100字范文 > 凌汛灾害 ice flood disaster英语短句 例句大全

凌汛灾害 ice flood disaster英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-22 13:23:06


凌汛灾害 ice flood disaster英语短句 例句大全

凌汛灾害,ice flood disaster

1)ice flood disaster凌汛灾害

1.The cause analysis and countermeasures ofice flood disaster in main stream from Yumenkou to Tongguan reach of Yellow river;黄河小北干流河段凌汛灾害成因分析及其对策


1.On the Yellow River Ningmeng River Reach Ice Jam Flood Disaster Preventive Measures;黄河宁蒙河段凌汛灾害特点及防御措施

2.Study on the Urban Flood-control Decision Support System for the Storm Water Logging Disaster;针对暴雨积水灾害的城市防汛决策支持系统研究

3.The Research on the RS Dynamic Monitoring Mode of the Yellow River Icicle Hazard and the Ice Regime Information Extraction Model黄河冰凌灾害遥感动态监测模式及冰情信息提取模型研究

4.Yunnan Provincial Forestry Frozen Snow Disaster Restoration Features and Reconstruction Suggestions;云南省林业冰雪凌冻灾害特点及恢复重建对策建议

5.An important topic on icicle hazard:research and calculation of ice load冰凌灾害研究的一个重要课题——冰荷载计算分析与研究

6.Lower Yellow River was safe during ice run in 1989-1990黄河下游安度1989—1990年凌汛

7.Analysis of Causes to Dammed Water in Little-North-Stem of the Yellow River in 1996 Ice Flood1996年凌汛黄河小北干流冰塞壅水成因分析

8.Analysis of the Meteorological Causes Ice Jam Dam Flood Disaster at Heilongjiang,Songhuajiang and Nenjiang River黑龙江、松花江、嫩江冰坝凌汛的气象成因分析

9.Rivers in these regions often form the ice cover, the ice jam or the ice dam in winter, and they will bring various ice disasters.这些地区河流冬季常形成冰盖、冰塞或冰坝,它们会带来各种冰凌灾害。

10.Those directly responsible for misappropriating state funds and materials allocated for disaster relief, emergencies, flood control, allowances for disabled servicemen and the families of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen,挪用用于救灾、抢险、防汛、优抚、

11.Study on Water Security and Flood Control Assurance System;水安全及防汛减灾安全保障体系研究

12.Factor Analysis for Ice Flood and Model Research for Freeze-up Time and Break-up Time in the Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River;黄河内蒙段凌汛成因分析及封开河日期预报模型研究

13.Analysis on Ice Flood Damaged Dike from the Location of the Inner Mongolia Hangjinqi Duguitalakuisu Region of the Yellow River黄河内蒙古杭锦旗独贵塔拉奎素段凌汛期溃堤原因分析

14.During the flood season, the Poyang Lake helps keep down floods on the Changjiang River.在汛期,都阳湖有助于制止长江泛滥成灾。

15.Study on Flood Control and Damage Reduction System of Jilin Province Based on GIS;基于GIS吉林省防汛减灾信息系统的研究

16.Analysis on the characteristic of the precipitation and the affection of the drought-flood risk in the high water season in Guiyang;贵阳市汛期降水特点及对旱涝灾情影响的分析

17.Analysis of Cause for the Ice Run Flooding in January of 1982 at Hequ Section of the Yellow River黄河河曲段1982年1月凌灾成因分析

18.a plague of flies, locusts, rats, etc蝇、 蝗、 鼠等灾害.


iceflood disaster凌洪灾害

1.The weather in China andiceflood disaster at the end of this century;世纪末我国的气象和凌洪灾害

3)ice run凌汛

4)Ice flood凌汛

1.Application of CBERS-02 on ice flood monitoring of Yellow River;中巴地球资源一号02星在黄河凌汛监测中的应用

2.During 1950~1967 years before commissioning of Liujiaxia reservoir, there took place ice floods resulting in eight breaches of dikes in the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of Yellow River.黄河宁蒙河段,在刘家峡水库投运前的1950~1967年间,宁蒙河段凌汛灾害引起堤防决口8次。

3.The ice flood is one of the serious natural disasters in the lower reaches of Yellow River.凌汛是黄河下游严重的自然灾害之一,黄河下游天桥河段属于典型的弯曲窄河段,极易发生凌情。

5)ice jam flood凌汛

1.Ice jam disaster has been often happened in the Chinese history, particularly in the period of last 100 years after the Tongwaxiang break and change courses of the Yellow River in 1855 till 1955,ice jam floods occurred in 29 years and nearly 100 breaks took place with a frequency of once in 3.历史上黄河凌汛灾害严重,特别是清咸丰五年(1855年)铜瓦厢决口改道后至1955年的100年中,发生凌汛决溢的年份达29年,决口近百处,平均三年半就有1年发生凌汛灾害。

2.The lower reaches of the Yellow River is an instability frozen cover section, and ice jam conditions complex , andice jam flooding occurred frequency in history.但由于凌汛的发生带有很大的突发性,冰塞、冰坝难以预测,加之河道持续淤积萎缩,弯道和浮桥众多,影响凌汛的热力因素无法控制等,黄河下游防凌仍将是长期任务,今后防凌工作还有许多问题需重点研究。

6)Geological hazards in the flood season汛期地质灾害


冰凌洪水(见凌汛)冰凌洪水(见凌汛)bingling hongshu-冰凌洪水见凌汛。
