100字范文 > 双关语翻译 pun translation英语短句 例句大全

双关语翻译 pun translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-09 12:41:00


双关语翻译 pun translation英语短句 例句大全

双关语翻译,pun translation

1)pun translation双关语翻译

1.This thesis is intended for the study ofpun translation under the guidance of Adaptation Approach and its application inpun translation practice.双关语翻译的核心是做到语境关系顺应。

2.In order to make target readers understand the source language well, many scholars have studied on thepun translation from different aspects and based on different theories.在主体部分的分析中,作者将从文体,声音和词汇三方面对双关语翻译时的结构顺应进行探讨;语境顺应的分析将从目标语读者的心理世界和社交世界两方面研究其对译者顺应策略的影响。


1.The Application of Delabastita s Theory of Pun Translation to English-Chinese Translation;Delabastita的双关语翻译理论在英汉翻译中的应用

2.Relevant Register and Relevant Body:an Application in Translation of Puns关联域与关联体:“双关”理论下的双关语翻译

3.A Comparative Study on Puns Translation in the Two English Versions of Hong Lou Meng《红楼梦》两个英译本中双关语翻译的比较研究

4.A Study on David Hawkes" Concept of Translation in Hongloumeng: From the Perspective of Delabastita"s Pun Translation Thoery从Delabastita的双关语翻译理论看霍克思《红楼梦》中的翻译观

5.On Translation of Puns from the Perspective of Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation;从语义翻译和交际翻译的角度看双关语的翻译

6.On the Translation of Puns in English Advertisement a Functionalist Approach;从功能翻译理论看英语广告中双关语的翻译

7.Poem Translation: From the Perspective of C-E Pun-Translation Strategies;从中诗双关语的英译策略看诗歌翻译

8.Translation of Puns:the Isomerization of Semantic-pragmatic Intersection;双关翻译:语义—语用共质下的“异构”

9.A Contrastive Study and Translation of Pun(Shuangguan);英语Pun与汉语“双关”的对比分析与翻译

10.Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements;英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译

11.Discussion on Applications and Translations of Pun in English-Chinese Ad浅析英汉广告语中双关的应用和翻译

12.Punning in Advertising English and Translation Approaches;广告英语中的双关修辞及其翻译对策

13.On the Pun and Translation of Romeo and Juliet;论《罗米欧与朱丽叶》中的双关语及翻译

14.On the Translation of Punning Geographical and Biographical Names in Hong Lou Meng;论《红楼梦》地名人名双关语的翻译

15.An Analysis of English Translation of Chinese Puns from the Perspective of "Functional Equivalence"从“功能对等”角度分析双关语汉英翻译

16.Pun Translation in Advertisements from the Perspective of Adaptation Approach从顺应论角度研究广告双关语的翻译

17.The Comparison of Semantic Culture of Chinese-English Puns and the Translation Tactics汉英双关语的语义文化对比及翻译策略

18.English Pun Translation--From a Sociosemiotic Perspective;从社会符号学的角度看英语双关语的翻译


theory of pun translation双关语翻译理论

1.This article tries to prove that, when applied to English-Chinese translation, Dirk Delabastita stheory of pun translation is especially powerful in revealing the underlying concept of translation and may also serve as a guide to translators.本文以多个例子证明,Delabastita的双关语翻译理论虽然源自西方,但应用于描述英汉翻译现象时,尤其能够揭示译者的翻译观,同时也可用来指导英汉翻译实践。

3)On the Translation of the Pun论双关语的翻译

4)Pun and Its Translation双关语及其翻译

5)pun translation in advertisements广告双关语翻译

6)Bilingual Translation双语翻译


