100字范文 > 气论思潮 The thought of Ether School英语短句 例句大全

气论思潮 The thought of Ether School英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-16 19:11:14


气论思潮 The thought of Ether School英语短句 例句大全

气论思潮,The thought of Ether School

1)The thought of Ether School气论思潮

2)Theories and thoughts理论思潮

3)literature debating思潮论战

1.The cause ofliterature debating in the 20th century would be the root of culture conflicting between China and the Western.20世纪中国文学思潮论战的深层原因几乎都可以归结到中西文化观念的冲突,中西之辩引发了中国知识分子的世纪焦虑,而启蒙与救亡的两大时代主题则使得20世纪中国的中西之辩从来就是互相牵制,互相渗透。


1.Argument about Chinese-Western in Chinese Literature of the 20th Century;论20世纪中国文学思潮论战的中西之辩

2.The "Trade War" Thought--The Bud of Domestic Thoughts;“商战”论——“国货”思潮的萌芽

3.The Anti-modernist Trend of Thought: History, Theory and Challenge;反现代性发展思潮:历史·理论·挑战

4.A comment on Application of Classics Thoughts;略论鸦片战争前的“经世致用”思潮

5.Close to "human-oriented"-On the cultural trends in architecture after World War II;向“以人为本”靠拢——论二战后的建筑文化思潮(下)

6.Close to "human-oriented"--On the cultural trends in architectural after World War Ⅱ;向“以人为本”靠拢——论二战后的建筑文化思潮(上)

7.On the Democracy Political Trend of Thought in the KMT Ruled Area Around the Victory of the War of Fighting Against Japan;论抗战胜利前后国统区的民主政治思潮

8.Effects of the Polemics between Science and Metaphysics on the Development of Chinese Cultural Philosophy;“科玄论战”对中国文化哲学思潮发展的影响

9.On the Design Strategy of Chinese Current Domestic Textile in the Thoughts of Post-Modern Culture;论后现代文化思潮下当代中国家用纺织品图案设计战略

10.Knowledge of a person and his time--The trend of culture thoughts of the late twenties-century challenged Luxun;关于“知人论世”——浅谈世纪末文化思潮对鲁迅的挑战

11.Zhang Junli s influence on the development of cultural philosophy of the modern Confucianism -Taking the “Dispute between science and metaphysics” as an example;张君劢对当代新儒家文化哲学思潮发展的影响——以“科玄论战”为例

12.Challenges of Post-modernism and Plight of Paradigm Shift of Modern Literary Theory后现代思潮的挑战与当代文学理论范式转换的困境

13.On the Challenge to China"s Administrative Legal System by Privatization试论民营化对中国行政法制之挑战——民营化浪潮下的行政法思考

14.A Book Review on the Ideological Trend of Literature about the Anti-Japanese War and the Relative Research;世纪末的深沉审视——读《抗战文学思潮与思潮研究》

15.The Change of Chinese Literary Thought from Word War I to Post-War;一战与战后(1918—1927)中国文化思潮的变动

16.On New Period Literary Trend (1978-2000);论新时期文学思潮(1978-2000)

17.Poem sword concentric anger sea tide;诗剑同心怒海潮——浅论鸦片战争爱国诗潮

18.Consciously Dispel the Radical Trend of Thought--Retrospection of the radical trend of thought inside the United Front;自觉消除激进主义思潮——对统一战线内部激进主义思潮的反思


Theories and thoughts理论思潮

3)literature debating思潮论战

1.The cause ofliterature debating in the 20th century would be the root of culture conflicting between China and the Western.20世纪中国文学思潮论战的深层原因几乎都可以归结到中西文化观念的冲突,中西之辩引发了中国知识分子的世纪焦虑,而启蒙与救亡的两大时代主题则使得20世纪中国的中西之辩从来就是互相牵制,互相渗透。

4)thought trend of evolution进化论思潮

5)The thought of the end终结论思潮


1.Exploring themulticulturalism in western psychology research and practice;西方心理学研究中的多元文化论思潮探略


