100字范文 > 知晓途径 knowledge acquirement channel英语短句 例句大全

知晓途径 knowledge acquirement channel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-23 03:25:41


知晓途径 knowledge acquirement channel英语短句 例句大全

知晓途径,knowledge acquirement channel

1)knowledge acquirement channel知晓途径

1.OBJECTIVE To explore AIDS awareness status itsknowledge acquirement channels among residents 15 years old or above in Weihai,and to provide prevention and to control suggestions for local policy makers.0%,电视/收音机为主要知晓途径,占96。

2)cognitive avenue认知途径

1.Survey and analysis on farmer"scognitive avenue of chemical fertilizer in main grain production region;粮食主产区农户化肥信息认知途径调查分析


1.cognitive approach to management depment管理发展的认知途径

2.Survey and analysis on farmer s cognitive avenue of chemical fertilizer in main grain production region;粮食主产区农户化肥信息认知途径调查分析

3.Analysis of American Students Attitude towards China and Chinese Culture and Their Ways of Cognition;美国学生对中国和中华文化的态度和认知途径分析

4.Cognitive processing of Chinese characters between hearing-disabled and normal people;聋人与听力正常人汉语字词加工认知途径的比较(英文)

5.The Approaches About Students Medical Ethics Cognition and Education;医学生的医德认知与医德教育的途径

6.Logic Discipline:an Avenue to Better Cognitive Structure;形式逻辑训练:优化认知结构的途径

7.A Cognitive-Ecological Sampling Approach To Judgment Biases;判断偏差分析的认知-生态取样途径

8.Study on Language Deficits from Brain-damage: An Approach of Cognitive Neuropsychology;脑损伤语言认知障碍研究——认知神经心理学研究途径

9.Rationality: A Necessary Way to Moral Cognition --The Enlightenment from the Theory of Moral Development;理性:道德认知的必要途径——由道德认知发展的分阶理论获得的启示

10.The affective priming paradigm is a good way to unveil the relationship between emotion and cognition.情绪启动研究是揭示情绪———认知关系的有效途径。

11.Reflection on Cognitive Development of Children;关于儿童认知发展的新探析——联结主义的途径

12.The Effects of Oxidative/psychological Stress on Cognition and Aβ Metabolism-associated Molecules氧化/心理应激对认知功能及Aβ代谢途径的影响

13.The Interview Research on Social Worker"s Practice社会工作者实务认知与获得途径的访谈研究

14.The Function and Foster Methods of Metacognition in Advanced Mathematics Teaching元认知在高等数学教学中的作用及培养途径

15.Traditional Culture Impacting Organizational Identification or Not:Research on the Perceived Channels of Chinese Employee;组织认同受传统文化影响吗——中国员工认同感知途径分析

16.To study modern Chinese and logic knowledge is the fundamental approach to decrease grammatical errors.认真学习现代汉语语法和逻辑知识是减少语病的根本途径。

17.Jefferson believed that a free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books.杰斐逊认为,除书本之外,一个人可以从其它许多途径获得知识。

18.The Multi-subject Cognitive Research of the Contents, Methods and Ways of Adolescences Values Education;青少年价值观教育内容、方法、途径的多主体认知研究


cognitive avenue认知途径

1.Survey and analysis on farmer"scognitive avenue of chemical fertilizer in main grain production region;粮食主产区农户化肥信息认知途径调查分析


1.The Research ofKnowledge on the Chinese Hypertension Prevention and Cure Guideline of Doctors in County and Village of Yancheng;盐城市县乡级医院内科医生《中国高血压防治指南》知晓情况调查

2.The Comparison of the Incidence and theKnowledge about Stroke in Young between Beijing and out of Beijing;两组患者接受溶栓、超过溶栓时间的比例、高危个体的知晓无统计学差异(北京地区分别为9。


1.Clinical comparison of three kinds of intravenous anesthetics about perioperative awareness and forgetfulness;几种静脉全麻药麻醉中知晓及遗忘作用的临床比较

2.Hypertensive epidemiological survey and awareness,treatment and control among rural adults of Hui nationality in Midong district,Xinjiang;新疆米东区回族高血压人群高血压知晓、治疗和控制现况研究

3.The Status ofAwareness, Treatment and Control of Hypertension among Adult People in Fuxin, Liaoning Province;辽宁省阜新农村地区成年人群高血压知晓、治疗和控制现况的研究

5)pragma-cognitive approach语用认知途径

1.In the present thesis, an analysis is made of the nature of metaphor and metaphor comprehension from cognitive andpragma-cognitive approaches.本文综合认知途径及语用认知途径对隐喻及隐喻理解的本质进行了深入剖析。

6)Channels to access HIV/AIDS knowledge知识获取途径


