100字范文 > 公羊学派 the Ram school of thought英语短句 例句大全

公羊学派 the Ram school of thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-29 09:18:19


公羊学派 the Ram school of thought英语短句 例句大全

公羊学派,the Ram school of thought

1)the Ram school of thought公羊学派


1.On the Understanding of the Text on History of the Spring and Autumn Annals’ GongYang School试论春秋公羊学派对历史文本的认识

2.Slightly Discusses the Warring States the Qin and Han Dynasty the Ramschool of Thought Historical Understanding Question;略论战国秦汉间公羊学派的历史认识问题

3.The Feature of Gongyang Zhuan and the Study of Gongyang in Qing Dynasty《公羊传》的特色和清代的《公羊》学

4.Ideological Studies of Wang Kai-yun s "Annotations to Gong-yang s the Spring and Autumn Annals ";王闿运《春秋公羊传笺》学术思想研究

5.On the Jing Quan Thoughts of Gongyang School and its Modern Values试论公羊学“经权”思想及其现代价值

6.Transnational Ergonomics:A New School of Transnational Human Resource Management;跨国公司工效学:跨国公司人力资源管理新学派

7.Were you sponsored by the government or self-supported?你是由国家公派的还是自费留学?

8.The Reform of the Local Police Station in the Organization Behavioral Vision;组织行为学视野中的公安派出所改革

9.Education View of "Westernization" Group and Foundation of Xinmin Public School;洋务派的教育观与“新民公学堂”的建立

10.Views on Fairness, Efficiency and Distribution of the Monetarist School;货币主义学派的公平、效率和分配观

11.To copulate with(a ewe.Used of a ram.与(母羊)交尾,用于公羊

12.Just Having Efficiency Then Having Justice--The fair, efficiency and assign view of the supply school;有效率才有公平——供给学派的公平、效率和分配观

13.Measurement of Wool Fineness of Yearling Ram and Ewe in Qinghai Fine-wool sheep青海细毛羊周岁公母羊羊毛细度测定

14.Entering the Literary History: Exploring the Literary Cause of Gong-An School in Later Period;进入文学史:公安派后期转变的文学原因探析

15.On Hexiu s Inheriting and Developing about the National Ideology in the Chunqiu-Gongyang School;何休对春秋公羊学民族思想的继承与发展

16.Hermeneutics Features of Gongyang s Learning of Spring and Autumn of Wang Kaiyun;王闿运的春秋公羊学藉例明礼的诠释特色

17.Wool Sulphureous Contents in Qinghai Fine- wool Ram and Xinjiang Fine- wool Ram青海细毛羊和新疆细毛羊公羊羊毛含硫量测定

18.A Route to Establish Learning-type Police Substations--To Observe the Construction of Police Substations from the Viewpoint of Learning-type Organization Theory;学习型公安派出所创建之路——从学习型组织理论维度看公安派出所建设


Gong yang school公羊派

3)Jing Gong school荆公学派

4)government sponsored oversea education公派留学


1.The Founder ofGongyang-studies in Qing Dynasty;清代公羊学的奠基人——刘逢禄

2.Gongyang-studies is an academic school to research on and to expound cardinal principles of righteousness of The Spring and Autumn Annals.公羊学是研究阐述《春秋》大义的一个学术流派。

6)Gongyang study公羊学

1.A systematic theory of historical development of theGongyang study,the view of three phases of historical development was established finally by He Lin,a scholar ofGongyang study in the East Han Dynasty,who illustrated the theory systematically based on the theory of three phases introduced by the forerunners ofGongyang study in Spring and Autumn.“三世”说作为公羊学的一种系统的历史发展学说,是东汉公羊家何休在公羊先师《春秋》“三世”说的理论基础上,经过系统阐发之后而最终构建起来的。


