100字范文 > 知晓情况 Knowledge英语短句 例句大全

知晓情况 Knowledge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-22 12:24:23


知晓情况 Knowledge英语短句 例句大全



1.To assess the knowledge of the workers with regard to "Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Act of People s Republic of China (ODPC Act)".[目的 ]了解化工工人对《职业病防治法》的知晓情况。

2.Investigation onKnowledge of AIDS Prevention among People of Imprisonment;目的为了解被管制人员艾滋病防护知识的知晓情况,为制定重点场所、重点人员的艾滋病防治策略提供依据。


1.Study on the Awareness of Tobacco Harms among Chinese Physicians我国医生烟草危害相关知识知晓情况

2.Investigation of AIDS Knowledge Among Students in Taizhou Teachers College;泰州师专学生艾滋病相关知识知晓情况调查

3.Five-year follow-up study on status of diabetic knowledge among permanent inhabitants in Shanghai上海市社区居民糖尿病知识知晓情况分析

4.Evaluation of AIDS related knowledge among soldiers of the Chinese People"s Armed Police Forces and associated factors武警战士AIDS知识知晓情况及影响因素分析

5.Survey on awareness of the basic knowledge about AIDS among four kinds of population in Shandong Province山东省4类人群艾滋病基本知识知晓情况调查

6.Investigation on knowledge about domestic violence among married women in rural area of China;农村地区已婚妇女家庭暴力知晓情况调查

7.Survey of HIV Infection and HIV / AIDS Related Knowledge among High Risk Population in Qingyuan清远市高危人群HIV感染状况及艾滋病相关知识知晓情况调查

8.A Cross-sectional Survey of the Awareness of Common Mental Disorders Among Urban and Rural Residents in Northern China中国北方两地城乡居民常见精神卫生知识知晓情况现况调查

9.Investigation and Analysis of Knowledge about Diabetes Mellitus and Related Behavior in Xiaoying Community of Hangzhou;杭州市小营社区糖尿病知识知晓情况及相关行为的调查分析

10.Investigation of the Health Knowledge of Rural Residents and Health Education Strategy Study in Tengzhou City;滕州市农村居民健康知识知晓情况调查及健康教育策略研究

11.Survey on the Awareness Status of Key Messages on TB Prevention and Cure Knowledge Among the Mobile Population in 全国流动人口结核病健康管理知识核心信息知晓情况调查

12.Survey on the AIDS knowledge of high-school students of Han nationality between Shanghai and Xinjiang上海与新疆两地汉族高中学生艾滋病知识知晓情况调查

13.Investigation on the Awareness of Diabetes Prevention and Control Knowledge among Grassroots Medical Workers in Zhongshan City in 中山市基层医务人员糖尿病防治知识知晓情况调查

14.Investigation on knowledge state of occupational health in workers exposed to benzene in Lanzhou city兰州市涉苯企业工人职业卫生知识知晓情况调查

15.Knowledge About Infectious Disease Prevention Among Students in Immigrant Workers" Schools in Yuyao余姚市民工子弟学校学生传染病防治知识知晓情况

16.Survey on the awareness status of key messages on TB prevention and cure among the floating population全国流动人口结核病防治知识核心信息知晓情况调查

17.Investigation on awareness status of birth defects knowledge of family planning professionals at grass-roots level基层计划生育服务人员出生缺陷知识知晓情况调查

18.Investigation on Hygienic Status and Related Knowledge in Hotels in Zhuzhou City in 株洲市旅店业卫生安全现状及知识知晓情况调查


awareness of control knowledge防治知识知晓情况

3)comprehension condition知晓状况

4)knowing disease病情知晓


1.A Survey on ResidentsInformed of Rabies of Ying Shan County营山县居民对狂犬病知情情况调查报告


1.Qualitative Research on the Experimental Community Residents View andCognition of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Beijing;北京市试点社区居民对大肠癌筛查的看法和对大肠癌认知情况的定性研究

2.Objective To understand the cognition of the status quo of nursing service of the nursing personnel of various seniority.目的了解不同年资护理人员对护理服务现状的认知情况。


知晓权人们了解信息的权利。又称"知察权"、"获知权"。指社会公众具有按照个人所能选择的方式,了解一切与其生活有关或与社会公共事物有关的信息的权利。知晓权发端于早期资产阶级革命时期的"人权"与"出版自由"理论。与公众知晓权密切相关的有记者向社会报道事实真相的"告知权" 和接近新闻来源的 "采访权"。第二次世界大战以后,知晓权被联合国宪章等国际公约确认为人类基本权利之一, 并得到绝大多数国家的承认。70年代以来,国际传播学术界的部分学者提出,应把知晓权进一步扩展至广泛的 "传播权", 包括"交际权"(如集会权、交谈权、参与权等);"信息权"(如询问权、被告知权与告知权等);"发展权"(如文化权、选择权、隐私权等 )。
