100字范文 > 广告双关语翻译 pun translation in advertisements英语短句 例句大全

广告双关语翻译 pun translation in advertisements英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-25 15:56:58


广告双关语翻译 pun translation in advertisements英语短句 例句大全

广告双关语翻译,pun translation in advertisements

1)pun translation in advertisements广告双关语翻译

2)ad.slogan translation广告标语翻译

1.In the light of this theory,ad.讨论了德国功能派翻译理论的核心——目的论在广告标语翻译中的适用性。


1.E-C Advertising Slogan Translation under the Guidance of Nida"s Functional Equivalence Theory奈达功能对等理论指导下的英文广告标语翻译

2.On C-E Translation of Public Service Advertisement Slogans--From the Perspective of Pragmatic Translation从语用翻译视角探公益广告标语的汉英翻译

3.An Analytic Study of Advertising English and Its Translation;广告英语的语言特色、翻译标准及策略

4.The Pragmatic Translation of Advertising and the Pragmatic Failure in Advertising Translation;广告的语用翻译及广告翻译中的语用失误

5.A Brief Talk on the Translation of Advertising Language in Terms of Advertising Language Features;从广告的语言特点谈广告英语的翻译

6.Translating English Advertisement Headlines: From the Perspective of Discourse Analysis;从语篇分析角度浅谈英文广告标题的翻译

7.Implication-A Distinguishing Style In Advertising Language Creation and Translation;含蓄—广告语言创意及翻译中的特色标记

8.Application of Communicative and Semantic Methods in Advertisement Translation;交际翻译法和语义翻译法在广告翻译中的应用

9.Application of Semantic and Communicative Translation to Advertisement Translation语义翻译与交际翻译在广告翻译中的应用

10.On the Loanwords in Logo and the Advertisement Title--from the cultural translation to the language standard商标、广告标题用语中的外来词研究——由文化翻译到语言规范

11.On the Translation of Puns in English Advertisement a Functionalist Approach;从功能翻译理论看英语广告中双关语的翻译

12.The Pragmatic Translation of Advertising and Pragmatic Failure in Advertising Translation;广告的语用翻译及其翻译中的语用失误

13.The Freedom Explaining on the Translation of Brand Name and Slogan;论商标和广告标题翻译的自由度空间

14.On Nida s Translation Theory and Advertising Translation;奈达读者中心翻译策略与广告英语翻译

15.On Cultural Context and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms for Advertisement;浅谈英汉广告习语的文化语境与翻译

16.Cross-cultural and Cross-linguistic Factors in English Advertisement Translation;英语广告翻译中的跨文化、跨语言因素

17.Introducing Fantastic Writing, Language Functions And Translation of English Advertisement;浅谈英语广告的创意、语言功能与翻译

18.Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements;英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译


ad.slogan translation广告标语翻译

1.In the light of this theory,ad.讨论了德国功能派翻译理论的核心——目的论在广告标语翻译中的适用性。

3)translation of advertising texts广告语篇翻译

1.This thesis is an attempt to study thetranslation of advertising texts from the perspective of systemic functional linguistics (hereinafter referred to as SFL).广告语言越来越引起人们的关注,广告语篇翻译的重要性也日益突出。

4)Translation of advertising language广告语的翻译

5)translation of English advertisement广告英语翻译

6)pun translation双关语翻译

1.This thesis is intended for the study ofpun translation under the guidance of Adaptation Approach and its application inpun translation practice.双关语翻译的核心是做到语境关系顺应。

2.In order to make target readers understand the source language well, many scholars have studied on thepun translation from different aspects and based on different theories.在主体部分的分析中,作者将从文体,声音和词汇三方面对双关语翻译时的结构顺应进行探讨;语境顺应的分析将从目标语读者的心理世界和社交世界两方面研究其对译者顺应策略的影响。


