100字范文 > 知识可及 Access to knowledge英语短句 例句大全

知识可及 Access to knowledge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-13 19:50:06


知识可及 Access to knowledge英语短句 例句大全

知识可及,Access to knowledge

1)Access to knowledge知识可及

2)knowledge popularization知识普及


1.SPCK (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge)基督教知识普及协会

2.Investigation on the Awareness and Attitude to HIV/AIDS in School Students;青年学生中艾滋病知识普及情况调查

3.Difficulties in the Popularization of Social Sciences and the Solutions;社科知识普及工作中的问题及其对策研究

4.The Problems and Countermeasures to Popularize Social Scientific Knowledge社会科学知识普及工作存在的问题及对策研究

5.Research on Olympic Knowledge Popularization and Current Situation of Senior High School Students in Hebei;河北省高中生奥林匹克知识普及现状研究

6.Some Problems of the Popularity of the Consulting Consicousness;对全民咨询知识普及的几个问题的探研

7.Restoring Mill Creek:Landscape Literacy, Environmental Justice and City Planning and Design重建磨坊河:景观知识普及、环境公正及城市规划与设计

8.We should disseminate science and promote the scientific spirit.普及科学知识,弘扬科学精神。

9.the spread of disease, knowledge, education疾病的蔓延、 知识的传播、 教育的普及

10.IX. Developing the Study of Human Rights and Popularizing the Knowledge of Human Rights九、开展人权研究,普及人权知识

11.To popularize ecological knowledge; To harmonize the relatioship between human and nature.普及生态学知识,人与自然和谐相处!

12.China pays great attention to the popularization of knowledge of human rights.中国十分重视人权知识的普及和教育。

13.Popularizing the Accessing Training to Make the Library More Enjoyable;浅议普及图书检索知识的方法和途径

14.The Urgency of Spreading Mechanical Elementary Knowledge Amang the College Students of Engineering;工科大学普及机械基础知识势在必行

15.On the popularity of the use of straw普及秸秆利用知识 促进秸秆回收利用

16.From Universal Knowledge to Advanced Scholarship--the logic of knowledge and its evolution从普遍知识到高深学问——大学观念的知识论逻辑及其变迁


18.Scientific knowledge was further popularized and the spirit of science spread.科学知识进一步普及,科学精神得到弘扬。


knowledge popularization知识普及

3)extension knowledge可拓知识

1.Extension knowledge andextension knowledge reasoning;可拓知识与可拓知识推理

2.Attribute reduction and date mining in knowledge discovery are formalized with extension transformation andextension knowledge in extenics.利用可拓学的可拓变换和可拓知识对知识发现过程中的属性约简与数据挖掘进行形式化,并引入计算算子和计算型变换,从属性约简与数据挖掘中提取可拓变换和可拓知识(含变换的因果关系),从而更精炼地说明了属性约简和数据挖掘的本质。

3.The thesis standardized the extension information and theextension knowledge,that is,basing on the information and knowledge,the thesis extended the mutative information and knowledge,and nailed down the conceptions of extension data mining and extension reasoning.规范了可拓信息与可拓知识基本概念,即在信息和知识的概念上扩充了变化的信息和变化的知识。

4)visualized knowledge可视知识

1.Andvisualized knowledge model is analyzed.介绍了可视化技术的相关知识,分析了可视知识模型,并利用可视化技术解决了排课系统中的冲突问题,对规则库中的部分规则采用可视知识模型定义。

5)to promulgate learning and culture普及知识及文化

6)knowledge visualization知识可视化

1.Theories and Practice of Knowledge Visualization;知识可视化的理论与应用

2.The Theoretical of Knowledge Visualization and Its Application in Teaching;知识可视化的理论及其在教育教学中的应用

3.Research and Implement of Knowledge Visualization System Based on Ontology;基于本体的知识可视化系统研究与实现


