100字范文 > 文化认知取向 culture-oriented cognition英语短句 例句大全

文化认知取向 culture-oriented cognition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-28 14:27:38


文化认知取向 culture-oriented cognition英语短句 例句大全

文化认知取向,culture-oriented cognition

1)culture-oriented cognition文化认知取向

1.The major motivations lie in the differences ofculture-oriented cognition behind English and Chinese.其主要理据在于英汉语背后所隐含的文化认知取向差异。


1.The Applying Patterns of Locality ‘East,West,South and North’ in English and Chineseand Their Corresponding Culture-Oriented Cognition英汉方位词“东西南北”的应用模式及其文化认知取向对比研究

2.Evolutionary Viewpoint: A New Approach to Cognitive Science Study Paradigm;认知进化观:认知科学研究范式的新取向

3.Hesitation in Analysis and Reconstruction of National Culture--Understanding of the Following Culture Concept of Power, Value of Human s Life and Political Stratagem in Culture Ideology of Sun Yat-sen;解析与重构中的徘徊——孙中山文化取向中对“力、道、术”认知

4.Figuring the Cognitive Orientation From Functional Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics功能语言学和认知语言学的认知取向

5.Identity Shifting:Beginning Teachers Development from the Perspective of Socio-culture;身份认同变化:社会文化取向的初任教师发展

6.Chinese Overseas Students Cultural Identification, Social Orientation and Subjective Well-Being;中国留学生的文化认同、社会取向与主观幸福感

7.The Noun of Locality in Chinese and the Cultural Tendeney of Spatial Cognition Experience of the Han Nationality;汉语方位词与汉民族空间认知的文化倾向

8.Cultural Identification:the Goal Orientation of Socialist Culture Construction with Chinese Characteristics;文化认同:中国特色社会主义文化建设的目标取向

9.A Tendency of Conceptual Metonymy in Study of the Mechanism of Semantic Change in Cognitive Semantics认知语义学中语义变化机制研究中概念转喻取向

10.The Approach and Advances in Researching on Social Cognitive Neuroscience;社会认知神经科学的取向与研究进展

11.Three Orientations in Emotion Research: Physiology, Cognition and Behaviorism;情绪研究的三种取向:生理、认知与行为

12.A Critical Review of the Trends of Cognition in Chinese Legal System Reform;中国法制改革认知取向的考述与评析

13.The Relationship Between Goal Orientation and Socio-cognitive Conflict Regulation目标取向与社会认知冲突调节的关系

14.Intervention of Male Students Aggressive Behaviors in Middle Schools: Approaches of Cognitive-Behavior and Cognitive-Apperception;初中男生攻击行为的干预:认知行为取向与认识领悟取向

15.Unfinished Work--From Cyborg to Cognisphere;认知域为何要取代生化人?——论认知的转型

16.A New View of Cognitive Orientation and Its Significance to Educational Reform;认知取向的新知识观及其教育改革意义

17.Social Cognitive Neuroscience:Approach,Research and the Future;社会认知神经科学:取向、研究与未来方向

18.Long for New Knowledge and Value the Tradition--The Culture-Orientation and Meaning of Li Shutong s School Songs;渴求新知与崇尚传统——李叔同“学堂乐歌”创作的文化取向及其意义


cognitive approach认知取向

3)epistemic culture认知文化

1.Survey onepistemic culture through laboratory studies;从实验室研究看认知文化

4)cultural cognition文化认知

1.The Dark Cloth Zhuang s local chromatology and aesthetic experience are not only affected by external technology and physiological experience,but also contact closely with Zhuang people s particular personhood,points of view andcultural cognition.黑衣壮人对色彩的分类与审美感知受到客观技术手段与生理经验的影响,同时也与其独特的世界观、人观等文化认知体系有着密切联系。

2.This paper attempts to analyze the relationships between metaphor andcultural cognition.因为相同的文化认知方式,英汉两种语言会有相同的隐喻概念;但因为英汉同时也有不同的文化认知方式,所以这两种语言之间也会有不同的隐喻概念。

3.This paper discusses the importance ofcultural cognition in language learning.论述了文化认知在高职英语教学中的重要性,探讨了培养学生的文化认知和文化实践能力,提高学生的文化意识,鼓励学生开展英语文化和文化移情活动的途径和方法。

5)culture cognition文化认知

1.The article studies how the peer intercommunication influences the ethnicculture cognition of minority children by the questionnaire includes folk tales,folk craftwork and building,folk taboo,folk idol,folk apparition and Manitou,folk raiment,folk feast and folk food.采用自编的调查问卷,从民间故事传说、民族工艺建筑、民族禁忌、民族崇拜物、民族鬼怪神灵、民族服饰、民族节日、民族饮食这八个方面考察了同伴交往对少数民族儿童民族文化认知的影响。

6)cultural recognition文化认知

1.The cognition of the way of thinking in the other culture is essential tocultural recognition.语言的发展和使用受制于思维,文化认知的一个基本要素是对不同文化中思维方式的认知,因此英语教学中要重视文化认知的传授。

2.This dissertation tries to capture and interpret Spence\"s China image mainly on the four aspects with the help of comparative culture study theories and under thecultural recognition perspective.本文将对史景迁著作及期刊论文中所呈现的中国图景,从以上四个主要方面建立分析框架,进行比较文化理论与文化认知视野下的阐释解读。


