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生态文明意识 ecology civilized consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-29 07:54:00


生态文明意识 ecology civilized consciousness英语短句 例句大全

生态文明意识,ecology civilized consciousness

1)ecology civilized consciousness生态文明意识

1.In this paper,using the research method of questionnaire,on this basis it made about a contrastive analysis of the pilot village and the ordinary control village villagers\"ecology civilized consciousness difference in the new rural construction.文章采用问卷调查法对山东省农村生态文明意识进行了调查,在此基础上对比分析了新农村建设试点村与普通对照村村民的生态文明意识差异。


1.Analysis of Elementary Student Ecology Civilization Construction and Fosters浅析小学生生态文明意识的塑造和养成

2.The Analysis on the Ecology Civilized Consciousness of the Pilot Village and the Control Village in the New Rural Construction--Take the Shandong Province as an Example新农村建设试点村与对照村生态文明意识探析——以山东省为例

3.Research on Survey and Contermeasure of Ecological Civilization Consciousness in Socialis New Village社会主义新农村中的生态文明意识调查分析与对策研究

4.The Research in civics Environmental Consciousness on the Field of Vision of Ecology Civilization;生态文明视野下公民环境意识之考察

5.Ecological Civilization Construction under Socialist Ideology试论我国社会主义意识形态下的生态文明建设

6.Research on the Environmental Awareness of the Residents in Typical Ecological Culture Villages in Hainan Province海南省典型生态文明村居民环境意识调查分析

7.An Analysis of "the Clash of Civilizations" and the Viewpoint of Ideological Theory意识形态理论视角下的“文明冲突论”

8.Ecological Crisis Consciousness of Technological Civilized Society;技术文明社会的生态危机意识——评法兰克福学派的科技决定论

9.Realistic Ideology and Super-realistic cultural Ecologu;现实的意识形态与超现实的文化生态

10.On Hemingway s Ecological Consciousness Reflected in The old Man and the Sea;从《老人与海》看海明威的生态意识

11.Hemingways’ Ecological Consciousness Reflected in The Old Man and the Sea;从《老人与海》看海明威的自然生态意识

12.The Gender Consciousness of Marxist Theory on Ecological Civilization:A Response to Challenges from Eco-Feminism;马克思主义生态文明理论的性别意识——对生态女性主义挑战的一种回应

13.Conservation Culture Has Enriched Socialism with Chinese Characteristics生态文明:中国特色社会主义的新认识

14.Discussing the infuriation of life concept from the poem of libai s and Tao Yuanming s;陶渊明与李白诗文中生命意识的飞扬

15.Sad melody of life consciousness --Humble opinions on Tao Yuanming′s poems;生命意识的悲歌——陶渊明诗文浅论

16.On Huntington s "The Clash of Civilizations;“文明冲突论”:亨廷顿为美国构建的意识形态策略

17.Eco-cultural Criticism: the Spirit of the Western and the Global Consciousness;生态文化批评:西部精神和全球意识

18.The Mentality of Existence--On the Sense of Solitude of Shi Ping-mei s Prose Works;生存的心态——论石评梅散文的孤独意识


civilizational conciousness文明意识

bining auditing pracfice and basing on the strenghth of developing conciousness,civilizational conciousness and mass conciousness,the author states the key idea for carrying out the present auditing work in "three represents"and practical significence for strengthening auditing supervision.结合审计工作的实践 ,以强化发展意识、文明意识、群众意识为出发点 ,论述了当前审计工作贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想、强化审计监督的现实指导意义。

3)Eco-cultural consciousness生态文化意识

4)ecological consciousness生态意识

1.Buddhist ecological philosophy and contemporaryecological consciousness;佛教生态哲学与现代生态意识

2.The gazing at life s green perspective-onecological consciousness in Shen Congwen s novel creation;生命绿色的远景凝眸——论沈从文小说创作中的生态意识

3.On the Ecological Consciousness in Ye Guangqin s Recent Works;叶广芩近期创作的生态意识

5)ecological sense生态意识

1.Designing practice course, fostering students"ecological sense;设计活动课,培养学生的生态意识

2.These poems have been criticized, but from the perspective of ecological criticism, we can find that his pastoral poems reveal a strongecological sense, and they influence today’s world positively.从生态批评的角度看,他的自然诗歌表现出强烈的生态意识,对当今世界产生积极影响。

3.Theecological sense of Yunnan ethnic culture has long been established and gained a great reputation for its being friendly to nature,the diversity of living things and the integration of man and nature,which play an important role in bettering today\"s ecological theory.生态理论是20世纪新兴的,并且还在建构与完善中的理论,但人类的生态意识却有着悠久的历史。

6)ecological awareness生态意识

1.From obscurity to consciousness awakening——analysis on philosophical implication of British romantic poets"ecological awareness从“朦胧”到“觉醒”——论英国浪漫主义诗人生态意识的哲学意蕴

2.The profound source lies in the "warping" of cultural values includingecological awareness.其内在的、深层次的根源就在于包括生态意识在内的人们的文化价值观发生了“扭曲”。

3.The paper analyzes the difference and similarities of simple nature outlook and environmental protection practices within their religious doctrines,excavates itsecological awareness,and explicates scientific and reasonable conclusions based on modern ecological principles,for the purpose of providing lively educational elements for national quality education and educatio.剖析其基本教义中的朴素自然观与环保实践方面的异同,从生物学的角度挖掘其中蕴含的生态意识,用现代生态学原理加以解释,得出其中科学的、合理的成分,一方面为我国当前的全民素质教育与可持续发展教育提供生动、科学的教育素材;另一方面为国家制定相关的宗教、环保政策与措施提供理论依据,尤其能够在宗教地区的自然保护区建设及环保工作与宗教活动之间起到桥梁和纽带作用。


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
