100字范文 > 冰坝凌汛 ice dam and ice-jam flood英语短句 例句大全

冰坝凌汛 ice dam and ice-jam flood英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-19 12:06:32


冰坝凌汛 ice dam and ice-jam flood英语短句 例句大全

冰坝凌汛,ice dam and ice-jam flood

1)ice dam and ice-jam flood冰坝凌汛

1.It elaborates the the Erguna River general situation and the hydrology and weather characteristic in the paper,analyzes theice dam and ice-jam flood circumstance since 1951,and carries out a synopsis analysis of the origin.阐述了额尔古纳河流域河流概况及水文气象特征,分析了1951年以来冰坝凌汛情况,对其成因做了简要分析。


1.Analysis of the Meteorological Causes Ice Jam Dam Flood Disaster at Heilongjiang,Songhuajiang and Nenjiang River黑龙江、松花江、嫩江冰坝凌汛的气象成因分析

2.Analysis of Causes to Dammed Water in Little-North-Stem of the Yellow River in 1996 Ice Flood1996年凌汛黄河小北干流冰塞壅水成因分析

3.Rivers in these regions often form the ice cover, the ice jam or the ice dam in winter, and they will bring various ice disasters.这些地区河流冬季常形成冰盖、冰塞或冰坝,它们会带来各种冰凌灾害。

4.vanilla ice-cream, essence香草冰激凌、 香精.

5.Ice is good and ice cream is better,冰块好,冰激凌更好,

6.an ice-cream wafer,ie for eating with ice-cream冰激凌威佛饼干(与冰激凌同吃的).

7.Lower Yellow River was safe during ice run in 1989-1990黄河下游安度1989—1990年凌汛

8.Take time to indulge .尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

9.Two `choc-ices, please.请来两份巧克力冰激凌.

10.ice-cream topped with chocolate sauce浇上巧克力汁的冰激凌.

11.three strawberry sodas三客草莓冰激凌苏打水.

12.On the Yellow River Ningmeng River Reach Ice Jam Flood Disaster Preventive Measures;黄河宁蒙河段凌汛灾害特点及防御措施

13.The capital is surrounded by mountains made of ice, which shine with a crystalline light.首都由冰凌制成的山包围,冰凌以水晶的光闪闪发亮。

14.We serve ice cream in individual portion.我们按份(供一人食用)供应冰激凌(我们端上供每个人吃的冰激凌。)

15.Factor Analysis for Ice Flood and Model Research for Freeze-up Time and Break-up Time in the Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River;黄河内蒙段凌汛成因分析及封开河日期预报模型研究

16.Analysis on Ice Flood Damaged Dike from the Location of the Inner Mongolia Hangjinqi Duguitalakuisu Region of the Yellow River黄河内蒙古杭锦旗独贵塔拉奎素段凌汛期溃堤原因分析

17.Analysis on Influence of Sea Ice in North Pole Area on Runoff in the Upper Yellow River during Flood Seas on北极海冰对黄河上游汛期水量丰枯的影响分析

18.She treated each of the children to an ice-cream.她请孩子每人吃个冰激凌.


ice run凌汛

3)Ice flood凌汛

1.Application of CBERS-02 on ice flood monitoring of Yellow River;中巴地球资源一号02星在黄河凌汛监测中的应用

2.During 1950~1967 years before commissioning of Liujiaxia reservoir, there took place ice floods resulting in eight breaches of dikes in the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of Yellow River.黄河宁蒙河段,在刘家峡水库投运前的1950~1967年间,宁蒙河段凌汛灾害引起堤防决口8次。

3.The ice flood is one of the serious natural disasters in the lower reaches of Yellow River.凌汛是黄河下游严重的自然灾害之一,黄河下游天桥河段属于典型的弯曲窄河段,极易发生凌情。

4)ice jam flood凌汛

1.Ice jam disaster has been often happened in the Chinese history, particularly in the period of last 100 years after the Tongwaxiang break and change courses of the Yellow River in 1855 till 1955,ice jam floods occurred in 29 years and nearly 100 breaks took place with a frequency of once in 3.历史上黄河凌汛灾害严重,特别是清咸丰五年(1855年)铜瓦厢决口改道后至1955年的100年中,发生凌汛决溢的年份达29年,决口近百处,平均三年半就有1年发生凌汛灾害。

2.The lower reaches of the Yellow River is an instability frozen cover section, and ice jam conditions complex , andice jam flooding occurred frequency in history.但由于凌汛的发生带有很大的突发性,冰塞、冰坝难以预测,加之河道持续淤积萎缩,弯道和浮桥众多,影响凌汛的热力因素无法控制等,黄河下游防凌仍将是长期任务,今后防凌工作还有许多问题需重点研究。

5)cause of ice flood凌汛成因

6)the ice flood season凌汛期

1.Analysis of river water flow evolution inthe ice flood season in the downstream of Yellow River;黄河下游凌汛期河道水流演进计算分析


凌汛凌汛ice flood’时冰!抬高),泛}时节·,阻‘槽蓄!蓄水专递,尺,呈.量小:条件高寒才,出}为河·下段赓,加水坝。{对水:中出;较大r蓄水:而引!成因;坝洪仆,冰:的洪冰塞.游水二冰塞介段,:纬度;地区七续时广时由{模后水。冰:水断i冰坝冰坝;再次:,而‘坝洪I作用咸小, 起江河水位明显上涨的现象。确 凌聚积形成冰塞或冰坝大幅度跳 水位,轻则漫滩,重则决溢堤队 滥成灾。 凌汛特点①凌峰沿程传推 节增大。由于河道出现冰凌之后 拦了一部分上游来水,增加了汉 水量,当解冻开河时,这部分榷 急剧释放出来,出现凌峰,向下} 沿程冰水越聚越多,冰峰节节增 递增趋势(见图1);②凌汛期流而水位高。 凌汛成因产生凌汛的自封 取决于河流所处的地理位置,在 地区,河流从低纬度流向高纬度f 现严重凌汛的机遇愈多。这是压 流封冻时下段早于上段,解冻刚 迟于上段,而且冰盖厚度下厚上】 之河道弯曲,往往在解冻期形成i 凌汛严重与否,取决于河道冰凌 位影响的程度。通常只是在河遣 现冰塞或冰坝后,才会引起水位 巾鼠度的上涨。 冰凌洪水凌汛期由于河榨 释放或河道冰凌堵塞,复又崩污 起的凌峰和奎高水位的现象。移 可分为融冰洪水、冰塞洪水和孙 水。融冰洪水是上游河段气温回二凌消融,槽蓄水量释放,引起沿程凌峰不断增大水。由于冰凌系自行解体故洪水规模一般不大。洪水是冰花和碎冰堵塞冰盖下的过水断面,使土位抬高,造成洪水。冰塞洪水系由冰塞形成,月体的最大冰量及最高拥水位多出现在冰塞稳定l稳定时间长短,随低温持续时间长短而定。一怨越高的地区,冰塞的稳定时段越长。
