100字范文 > 网络生态文明 internet ecological civilization英语短句 例句大全

网络生态文明 internet ecological civilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-27 05:18:06


网络生态文明 internet ecological civilization英语短句 例句大全

网络生态文明,internet ecological civilization

1)internet ecological civilization网络生态文明


1.On the Constituent,Crisis and Educational Principles of Internet Ecological Civilization;论网络生态文明的构成、危机及教育原则

2.The Social Pursuit of Web Civilization:Thinking of Web Sanitary Legislation;网络文明的社会追求——网络卫生的立法思考

3.Cyber-Eco-ethics vs.Internet Culture Transmission;网络生态伦理观与网络文化传播之适切性

4.On the Cultivation of the College Students Internet Mutual Activation Civilized Personality;论大学生网络互动性文明人格的培育

5.Survey and Analysis on the Network Civilization of the Students in the Higher Vocational College;高职高专学生网络文明的调查与分析

6.The Media Ecology:Western Net Counterculture;媒体生态:西方社会中的网络反文化

7.An Outline of Net and Chain Structure System of Industry Mutually Restricting and Coupling and Ecological Civilization;产业耦联生态文明网链结构系统构想

8.Guiding the Students to Learn on Internet by Constructing a Healthy and Enlightened Internet Environment;构建文明健康的网络环境引导学生上网学习

9.Towards Construction of Favorable Internet Circumstances and Cultivation of Civilized Student Net Players;营造良好网络环境 做文明上网的大学生

10.A Tentative Inquiry into Internet Eco crisis and Internet Eco ethics“网络生态危机”与网络生态伦理初探

11.To Promote Net Civilization among College Students, to Construct Harmonious University Campus;倡导大学生网络文明,构建高校和谐校园

12.On Representative Forms and Cultural Root of Internet Ecological Crisis;浅论网络生态危机的表现及其文化之源

13.The Biological Prospect of Human Civilization and the Construction of Biological Civilization;人类文明的生态走向及生态文明构建

14.Understanding and promoting the development of eco-systems加强生态文明教育 促进生态文明建设

15.On Network Cultwre of Socialistic Spirtual Civilization;社会主义精神文明下的网络文化建设

16.Ecological Civilization as a Must in the Evolution of Human Beings;生态文明:人类文明演进的必然选择

17.Discarding Outdated Civilization and CreatingEcological Civilization;摒弃人类旧文明 创建人类生态文明

18.A THEORY OF ECO CIVILIZATION: A Creative Inquiry intothe Transformation of Human Civilization;《生态文明论》:对现代文明转型的探索


network civilization网络文明

1.The study on nurturingnetwork civilization in colleges and universities高校网络文明环境培育的调研与思考

2.Through the investigation and research on the situation of the net-surfing of middle-school students, this paper evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of the net-surfing of middle-school students, and advances some paths for strengthening the construction ofnetwork civilization.通过对当前中学生上网情况的调查与研究,评价了中学生上网的利与弊,提出了加强网络文明建设的途径。

3.Thenetwork civilization construction is a vital part of the Epiritual civilization construction.网络文明建设是社会主义精神文明建设的重要组成部分,我们必须从“三个代表”的高度认识网络文明建设,积极研制和开发网络安全技术,建立健全网络法律法规,构建网络伦理规范,加强网络道德教育,努力营造一个健康、文明、有序、安全、具有活力、没有污染的“绿色”网络环境。

3)internet civilization网络文明

1.Internet,acting as the result of modern science-technology development,not only establishes the foundation for the construction of socialistinternet civilization,but also provides conditions for the promotion ofinternet civilization development.网络作为现代科学技术发展的产物,不仅为社会主义网络文明的创建奠定了基础,而且为推进网络文明发展提供了条件。

4)eco-cultural network文化生态网络


1.Analysis of the Game Theory between Government and Enterprises in Constructing Eco-civilization;生态文明建设中政府和企业的博弈分析

2.Eco-Civilization Study from Harmonious Society Perspective和谐社会视域的生态文明研究

3.Sustainable Development of Cultural Heritage Based on Eco-civilization:A Case Study of Hengxian County"s Sashimi Culture基于生态文明的文化遗产可持续发展研究——以横县鱼生文化为例

6)ecological civilization生态文明

1.On "ecological civilization" and "four civilizations";论“生态文明”与“四大文明”

2.Building a well-to-do society in an all-round way andecological civilization;建设小康社会与生态文明

3.The Deuelopment from mdustrial Civilization to Ecological CivilizationThe New Definition ofProductivity Concept;从工业文明到生态文明:生产力概念的重新界定


