100字范文 > 格致之学 studying things to acquire knowledge英语短句 例句大全

格致之学 studying things to acquire knowledge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-01 23:08:00


格致之学 studying things to acquire knowledge英语短句 例句大全

格致之学,studying things to acquire knowledge

1)studying things to acquire knowledge格致之学

1.The category“studying things to acquire knowledge”can be dated from The great learning of the Book of Rites.此后不同时代的哲学家对其做出了各自的诠释和理解,形成了中国哲学史上的格致之学。


1.From "Learning the Advantages from the Foreign Invaders "to advocating the learning of "GeZhi"--On scientific ideological trend in the earlier stage of modern times;从“师夷长技”到提倡“格致之学”——论近代前期的科学思潮

2.Between history and reality--On the features of the Gezhi Academy在历史与现实之间——格致书院办学特色及其启示

3.a hyperkinetic, gonzo version of Graham Greene(New Yorker)格雷厄姆 格林洒脱之致的表演(纽约人)

4.Deadly Narcissism of Roderick--A look at the Personality of the Protagonist of The Fall of The House of Usher from Self-Psychological Perspective;致命的自恋人格——从自体心理学角度看《厄舍古屋的倒塌》主人公之性格

5.Correspondence in gender, number, case, or person between words.呼应,一致词之间性、数、格和人称的一致,呼应

6.The essence of Zhu Xi s doctrine of "to investigate things is to attain knowledge"from the challenge of Zhang Yinlin;从张荫麟问题看朱熹的格物致知之旨

7.a hyperkinetic, gonzo version of Graham Greene(bNew Yorker)格雷厄姆 格林洒脱之致的表演(b纽约人)

8.Reflections on the Teaching of Ancient Literature;格物致知 陶铸性情——古代文学教学断想

9.The Influence of "Gewuzhizhi"upon "Chengzhai Style";“格物致知”对“诚斋体”诗学品格的影响探析

10.By subjects: philology, as in mathematics, Luo Wu Xue, Zhizhi school.所定课目有:语文学、象数学、格物学、致知学。

11.A weak-minded attempt at school caused him to fail.在学校低能的企图,导致他不及格。

12.I salute you for your wisdom, your wit, and your excellent judge of character.我向你的学识、智慧和优良的性格致敬.

13.He hadn"t studied hard so that he failed in the exam.他平时学习不努力,以致(于)考试不及格。

14.Life Noumenon Nuture in Taigu School s Ge Wu Zhi Zhi;太谷学派格物致知说的生命本位特色

15.The Thought of Taigu School on Studying Phenomena to Acquire Knowledge;太谷学派的三教心法:“格物致知”释论

16.Probing Into Zhu Xi s Scientific Rational Thought Based on His Doctrine of "to Attain Knowledge by Observing the World";从“格致”论看朱熹的科学理性精神

17.To Attain Knowledge by Investigating Things:Neo-Confucian Epistemology and Aesthetic Concepts of Literature and Art;格物致知:理学认识论与文艺审美观

18.Research on the Scientific Content of the Shanghai Polytechnic Prize Essay Contest《格致书院课艺》中的科学内容研究


Gezhi High School格致中学

1.By introducing the architectural design ofGezhi High School and Fuxing Senior High School, the designers wantto explain what is important for creating rigorous and comprehensive school space.本文通过对格致中学教学楼、复兴高级中学建筑设计的介绍,指出要创造严谨而又丰富主动的学习空间,必须把学校建筑的功能放在首位。

3)the essence of Zhu Xi"s doctrine of "to investigate things is to attain knowledge格物致知之旨


5)the ways for harmony致和之道

6)cause of humiliation致耻之由


