is undoubtedly manifested in the whole process of translation,and is determined by translators purpose of translation andculture orientation.为此,以杨译及霍译《红楼梦》中诗词翻译作为研究对象,从译者主体意识发挥的主客观方面表现出发,可看出译者的主体性必然地体现和贯穿于翻译过程中,而译者的翻译目的、文化取向则影响和决定了译者的主体性。

3)cultural psychology文化取向心理学

1.Since 1980s ,cultural psychology developed rapidly and called an extensive attention to psychological researches.然而对于文化取向心理学的历史脉络还缺少必要的理论考量。

4)the Orientation of the Confucian Culture儒家文化取向

5)Taoist cultural orientation道家文化取向

6)Cultural orientation of the proverbs谚语的文化取向


