100字范文 > 广告双关语 advertisement pun英语短句 例句大全

广告双关语 advertisement pun英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-27 21:21:40


广告双关语 advertisement pun英语短句 例句大全

广告双关语,advertisement pun

1)advertisement pun广告双关语

1.This paper,using the conceptual integration theory,tries to analyze the generation and understanding process ofadvertisement pun from the cognitive perspective.近年来,对广告双关语的研究仅仅局限于对其结构形式、语用功能和美学功能的讨论。

2.This paper tries to analyze the constructing and perceiving process ofadvertisement pun from the cognitive perspective by virtue of conceptual integration theory.从认知的角度,运用概念整合理论来剖析广告双关语的产生及其解读过程。

3.Using the blending theory, this essay tries to explain how readers comprehendadvertisement pun.本文试图用概念合成理论解释这四类广告双关语效果的达成。


1.The Semantic-Value Salience of Pun in Advertising;试论如何突显广告双关语的语义价值

2.The Pragmatic Analysis and Function of Punningin English Advertising;英语广告双关语的语用分析和语用功能

3.Pun Translation in Advertisements from the Perspective of Adaptation Approach从顺应论角度研究广告双关语的翻译

4.Punning and the Pragmatic Analysis of Puns in English Advertisements;英语广告双关语的运用技巧及其语用分析

5.An Analysis on the Interpretation of Puns in English Advertisements from a Perspective of Relevance Theory;关联理论视角下的英文广告双关语理解分析

6.The Integration of Explication and Implication--Relevance and Fuzziness in Advertising Puns;明示与隐含的统一——广告双关语中的关联与模糊

7.On Pun Translation in Advertisements from the Perspective of Aesthetics of Reception;从接受美学的角度看广告双关语的翻译

8.The advertising slogan was a play on words.那条广告口号是双关语.

9.On the Textual Cohesive Ability of Pun in Advertising Discourse广告语篇双关语的语篇衔接功能探究

10.The slogan is a pun on the name of the product.那广告用语与其产品名称一语双关。

11.The slogan be a pun on the name of the product那广告用语与其产品名称一语双关

12.The slogan was a pun on the name of the product.那广告用语与其产品名称一语双关.

13.Pun-Ambiguity in English and Chinese Advertisement;双关语——歧义在英汉广告语中的妙用

14.Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements;英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译

15.Discussion on Applications and Translations of Pun in English-Chinese Ad浅析英汉广告语中双关的应用和翻译

16.Punning in Advertising English and Translation Approaches;广告英语中的双关修辞及其翻译对策

17.A Relevance-Theoretic Interpretation of Puns in English Advertisements;基于关联理论对英语广告中双关语的研究

18.The language of much advertising consists of playing elaborately on words.许多广告用语都是反复推敲过的双关语


pun translation in advertisements广告双关语翻译

3)bilingual advertisement双语广告

4)Advertising puns广告双关

5)On Pun Advertising Language广告语言中的双关

6)Advertising Language and Relevance广告语言与关联


