100字范文 > 海冰灾害 Sea ice disaster英语短句 例句大全

海冰灾害 Sea ice disaster英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-05 01:51:45


海冰灾害 Sea ice disaster英语短句 例句大全

海冰灾害,Sea ice disaster

1)Sea ice disaster海冰灾害

1.The sea ice disasters influenced by the cold waves happen frequently in the Laizhou Bay.受寒潮影响莱州湾内海冰灾害发生频繁。


1.The Application of Fuzzy Clustering and Fuzzy Inference in the Assessment of Sea Ice Disaster;模糊聚类和模糊推理在评价海冰灾害中的应用


3.Beside drought and flood, storm, hailstorm, sea tide, locust, illness and earthquake could cause famine, too.此外,风暴、冰雹、海潮、蝗虫、疾疫、地震等自然灾害也经常造成灾荒。

4.Climatic character and dasaster of hail in Jiangxi Provice江西省冰雹气候特征及冰雹灾害研究

5.The Research on the Coastal Zone Disaster and the Prevention and Reduction System of the Disaster in Quanzhou;泉州海岸带灾害及防灾减灾系统研究

6.Analysis of Counter Icing Snow Calamity Ability for Building Roof and Advices for Disaster Prevention建筑屋盖抗冰雪灾害能力的分析与防灾建议

7.Oceanic Disasters In 2001, the oceanic disasters in China are on the medium and serious side.海洋灾害2001年我国海洋灾害属中等偏重年份。

8.Fight against the Disaster of the Snow and Ice and Chinese National Spirit;“抗雨雪冰冻灾害”斗争与中华民族精神

9.Considering the blizzard disaster in Southern China;对我国南方地区冰雪灾害的几点思考

10.The Snow-Ice Disaster Teaches the Government to Improve Emergency Management;南方冰雪灾害对政府应急管理的启示

11.The Transmission Line Sleet Freezes the Disaster Analysis and the Countermeasure送电线路雨雪冰冻灾害的分析及对策

12.Thought on the Ice and Snow Disasters in Southern China中国南方冰雪灾害中的应对措施研究

13.Damage of Frozen Rain and Snow on Forest of Xianju County雨雪冰冻灾害对仙居县林木的危害情况调查

14.An Investigation on Snow Damage on Four Kinds of Bamboo Forests in Daguan County冰雪灾害对大关县4种竹林损害的调查研究

15.Analysis of Agricultural Losses and Countermeasures of Disaster Elusion Based on the Low-temperature Freezing Rain and Snow Disaster;基于低温雨雪冰冻灾害的农业损失分析与防灾避灾对策

16.Study on Storm Surges Disasters of the Guangxi Coastal Areas in Beibu Gulf and Its Preventive Countermeasurements;北部湾广西沿海风暴潮灾害及防灾减灾研究

17.The Main Marine Disasters and Its PreventionSuggestions in Fujian Coast福建沿海地区主要海洋灾害类型及其防灾建议

18.Study on the Marine Disasters and Damage Mitigation Measures in the Coastal Areas of Jiangsu Province江苏沿海主要海洋灾害分析与减灾对策


hail disaster冰雹灾害

1.GIS-based risk evaluation model of meteorological disaster:a case study onhail disaster in Chongqing Administrative Region;GIS支持下的气象灾害风险评估模型——以重庆地区冰雹灾害为例

2.The distributive pattern ofhail disasters based on three data sources in China;基于三种信息源的中国冰雹灾害区域分异研究

3)snow and ice disaster冰雪灾害

1.This paper summarizes the lessons drawn from the fact that this year′ssnow and ice disaster has caused great harm to power network.总结了冰雪灾害对电网造成危害的教训。

2.An extremely raresnow and ice disaster hit the south area of China in January,,seriously influencing people s production and life.1月我国南方地区遭受了十分罕见的冰雪灾害,对人民生产和生活造成了严重影响。

3.This article reflects the damages to the national electrical network caused by thesnow and ice disaster in .本文介绍了冰雪对中国电网安全运行造成的灾害的反思,从优化调整电网规划、强化输变电设施抗冰雪灾害能力、线路舞动机理及其治理三个方面来思考,以及今后电网在规划和设计方面发展趋势的预测。

4)ice disaster冰雪灾害

1.The 110 kV and above voltage line faults occurred in Qujing Power System during theice disaster in are retro-spect, showing that the single-phase breakdown is over 86% to the total.回顾冰雪灾害期间曲靖电网110kV及以上线路发生的故障,其中单相故障次数占总故障次数的比例高达86%。

5)snow disaster冰冻灾害

1.There was a serioussnow disaster in the southern part of China in ,about which the "Chinese CCTV news" has covered a lot.我国南方出现了严重的冰冻灾害,《新闻联播》对其进行了大量报道。

2.People in the south of China suffered from and campaigned against a serioussnow disaster in early .初我国南方经受了抗击低温雨雪冰冻灾害的严峻考验,本文试从人的基本因素出发,分析了当代大学生特别是防灾减灾类大学生应从服务人民,迎难而上、勇于奉献,执行命令、遵纪守时、连续作战,艰苦奋斗、联系群众、密切协同,加强责任、刻苦钻研、开拓创新等方面培养优良的思想和作风,才能适应国家防灾减灾、抗灾救灾的需要,成为突发灾害事件中受到人民群众欢迎的力量。

6)snow disaster冰雪灾害

1.Measures and Experiences in Ensuring Blood Supply During Snow Disaster在冰雪灾害时确保血液供应的实践和体会

2.Chinese CCTV News carried on a great deal of reports about southernsnow disaster at the beginning of this year and Wenchuan earthquake.《新闻联播》对年初的南方冰雪灾害和汶川地震进行了大量的报道,我们通过对这些报道资料的收集和整理,在进行定量分析和定性分析的基础上认为:《新闻联播》对于南方冰雪灾害和汶川地震的报道存在一定的变化,这些变化体现了《新闻联播》在灾害事件报道的探索中不断发展。

3.The influence ofsnow disaster on cities is very bad.冰雪灾害对城市交通影响很大,但如果保障措施到位,影响可以大大减小。


